And The Doctor's New Assistant Is...


New member
May 26, 2010
I am TIRED... so very, very tired.. of generic pretty girls following the doctor around and falling in love with him. By far, the only great companions for the past several seasons have been Donna Noble, Wilfred Mott, Captain Jack, Adelaide Brook, etc. The Roses, the Amy Ponds, the Marthas... they're all so boring and samey and commonplace in what they are, in both character and looks.

Know what would have made Amy Pond a million times more amazing? If he'd picked her up at the age of however old she was as a little girl, and then recklessly endangered her life as a child around the galaxy. Wouldn't hurt if they started treating the doctor like the old man that he really should be, either.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
The girls quite cute, but I lost interest in Who halfway through Tennants tenure as the doctor.

The best thing about the newer series was Amy Pond, bye bye midnight fantasies :(

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Feh, I am not impressed. Perhaps she'll win me over, but it's going to take a lot. I am very, very fond of Amy and Rory.

Leela was a great companion not only because she was gorgeous, but because her warrior nature made her such a great counterpoint for the Doctor. She wasn't nearly as smart as him, of course, but her instincts and skills complemented him perfectly. The id to his superego, if you will. I wouldn't mind a character along those lines again.

Part of what I liked about River was that she wasn't overly impressed by the Doctor - he does love an audience, after all, so having someone along who was all "That's nice, dear" to his grand gestures was rather amusing and disarming.

In any event, I agree with many of the other posters - I do hope she doesn't fancy him.


Where's the Kaboom?
Dec 26, 2009
She just seems so... predictable. I guess I'll wait until I see her in action to judge, maybe she'll be really interesting and not just window dressing for the TARDIS.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
Sucal said:
Anyone else think that description of her seems to sound like River Song.. or at least the original non sappy love interest river song anyway. Personally I would her preferred her melody personality, to Dr Song.
You know, what would be hilarious is if this new companion turns out to be a regeneration of River Song, just to see the fanboys crying in horror when they find out. On topic, she looks pretty hot but I'm REALLY hoping she isn't yet another "hot regular 21st century babe", Amy and Rose have played various versions of that very well in their own way, Martha alright but frankly forgettable. Time for a change I say.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
scrap that, pointless comment in pointless discussion.

well he seems to switch them like socks.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
This reminds me....I still need to watch the 2011 xmas episode. Damn you, Netflix for getting all but that one.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Tanis said:

It's been hinted, more than once, that 'fixed points' in time CAN be changed.
I'd LOVE it if that's how the 11th goes.

The end of the TimeWar.
A special TV movie of the 5 'New Who' Doctors.

That's a GREAT way to have the 50th Anniversary go.
No, it cant.

Two times they've played with fixed points.

Waters of mars: Time fixed itself for the same result, things actually got worse.

Wedding of River Song: The doctor basically tricked the universe, the time point didn't change.

Super Six One

New member
Apr 23, 2009
MetalMagpie said:
Nimcha said:
Well she's very cute. But I still can't wrap my head around the fact so many people seem to adore this show. I really can't see what's so special about it besides it being a long running British series.
I haven't got a clue either. I've watched a few episodes here and there, but I just find it all a bit painful. It's not clever enough to be serious scifi (like Spielberg's Taken), but it takes itself too seriously to be silly scifi (like Red Dwarf).
Why do some people like sausages and other people hate sausages. No reason. Some people just like things that other people don't, if you think about "Why?" too much you'd go madddddd.

I liked Amy and Rory, i really don't want them to get killed off buuuuut then again character deaths can be some of the more interesting things to happen in any TV series. Hopefully Moffat will create a new, good, compaion that is compatible with Matt Smith's Doctor.

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
I thought Amy and Rory got dropped like Martha/Donna did, where the Doctor put them through hell and had to stop before they died. or before their families were enslaved by the Master and an army of future-human-robot-spheres. I definitely didn't think they'd have to be kicked off in the next series.

Also, this new girl looks good enough. Let's hope she's got more personality than looks, though, because she'll need it to compete with Smith.

Even though Smith is a senile old man who's seen too much in his time.


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
RedBird said:
Amy needs to die. I'm sorry but she's the worst companion ever. And karen gillian is a shit actress. (She doesn't need to die though, thats ott...and psychotic.)

Be thankful the new poster girl of the NPG is not plastered around on big posters in your city.

OT: Dear BBC, widen the talent pool! Where are our deaf companions, wheelchair-bound companions, companions of Chinese or Asian descent? Surely in the Olympic year of 2012, when the UK has the world's attention, 'inclusive' programming might be even more of a smart idea.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
RedBird said:
Amy needs to die. I'm sorry but she's the worst companion ever. And karen gillian is a shit actress. (She doesn't need to die though, thats ott...and psychotic.)
I found rose to be worse.


May 1, 2008
Tanis said:
saintdane05 said:
Tanis said:
END THE DAMN TIMEWAR! It's been hinted, more than once, that 'fixed points' in time CAN be changed.
I'd LOVE it if that's how the 11th goes. The end of the TimeWar. A special TV movie of the 5 'New Who' Doctors. That's a GREAT way to have the 50th Anniversary go.
You remember the last time a fixed point was changed?
It nearly caused time itself to die.
Also, there are three "New Who" Doctors.
True, but only NEARLY.

Well, there's 4 I guess.
1-7 are considered the 'Classic' while 8-11 are considered the 'modern' or 'new'.

But this could be something to introduce the 12th Doctor.
Somthing tells me that Matt Smith isn't going to give up the roll too soon. I see him having too much fun with it At the moment ( but then I don't know the guy) its just what I've gleaned from interviews and what not.

Also what about the whole THERE CAN ONLY BE 13 incarnations of any given timelord shtick? Am I the only one that remembers that piece of info? And if we factor in that the original Doctor William Hartnell was probably a reincarnation of the one that went through the war originally....... Then that would mean that the guy that comes after Smith would be the last Doctor. RIGHT???


New member
Mar 13, 2008
*Gets one look at her*
*Instant hate*
I'm kidding of course, I just hope she can act :)


New member
Oct 17, 2011
I was kind of hoping they'd mix things up a little and not just have another beautiful young woman to entice the fap fap crowd. Ah well, I'm just happy that whole River Song thing is finally over. What started out as a fun Who mystery quickly became something incredibly banal.

Ohhh word on the Who-vine (couple of friends that live and breathe Who) says this new companion may be an android.....


New member
Oct 17, 2011
IndianaJonny said:
RedBird said:
Amy needs to die. I'm sorry but she's the worst companion ever. And karen gillian is a shit actress. (She doesn't need to die though, thats ott...and psychotic.)

Be thankful the new poster girl of the NPG is not plastered around on big posters in your city.

OT: Dear BBC, widen the talent pool! Where are our deaf companions, wheelchair-bound companions, companions of Chinese or Asian descent? Surely in the Olympic year of 2012, when the UK has the world's attention, 'inclusive' programming might be even more of a smart idea.
I like you're thinking. Although the Tardis doesn't have a terrific amount of wheelchair access. Maybe that should change...


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
Simonoly said:
I like you're thinking. Although the Tardis doesn't have a terrific amount of wheelchair access. Maybe that should change...
Give him a Xavier model:

and, for his part, Davros has been rocking his mobility thing in the Who Universe for some time already.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
IndianaJonny said:
Simonoly said:
I like you're thinking. Although the Tardis doesn't have a terrific amount of wheelchair access. Maybe that should change...
Give him a Xavier model:

and, for his part, Davros has been rocking his mobility thing in the Who Universe for some time already.
Bit of a late reply (haven't logged on all week), but I just have to say that for whatever reason that picture produced quite the literal lol from me. And I didn't consider the mobility Davros gets from his half dalek mobility scooter. But then again I've never seen him get inside the Tardis, even in the days of Tom Baker. So I think the above picture would have to do. Make it happen BBC.