Anonymous Attacks US Government


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Korolev said:
Show me an open source, copy-right free group that can create chips that can rival what Intel produces. Show me a developed economy that doesn't protect inventors. Show me advanced technology built by people who don't want a cent in return. Show me new anti-retroviral drugs that are tested and researched for over 20 years, produced by teens in their mom's basement.

A lot of these anonymous people are just teens in their mom or dad's basement, who write little bits of code or do indie games and thus, they have the arrogant assumption that just because they can write code for free (and not very good code at that), all code should be free all the time.

But that way of thinking is shallow and stupid. Advanced biological research requires millions if not BILLIONS of dollars. I would know - I do biological research. I have a degree in Biotech, which means that I also understand how the biotech industry operates (they make you take a few business courses and do a few PDPs, that's Product Development Proposals by the way). Simply put, you cannot have an "Open source" biotech industry. The amount and quality of reagents that we require is enormous. The costs associated with our research is similarly ENORMOUS. You cannot do PCR reactions in your mom's basement (well, not clean, reliable PCR reactions). You cannot clone plasmids or do electroporation in your dad's attic. It requires LABS, it requires MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN EQUIPMENT.

SOMEONE MUST FOOT THE BILL! SOMEONE MUST PAY FOR THAT! And that is WHY we need investors, who would LIKE to see a RETURN ON THEIR INVESTMENT! Got that genius! That is WHY we need PATENTS and WHY WE NEED COPYRIGHT!

The only alternative is to let the government fund every single medical or biological project. The only alternative to the patent/copyright system, is to let the government fund everything with your tax dollars. Would you like that? I didn't think so.
Thank you for saying this. A very intelligent reply to a very idiotic group of people.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Velocirapture07 said:
Korolev said:
The only alternative to the patent/copyright system, is to let the government fund everything with your tax dollars. Would you like that? I didn't think so.
Thank you for saying this. A very intelligent reply to a very idiotic group of people.
Even though they're defending the copyright law, more so they're trying to rise the awareness on how much these laws get abused these days.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
What? A government website that nobody goes to went down for a whole half hour? What a major blow to compyright laws, how will we ever recover? But wait . . . now they're going to do physical demonstrations in major cities? With an organized teenaged nerd group like this, it'll take at least two girl scout troups to stop them!


New member
Jan 19, 2009
meepop said:
Jesus Phish said:
Xzi said:
Well I don't particularly support what they're fighting for, but to their credit, at least Anonymous gets shit done. How many other protest groups can say the same?
Do they though? What has changed as a direct result of the site being down for 30 minutes?
One attack was 30 minutes--The next could be 31 minutes, then 35, then an hour, then three hours, then a day and so on. Anon's still wet behind the ears but if it could do it for 30 minutes then God knows how long they'll be able to bring it down in about a year!
And this bullshit accomplishes what exactly? If your "projections" happen then the little freaks who are behind this shit will be crushed, because the government will not put up with pranksters. The hammer will come down and their little pranks will be worth nothing. Their ideas are idiotic and don't take into account how a capitalist economy works....


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Velocirapture07 said:
Their ideas are idiotic and don't take into account how a capitalist economy works....
Financially raping children and DDoS'ing sites that they "suspect" handling something they dont like?

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Wow, these stupid douchebags must REALLY want to be labelled a criminal organization, hunted down, arrested and destroyed.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Sean Strife said:
Harbinger_ said:
If they organize rallies around the world wouldn't they no longer be considered anonymous?
I don't know if I've been ninja'd on this... but most of them wear masks or hide their face in some way.
In order tp organize a rally you have to go through legal channels, if not you can be arrested for unlawful assembly, so either way at least one person involved will be identified.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
The Seldom Seen Kid said:
6unn3r said:
The people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. You do not fuck with us.
Sure that sounds all high and mighty, but seriously?
They're basically telling us that they have jobs.
I know, kinda an oxymoron really. But then it's a quote from Fight Club so even anon isnt totaly original.


Elite Member
May 23, 2010
This is pretty risky, now the US government will be ready for them, so next time they try they can catch them red handed.

Omnific One

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Icarion said:
Straying Bullet said:
Wow. They actually walk their talk? Respect.
This ^^. If you can say your goals and then follow through on them, I have respect for you. I don't like you or agree with you but I respect you
Quite. Talking about "haxing" the government is one thing, but I have to respect those who are willing to follow through with it. Even if I don't agree in principle.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Logan Westbrook said:
Anonymous says it will keep up the attacks until it "stops being angry"
Okay um... Wow on the whole article but... this did make me snort and laugh. "Ve vill march on the capital, until ve feel better and then take a haff hour break for coffee and cakes!" (I don't know why I picture Anonymous as having German accents, too many World War Hitler parody films I think, don't hate me oh actually pretty cool and friendly german folk, I am fond of your cuisine.)

This issue is far too controversial because I think there are valid points on both sides of the fence and it's nearly impossible. Either way someone is hurt by the result...


New member
May 6, 2010
mazzjammin22 said:
These guys are starting to get terrifying. I mean, first they were a joke, then I was weary of them, and then there is this. I mean, this...whatever it is, is absolutely insane.
They made an old war vet's birthday his best birthday, HOW CAN YOU INSULT SUCH NICE PEOPLE?!?
Ok, seriously, anon is anon and the real joke are the copyright laws and viacom, copyrights should be used for one reason: you cannot profit off another person inventions/discoveries with out paying royalties and having permission. Anything more restricting is absolutely pointless.


Elite Member
May 23, 2010
usucdik said:
Velocirapture07 said:
Their ideas are idiotic and don't take into account how a capitalist economy works....
So how does it work? I take it you condone the current model of letting copyright and patent holders keep their hands around the throat of anything they happen to discover, for years on end, to mostly the benefit of themselves. Sorry, duder; this isn't Capitalism. The government is supposed to be there to intervene when competition can't happen naturally, and that has been slowly defenestrated in recent decades.

gamerguy473 said:
This is pretty risky, now the US government will be ready for them, so next time they try they can catch them red handed.
If they were going to be ready at all, wouldn't they have been ready the first time?
But now the government knows where they are going to strike. Now they can set up counter-measures or even track them next time they try.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
Something tells me this could lead to just problems for all of us. I mean, I can't see the government wanting to screw with some internet group. I can see them saying "lets just screw with the internet and be done with it." I don't really think they can chase down everyone of Anon and make them pay.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
What an incredibly stupid move. All Anonymous is doing is showing how retarded and juvenile they are. They have neither the wit or the power to either convince the government to change its policies or force them to. All they have the power to do is mildly annoy others at the cost of their own dignity.

Seriously, they don't deserve the Guy Fawkes mask.