An hypothetical question for recent Fallout fans


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Richardplex said:
uuurgh, super mutants, again? Can I have a morally debatable enemy like the Legion/NCR were?
Oh, come on now. The developers failed miserbly at morally debatable factions.

NCR: Large, mostly impotent but with good intentions. Sort of got a bad first impression with the Khans & BoS.
Legion: Pretty much embody the destruction of western ideals. Crucifictions, mass punishment, slavery, among other things. Caesar is pretty twisted, and he's the best of the bunch morally.
House: It's a shame that wealthy megalomaniacs are immune to the law, otherwise we could just call the police.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Nulmas said:
Harbinger_ said:
Nulmas said:
I've just realized that nowadays there are plenty of new Fallout fans that may have not been exposed to a certain game in the franchise. Back when it originally came out (hell, even when it was announced) the game caused a bit of an "interesting" reaction.

So, here's the scenario:

Imagine that Bethesda announces that they would be postponing the development of Fallout 4. In that time, they would be developing a spin-off of the series that was an action dungeon crawler.

And then they hit you with these: (trailer) (video)

For the sake of the argument, ignore the old graphics. Just pretend they're current gen.

So, what would your response to this be like?
They seem ok I suppose. By the way chief An hypothetical question is incorrect grammar. A hypothetical question would be better.
I'm never sure which to use when the word it applies to starts with an h. Then again, English's not my first language.

EDIT: Well I got it now. Although it seems that in this particular case, it may be a matter of accent :p
No worries just pointing it out, how are you going to know otherwise? Lol


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Nulmas said:
I've just realized that nowadays there are plenty of new Fallout fans that may have not been exposed to a certain game in the franchise.
The more I think about it, a switch in genre wouldn't have bothered me. I'd have given it a fair & unbiased shot and if I found it lacking, then I'd hate it.

Even though I was there to play this game and hate it.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Chibz said:
Richardplex said:
uuurgh, super mutants, again? Can I have a morally debatable enemy like the Legion/NCR were?
Oh, come on now. The developers failed miserbly at morally debatable factions.

NCR: Large, mostly impotent but with good intentions. Sort of got a bad first impression with the Khans & BoS.
Legion: Pretty much embody the destruction of western ideals. Crucifictions, mass punishment, slavery, among other things. Caesar is pretty twisted, and he's the best of the bunch morally.
House: It's a shame that wealthy megalomaniacs are immune to the law, otherwise we could just call the police.
Fallout 3: "Can I have a missile launcher, or a minigun?" no reason to support them.
NCR were the 'look at the big picture and ignore the little pictures' guys. Legion was about purifying all that was wrong for them; corruption, theft, smuggling. It was Utilitarianism vs deontological theories. Sure, it could of been done a hell of a lot better, but it was much better than supermutants, who were completely unrelatable with no real reason to murder and destroy.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Richardplex said:
Sure, it could of been done a hell of a lot better, but it was much better than supermutants, who were completely unrelatable with no real reason to murder and destroy.
That's the problem, though. They tried to add levels of grey in the morality, but instead it came off pretentious. Instead of having lots of moral grey ground it became "incompetence vs nearly utterly evil".

Fallout 3 was actually Enclave vs BoS. Right at the end.

Enclave: Forcefully purify humanity of major genetic mutations.

BoS: Respect dignity of life/etc.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I show those trailers every time someone says Fallout 3 is the worst Fallout game or that Bethesda ruined the series. Fun fact about that game. All instances of Nuka Cola were replaced with Bawls energy drink.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Chibz said:
Richardplex said:
Sure, it could of been done a hell of a lot better, but it was much better than supermutants, who were completely unrelatable with no real reason to murder and destroy.
That's the problem, though. They tried to add levels of grey in the morality, but instead it came off pretentious. Instead of having lots of moral grey ground it became "incompetence vs nearly utter evil".

Fallout 3 was actually Enclave vs BoS. Right at the end.

Enclave: Forcefully purify humanity of major genetic mutations.

BoS: Respect dignity of life/etc.
I do agree that the whole NCR vs. Legion was badly done. Not because of pretentiouness but mosly because it seems unfinished.

For example, some of the dialogue with Legion characters show that they have some values and redeeming qualities. However, we're only told that and never shown. I found House to be a bit ambiguous, though. And then you also have your own path with Yes-Man which
is suggested that may actually take a wrong turn.

I didn't really like the Enclave vs Brotherhood conflict in FO3 too. Mostly because it feels abit rushed, although I have some other issues with it. One of them is that the only choice you get to make barely affects the game.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Chibz said:
Richardplex said:
Sure, it could of been done a hell of a lot better, but it was much better than supermutants, who were completely unrelatable with no real reason to murder and destroy.
That's the problem, though. They tried to add levels of grey in the morality, but instead it came off pretentious. Instead of having lots of moral grey ground it became "incompetence vs nearly utterly evil".

Fallout 3 was actually Enclave vs BoS. Right at the end.

Enclave: Forcefully purify humanity of major genetic mutations.

BoS: Respect dignity of life/etc.
I know that, and I enjoyed it. But like you said, right at the end. I'm one of those people who dicks about for 10 hours, then starts doing the main quest line. So I virtually never saw the Enclave. All I saw was generic enemies. The problem with legion was really the slavery and the sexism. Get rid of those 2, and well, the legion becomes Light-like from Death Note. Evil, yes, but hard disclaim it as such, as it's purpose is good. So while they dun-goofed with NCR and legion, it was better than FO3 villians in my opinion. Not to say FO3 was bad, just the enemies were.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
I don't mind the graphics, I don't mind the difficulty, I don't mind the differences between SPECIAL and it's impact on skills. I do mind that I can never play it because I was babyed to hard by the new games, never played a turn based RPG except KOTOR, and my tactical mind is so weak that I never am able to play games like that.


martintox said:
I only played Fallout 3 and New Vegas,so,I first read the reactions,so I could conclude that whatever it is,it looks like shit,so I watched it,and I came to a conclusion:
It isn't really that bad, if it weren't for THE MOTHER FUCKING TEMPLE OF TRIALS-Oh here I go again.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Connor Lonske said:
I don't mind the graphics, I don't mind the difficulty, I don't mind the differences between SPECIAL and it's impact on skills. I do mind that I can never play it because I was babyed to hard by the new games, never played a turn based RPG except KOTOR, and my tactical mind is so weak that I never am able to play games like that.


martintox said:
I only played Fallout 3 and New Vegas,so,I first read the reactions,so I could conclude that whatever it is,it looks like shit,so I watched it,and I came to a conclusion:
It isn't really that bad, if it weren't for THE MOTHER FUCKING TEMPLE OF TRIALS-Oh here I go again.
He's not talking about Fallout 2.

And I agree: fuck the Temple of Trials. I love Fallout 2 but that damned temple gets on my nerves.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
Nulmas said:
evilneko said:
LaughingAtlas said:
I tried watching a Let's Play of Fallout 1, got bored and lost interest in about an hour. This being an RPG, it's probably more fun to play than watch.
It's not much more fun to play. It's actually quite frustrating to play. I'd be all for a modern remake of it though. Even if it was a total conversion of FO3 still struggling along on the Gamebryo engine, I'd probably buy it.

Actually, it's pretty straight forward once you figure it out. And remember, people nowadays aren't used to games like that. Back then, the game was actually intuitive.
Oh, I didn't mean it's hard to figure out. I mean it's not fun. It's the opposite thereof. The rest of the game may be Branston Pickle, but the combat is a double shit sandwich.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
evilneko said:
Nulmas said:
evilneko said:
LaughingAtlas said:
I tried watching a Let's Play of Fallout 1, got bored and lost interest in about an hour. This being an RPG, it's probably more fun to play than watch.
It's not much more fun to play. It's actually quite frustrating to play. I'd be all for a modern remake of it though. Even if it was a total conversion of FO3 still struggling along on the Gamebryo engine, I'd probably buy it.

Actually, it's pretty straight forward once you figure it out. And remember, people nowadays aren't used to games like that. Back then, the game was actually intuitive.
Oh, I didn't mean it's hard to figure out. I mean it's not fun. It's the opposite thereof. The rest of the game may be Branston Pickle, but the combat is a double shit sandwich.
Oh. Apples and oranges, I guess. I like the combat a lot.

And you shouldn't say it's shity, you should say it's shitty if you don't like turn-based combat ;)


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Whatever Game would you Guys be talking about? the Fallout Series only has 1, 2, Tactics, 3 and New Vegas.

You all must be living in some alternate Dimension or something.


Apr 28, 2008
Tuesday Night Fever said:
That game was absolute crap. I bought it on release, after having absolutely loved Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel to a degree that's probably unhealthy.

I played through the entire thing, start to finish, in one sitting. In silence caused by both shock and dismay. I'd been duped. That wasn't a Fallout game that I'd just played. It was some other game, (poorly) modded to have Fallout-esque models and textures.

I haven't played it since, and have zero desire to. They took everything that made Fallout awesome, threw it all away, then took a massive diarrhea shit of bad writing, bad graphics, bad gameplay, bad characters, bad story, and a whole fuckton of continuity errors on a disk and called it a day.

That game is the reason why, despite my fanboyism for the series, I refused to buy Fallout 3 until a week or so after release once the reviews started coming out.
Someone else liked Fallout Tactics?? HOORAAYYYYYYY!!!


New member
Feb 11, 2009
...I'm sorry, I can't see anything. Your post is just a big blur. Yep, I totally have no clue what you're talking about.
Nope, can't see any links or anything at all hahahahaaaa...


New member
Aug 20, 2009
AlternatePFG said:
henritje said:
from what I have seen it breaks continuity (I think I saw a intro vid once where a GAS POWERED CAR drove through the wasteland this is impossible since they ran out of oil or it became very expensive)
Yeah, you're right. The car you can get in Fallout 2 runs off of microfusion cells or small energy cells, if I remember correctly.
also all car wrecks you find in FO3/NV have mini reactors


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Honestly, I don't see what was so terrible about the second video. It seemed kind of interesting, though it didn't really lead to any specific story arc, just "Brotherhood of Steel are the self appointed Badasses of Badassery."