"see you're selling this crack rock for 10$, but you could sell it for at least 20$..and people will still pay for it"
analyst is code for "captain obvious"
analyst is code for "captain obvious"
I would second that, but he's a guy and I don't swing that way.Novskij said:The Analyst could also suck my dick.
That's some pretty good analyzing there.Analyst: Activison Could Have Charged More for Stimulus Pack
I think I love youCaliostro said:You know what? Do it. Fuck it, make it $40. Fuck'em. You know why? BECAUSE THE PUBLIC LOVES IT.
That's right, the public loves the feeling of dick rammed right in their behinds:
"We're upping the price of the normal game... because we feel like it",
"We're treating you like subpar clients just because.",
"We're actually removing content from the game.",
"We're giving you rehashed shit for MOAR MONEY!".
"*The public whines*".
"*The Public buys*".
"It's super effective."
Either people are insanely stupid or they just love to take it. So fuck'em. Let's see how long they'll take it. Pump that shit up. Make games more expensive and shittier than ever. Make each old map 20 bucks minimum. Bleed'em dry. Maybe then they'll get some balls to say "no, I won't pay to be kicked in the nuts".