An hypothetical question for recent Fallout fans


New member
Mar 15, 2009
What the fuck? That was not a trailer for a fallout game I just saw.

Also I like metal but really? Not a very good song, even if it did make any sense at all in Fallout.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Nulmas said:
I've just realized that nowadays there are plenty of new Fallout fans that may have not been exposed to a certain game in the franchise. Back when it originally came out (hell, even when it was announced) the game caused a bit of an "interesting" reaction.

So, here's the scenario:

Imagine that Bethesda announces that they would be postponing the development of Fallout 4. In that time, they would be developing a spin-off of the series that was an action dungeon crawler.

And then they hit you with these: (trailer) (video)

For the sake of the argument, ignore the old graphics. Just pretend they're current gen.

So, what would your response to this be like?
While even as a recent fan I'm aware of the absolute hate for "that game" if anyone could pull it off it would probably be Bethesda. Though it would probably look a lot more like 3 or NV than "that game". From what I gathered (and fan hate aside) I think that Bethesda handled Fallout 3 with a solid and appropriate amount of tact and skill. It might not be what Fallout fanboys wanted, but it was done with most of the world in mind (a fair amount of gripes I've heard are more technicalities and nit-pickery than anything.)

Would I play it. Maybe. It depends on whether or not Bethesda knows enough to keep the God-damned metal out of it.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
PrototypeC said:
Why... why would you... bring this up again?! Dammit! I had almost finished forgetting it!!

Do NOT bring this up again. Not funny, Nulmas.
Regarding the various posts about not bringing this up, I'm going to explain myself.

As I said before, I don't like skeletons in the closet.

And as another user mentioned, this game should be remembered as a lesson.

This game is probably the best example of a company going completely against its fans wishes. Most of the people reading this aren't probably aware of this, but the devs were even rude to the fans back then when they complained about this piece of crap.

Brotherhood of Steel was nothing more than a cash grabbing attempt to reach out to the console market (and they didn't even get that right).

Now, I never even mentioned this game back then, at the exception of discussing it privately with some friends. Why? Because there's no such thing as bad publicity.

But nowadays, hey, I think it should be mentioned every single time a developer tries to ignore its fans. Hell, you should tell the tale of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel to little baby game developers when they go to bad so they don't repeat past mistakes.

So, summarizing: Yeah, we suffered with this indignity. Let's make it count for something!


New member
Sep 8, 2010

No, seriously, this is the worst game in the entire franchise.

I'm a fan since the original Fallout, but I've never heard of the term POS. I'm assuming it's a 'correct' title for the game. Mind telling me what it stands for?

You can PM me to save the eyes of the innocent souls who happen to be reading it.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Sentient6 said:
I assume the point of this thread is a (rather clever) jab at the fact that F3 turned the franchise upside down and pissed off a lot of the original game's fans, and a "how would YOU like it" kind of question towards F3/NV fans....
No, not at all. I hadn't even thought it might look like that. Part of the point was that I'd really like to know how people would react to this forgotten turd nowadays.

Anyway, I see that point, but I don't really buy it. If you ARE going to resurrect a popular franchise that's been largely dead for some time, then why not take it into a different direction that might make it stand out and be unique? It sure as hell beats making a glorified tribute to the original, trying to please the fans and ultimately failing because the game you just made is utterly mediocre (coincidentally, this is why I like what R* are doing with Max Payne 3)..
I do have problems with FO3, but I don't hate it. While it's not the Fallout I wanted, I was happy to play it and have fun. Plus, I was pretty sure it would get better. And it did, with New Vegas (IMO, at least).

I never had any problem with the game being 3D, First-Person or anything like that. I do have a couple of problems regarding the story and the mood of the game which in my opinion don't hold a candle to the first 2.

Regarding Max Payne 3, I've been ignoring it ever since I saw a picture that somehow reminded me of Splinter Cell: Double Agent. I'm going to wait a while before I even start paying attention to that game.

I don't really get the whole cult-like obsession with old titles that were good when they were released. There's a big hint in that sentence - they were good, when they were released. I'm really glad F3 decided to completely revamp the series.
I played Fallout 3 before I played the original, but I got the Fallout Collection (F1, F2 and Tactics, iirc) afterwards. And honestly - I didn't really care for it. F3 was just better.

And the fact that it stool aside from the source material was a large part of it. It was its own game. This is also why I disliked NV - it felt like F3, only redressed in a setting that would be closely connected to the original game (and heavily garnished with lots of F3 mods). Kinda cheapened the game for me.
Yeah, New Vegas seemed more like an expansion pack in a couple of ways, but I enjoyed it a lot more.

I disagree with you when you say "they were good". Several of those games still are. Like movies, a good game is ageless.

That doesn't mean I think they should be released today. Sure, I'd probably buy them. Most people wouldn't and this is, above everything else, a business.

We have new technology and gaming have evolved. So people should use the resources and knowledge they have.

What bugs me a bit is that some features have actually disappeared from gaming. For example, games with real choice and consequence, alternative paths, etc, are quite rare nowadays. Stuff like being able to trick your enemies with speech skills and such are rarely seen. And I miss those.

I think you should be able to shoot your enemy in the face... But I also think you should be able to trick him into going down a ladder first and then drop a landmine on his head.

GameMaNiAC said:

No, seriously, this is the worst game in the entire franchise.

I'm a fan since the original Fallout, but I've never heard of the term POS. I'm assuming it's a 'correct' title for the game. Mind telling me what it stands for?

You can PM me to save the eyes of the innocent souls who happen to be reading it.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Leviathan_ said:
Stainlesssteele4 said:
Internet Kraken said:
For those wondering why the Fallout franchise fell of the face of the earth for quite some time, that game is partly responsible.
Not just this game, but Interplay's haphazard handling of a great franchise. Its because of that, Bethesda is doing everything to keep Interplay from creating the MMO.
Why is everyone so buttmad at Bethesda then? Seems to me like they are at least trying to keep the spirit of the games intact.
People seem to think Bethesda is going too far, attacking without justification. But they way I see it, Bethesda picked up the rights to the Fallout franchise because they didn't want to see it crumble in the hands of Interplay, and now they're trying to keep it that way.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
IDTheftVictim said:
So it's none of the Fallout gameplay I fell in love with(Fallout 3 and on), all the atmosphere is gone, and Ron Perlman isn't in it. Plus it nearly killed the part of me that wanted to try the origional Fallout. I'd go with the kill it with fire, but that seems uncreative at this point, so I'll sneak a frag mine into it's back pocket.

My captcha was an ad
Yeah, don't let it. The first two games have nothing to do with that mess. They're still a pretty significant departure from 3 and New Vegas (turn based combat, for one), but they're excellent games if you can get past the 1997 sprite based graphics.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
No... just no..., I have read of this, this is like the third time I'm glad I chose a Gamecube rather that XboX or PS2. Good thing I avoided this game.

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
I love F3 and I don't really care that it fucked with the "continuity" of Fallout's "history."

/Kanye shrug


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Gorilla Gunk said:
I love F3 and I don't really care that it fucked with the "continuity" of Fallout's "history."

/Kanye shrug
Ok. And what does that have to do with this topic?


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Nulmas said:
I've just realized that nowadays there are plenty of new Fallout fans that may have not been exposed to a certain game in the franchise. Back when it originally came out (hell, even when it was announced) the game caused a bit of an "interesting" reaction.

So, here's the scenario:

Imagine that Bethesda announces that they would be postponing the development of Fallout 4. In that time, they would be developing a spin-off of the series that was an action dungeon crawler.

And then they hit you with these: (trailer) (video)

For the sake of the argument, ignore the old graphics. Just pretend they're current gen.

So, what would your response to this be like?
They seem ok I suppose. By the way chief An hypothetical question is incorrect grammar. A hypothetical question would be better.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Harbinger_ said:
Nulmas said:
I've just realized that nowadays there are plenty of new Fallout fans that may have not been exposed to a certain game in the franchise. Back when it originally came out (hell, even when it was announced) the game caused a bit of an "interesting" reaction.

So, here's the scenario:

Imagine that Bethesda announces that they would be postponing the development of Fallout 4. In that time, they would be developing a spin-off of the series that was an action dungeon crawler.

And then they hit you with these: (trailer) (video)

For the sake of the argument, ignore the old graphics. Just pretend they're current gen.

So, what would your response to this be like?
They seem ok I suppose. By the way chief An hypothetical question is incorrect grammar. A hypothetical question would be better.
I'm never sure which to use when the word it applies to starts with an h. Then again, English's not my first language.

EDIT: Well I got it now. Although it seems that in this particular case, it may be a matter of accent :p

Anti-American Eagle

May 2, 2011
While that was an abomination of God that should have never existed in the first place...

Off topic, I just wish Black Isle would finish Van Buren...


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Iklwa said:
I don't know if you're one of these recent Fallout fans, but if you are, I'll fill you in on a little something:

It's true, they don't. I've never heard of it before this thread.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
i have played F1 and F2 not much mind it doesnt like Windows Vista or 7 much, but from the videos, its got the wrong feel about it, sure i can see a dungeon crawler working in the fallout universe, as a PSP game maby, but it need to feel the same, it needs to be coherent with the franchise and that is 1950's Retro-futuristic, the Ink Spots and what the 50's saw the future as, on shit went bad and now everything is mutated/ struggling and or trying to kill you.

soooooo this is the same as what we FF Fans call X-2, even though X-2 doesn't Exist AT ALL.