Angriest a game has gotten you


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Banjo Kazooie, Nuts and Bolts.

Don't ask, i had tears of rage i was so mad.


New member
May 4, 2009
At the moment I've just rage quit Psychonauts. I'm at the final stage where you have to get to different platforms to defend that stupid little kid and his stupid rabbit from the mutated demonic rabbits while essentially on a timer (since if the kid dies, you die) and he's too freakin' stupid to just move when he's being attacked and I wouldn't be having such trouble if all I had to do was just jump from one platform to the next but no, I have to jump across small platforms to an area where I need to trick an enemy to throw his weapon onto a spinning wheel so I can then grab it to swing jump to the next platform... twice.

>.< Maybe I'd have an easier time if I was playing on a console instead of on my computer.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
It had to be the Meat Circus level in Psychonauts.
I thought I'd have so many fantasies of beating up a small obese child in my life, but after having to protect Little Oly from his own suicidal stupidity, I lost my paternal instincts.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Other M, But only after I played it did the horridness of it finally hit me. My mind was obsessed with that fucking game for weeks.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Not so much a frustration thing, but the only game which has every made me raging mad is Nier. There is a story event in which a few things happen that caused me (the first time I played it, at least) to start shaking with anger. The exact event is in the spoiler tag (and is 4 paragraphs long).

As the leader of your group, the main character takes two important people under his wing. The important one for this event is a boy who living things into stone by looking at them. He lives in a giant mansion with his butler, and is terribly alone. He also can't remember his past before he lived in the mansion, which just makes things worse. You and the other member of your group end up helping the boy figure out his past, but that also makes things worse. Turns out, he and his sister were donated to a military research clinic a few thousand years ago. The only reason he's still alive is because he and his sister were candidates for becoming living weapons and thus were kept in stasis as long as possible. After discovering this, his sister awakens from her stasis, only to have completely lost her mind. So you kill his sister and he takes on her form in order to become even better at killing things with you and the group.

That's his backstory, and it's rather depressing I believe. What's nice, though, is that the more you progress through the story, the more attached the group becomes. So even through the death of his sister, the past abandonment of his parents, and his transformation into the living weapon (think Jack Skellington, but short), he's managed to retain a slightly positive outlook on life because of his friends. Then there's the boss fight.

The boss fight is against a pair of twins (immune to aging) and you end up killing the first and hurting the second. In order to get revenge, the second twin attempts a "You're all coming with me" move. Living-weapon-boy comes to the rescue by shielding everyone in the party and moving them out of range of the blast radius. Unfortunately, he can't get them through fast enough, so he pushes himself out of the anti-magic field, propels you and the group to safety, and dies from the final attack.

I had grown rather attached to this character, like insanely attached, and he had just died because of the actions taken by the final boss and his minions. Some people were watching me play this part, and one of them spoke up after the cutscene with a "well that sucks." I almost went berserk because I was saving the rage I felt for the entire room full of low-level, low-hitpoint cannon fodder which was graciously provided for me immediately after the cutscene. Now that I look at the scene again, I'm not quite sure why I was so angry, instead of saddened (like I was with Aeris), but ah well. The game ranks in my top 5 because of the emotions it made me feel the first time through. I've never had a game produce emotions other than sadness and joy (depending on how involved I am in the story), and so this one surprised me.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Guitar Hero World Tour. The battle with Ted Nugent:
It wouldn't be so bad if I liked the guy. But I don't. I hate him. So it just made it all the worse that I had to do it over and over again.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
may sound stupid but i smashed my gameboy years ago playing pokemon
my god do i suck. stupid friggin blaziken would use the moves i wanted it to and then the gameboy froze i was so pissed of i started screaming and threw it across the room


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Fighting the Fish boss in Majora's mask was super hard for me for some reason because I couldn't aim links gil thingies and was quite angry.

Recently I was playing Eternal Sonata and some of the bosses go behind you to attack. Anyone who has played the game knows that blocking is essential to survival, but some bosses just Waltz behind you to attack where you can't defend. The main problem is that one turn from the bosses can easily kill you if you block incorrectly, so when blocking is literally impossible and you can do nothing but watch Beat die, it's pretty annoying.

Never thrown anything though. I'm usually pretty calm when playing games.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Two Worlds. Yeah, that one was my fault for believing the hype, but come on. I was 16 years old, burnt out on Oblivion, and halfway through Neverwinter Nights 1. So this game comes along, and it's heralded as the "Oblivion-killer." Needless to say, I was psyched.
Busted out $30 for it during a sale at Wal-Mart (should have been my first clue, since it was about a week after launch), booted it up, and was immediately treated to a feeling of "what-the-fuck-is-this-shit." Seriously.
Excuse me, I mean "Verily."


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I was having serious rage attacks in regard to red faction gurella, I thourght there was a problem with GFWL because I coulndt save

then I realised all I needed to do was play through the game a little more...duhhh


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Oh boy, where to begin. I guess these two are the worst for me:

Lost one controller playing Radiata Stories thanks to the wind dragon boss. I swear that boss feeds off your frustration. I can't really talk more about it because it still makes me angry.

Then there's Bad Company 2 online multiplayer. I played BF2 and I remember how the hit reg was in that game but I would have thought they would have fixed it. Lo and behold I grab my trusty m14 and start getting headshots...except the shots only cause blood to burst from their head, and not hurt them. And it happened again, and again, and again, so eventually it pissed me off enough to smash my keyboard, and then I went on to uninstall that piece of crap. I have NEVER had this problem with any of the CoD titles online.

I really hope DICE fixes that for BF3, I really hope so. I happen to like Battlefield's gameplay more than CoD's, but I can only take so much bull crap.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
trollpwner said:
This angry:

Zhukov said:
Huh. You people make me seem even-tempered.

Whenever a game really pisses me off I just imagine that one of the developers is standing right next to me so I can tell them exactly what I think of their crappy game.

The last one to induce such a fantasy was The Witcher 2.
Hey! I do that too! Although sometimes I imagine physical harm for the more bone-headed decisions.

"So you think ragdoll physics is fun to enact on somone, do ya? Well, lie down, you're gonna love this!"
I used to do something similar or perhaps inversed where I'd imagine the faces of my real world tormentors onto the bodies of the helpless npc's I was about to flamethrower and scream with laughter

Sadly as I was only 10 at the time my father considered this attitude to be unhealthy so instead of some advice to deal with the tormentors he took away my copy of macsyndicate that I had been using to release the pain this was a month or two before I started experiencing violent outbursts coincidentally enough which included punching someone in the face for stealing my place in the busline and strangling a person just for taunting me

Jason Buck

New member
Feb 23, 2010
jak 2 the delivery mission.i love the jak series but when your not given clear instructions and not told what things are just pisses me off. I didnt relise that the bar at the bottom was a distance bar not a timer. so many hours of tries and 2 remotes later and im stuck somewhere else in the game.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Every game I play I'm pretty well handled in the anger department. Though every and all CoD Multiplayer game has gotten me angry, nothing compares to Heavenly Sword when you throw a shield to unlock a gate with a bell of some sort, I missed that bell so many times I thought the game was after to get me. Dropped the f-bomb a little more than a minute...

Logic 0

New member
Aug 28, 2009
I broke down into tears when playing FFX because I missed the sun sigil by one second.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
I quit playing video games for 3 months after I accidentally deleted my Final Fantasy 7 game file that was around 75 hours...


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Was playing some computer game (can't remember for the life of me) and something happened that made me slam both fists on the shelf bit of my computer desk. I hit it so hard I snapped it off and bent the metal on the slider bars. Still haven't come across a better desk though.

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
It was during my earlier years as a gamer, playing Counter Strike: Source.

I was a very easily angered player who yelled at the top of his lungs about how how someone killing him was impossible, and how everyone was a hacker.
