So you're now siding with Wikileaks and freedom of information?qbanknight said:Read this: said:What kind of 'sites' are these then?qbanknight said:"Historical" means anything that has happened in the past. I said in clear simple terms in my post to read about the goddamn Pentagon Papers. The Papers were highly confidential information that detailed every failure about the Vietnam War up to 1971. One man had access to the thousands of Papers and gave them to the New York Times. The government back then tried to stop the newspaper from reprinting the papers
The SUPREME COURT, our highest court in the land, chose to honor the freedom of the press. They said specifically that no US servicemen were being put in danger by disseminating the Papers and no US Security interests were at stake. They considered the Papers to be describing "history" of a conflict that was ongoing at the time, much like our situation now. Some of Wikileaks information, like US paranoia over Russia, would be protected by this case known as New York Times v. United States. But disseminating a list detailing incredibly vital sites to counter-terrorists? You are jeopardizing people's lives at the point and the Supreme Court will not help you as an American citizen. Do your fucking homework kid. And yes, I'm fully aware that the idiot is not American, but as that is the country that is being offended by this idiot, I provided a legal analysis that treated him as such. And just to follow on that point, yes, non-Americans have enjoyed Constitutional guarantees as well in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld albeit for different reasons.
And by the way, Wikileaks not only revealed important facilities in America, but in UK and in many other countries. So yes, the radical-bombing members of the IRA could possibly use the list. Use your head.
These sites are all public knowledge. They are listed as sensitive because an analyst sat down and figured out that they were vital to the smooth running of the country. Anyone could have put this list together, I could have if I'd wanted to.
If the information was dangerous wikileaks would not have released it. They made some mistakes years ago about releasing sensitive information and since then they've only released safe information.