Show me an open source, copy-right free group that can create chips that can rival what Intel produces. Show me a developed economy that doesn't protect inventors. Show me advanced technology built by people who don't want a cent in return. Show me new anti-retroviral drugs that are tested and researched for over 20 years, produced by teens in their mom's basement.
A lot of these anonymous people are just teens in their mom or dad's basement, who write little bits of code or do indie games and thus, they have the arrogant assumption that just because they can write code for free (and not very good code at that), all code should be free all the time.
But that way of thinking is shallow and stupid. Advanced biological research requires millions if not BILLIONS of dollars. I would know - I do biological research. I have a degree in Biotech, which means that I also understand how the biotech industry operates (they make you take a few business courses and do a few PDPs, that's Product Development Proposals by the way). Simply put, you cannot have an "Open source" biotech industry. The amount and quality of reagents that we require is enormous. The costs associated with our research is similarly ENORMOUS. You cannot do PCR reactions in your mom's basement (well, not clean, reliable PCR reactions). You cannot clone plasmids or do electroporation in your dad's attic. It requires LABS, it requires MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN EQUIPMENT.
SOMEONE MUST FOOT THE BILL! SOMEONE MUST PAY FOR THAT! And that is WHY we need investors, who would LIKE to see a RETURN ON THEIR INVESTMENT! Got that genius! That is WHY we need PATENTS and WHY WE NEED COPYRIGHT!
The only alternative is to let the government fund every single medical or biological project. The only alternative to the patent/copyright system, is to let the government fund everything with your tax dollars. Would you like that? I didn't think so.