Anonymous PSN Attackers Arrested in Spain

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Anonymous PSN Attackers Arrested in Spain

Police have "dismantled the Anonymous hacker group in Spain" with the arrest of three alleged local leaders in connection with the April attack on the PlayStation Network.

Spain's National Police said the three men are the "local leadership" of Anonymous, the hacker group blamed for bringing down the PlayStation Network [] for more than a month beginning in mid-April. A server which was allegedly used in the PSN hack, as well as separate attacks on two Spanish banks, an Italian energy company and government sites in Spain, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran and elsewhere, was found in an apartment owned by one of the men, who was arrested "sometime after May 18" in the city of Almería; the other two were detained "recently" in Barcelona and Valencia. All three men are in their 30s.

"Spanish Police dismantle the Anonymous hacker group in Spain. They attacked [the] PlayStation Store," the police reported on its official warning [] that it is legion and should be expected.

The arrests follow an investigation which was actually launched after an attack on Spain's Ministry of Culture website, protesting legislation which imposed tougher punishments for illegal file sharing. The May 18 arrest in Almería that got the ball rolling was prompted by an attack on the Spanish National Electoral Commission ahead of regional and municipal elections. It's not known how much of a role the trio actually played in the attack on the PlayStation Network.

The three men have been released without bail and are expected to be charged with "forming an illegal association to attack public and corporate web sites." If found guilty, they could be sentenced to up to three years in jail.

Source: New York Times []



Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Only three years?

Well, hackers can't jailbreak their way out of this one

OT: I do hope this the start of something. We really need to catch these people


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Waiting for Escapists to demand they be punished by prison rape, performed by state-sponsored rapists.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
It saddens me to see the /b/ros getting a hit like this. How they were caught is beyond my comprehension, but I guess next time they won't slip up. I hope they learned something.


New member
May 27, 2010
Only three years in jail? Should be longer.

Anywho, I wonder how they caught them. Wouldn't it be super fun if they had a way of tracking people down through Proxy servers?


New member
Feb 16, 2010
For bringing PSN down for no reason, these idiots deserve to rot in jail. For bringing down the government websites of Libya, Tunisia, Iran, and Egypt during the Arab uprising, these guys deserve a fucking medal. What? Nothing is ever strictly black and white...


New member
Jun 23, 2008
And here I thought it was said that Anon did not have anything with the PSN attacks to do.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Waiting for Escapists to demand they be punished by prison rape, performed by state-sponsored rapists.
Because a crime is a crime, and criminals are criminals. And because I couldn't frag for two whole weeks.

I'm sort of neutral on this issue. They were stupid enough to get caught, so they deserved to.


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
Phyroxis said:
Yeah, good job, Spain. You got ALL of Anon in Spain. Yay!
That was my first thought as well. They think catching three guys dismantles all of Anonymous in their entire country?

Actually, reading through their Twitter, it seems they just really like the word dismantle. Must be a fetish for the guy in charge of the feed.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Three hackers in Spain does not equal the Anon collective there?

Considering Anon is "supposed" to be leaderless too, arresting 3 guys wont really have that much of an effect, aside from perhaps scaring those who know the three a little.


New member
May 11, 2009
CM156 said:
Only three years?

Well, hackers can't jailbreak their way out of this one

OT: I do hope this the start of something. We really need to catch these people
3 years in jail for nerds would be torture. They'll be passed around so much they won't be able to walk straight when they get out.

Random Argument Man said:
I'll expect a reaction from Anonymous as some point.
Why? It was my understanding that Anonymous threw these guys under the bus already.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I think it would be odd if Anonymous did react to this considering how much they tried to distance themselves from the PSN attack. Then again with that split that happened recently its more than possible that someone will do one of those videos.

Captcha: terfaim piano

We shall acquire and protect the terfaim piano as if it were any of your other holy relics! Inglip be praised!

The Cheshire

New member
May 10, 2011
Excuuuuuse me princesses, but these people have little to do with the PSN hack, which by the way hasn't been proved to find it's guilty part in Anonymous.

These people were attacking websites of the Spanish goverment after several quite unjustified actions done by said goverment, who are a bunch of corrupt assholes that kneel before banks and markets and sell our rights to the market economy. That said, these people also attacked several websites of the goverments involved in the repression of the Arab Spring revolts. So yes, they have my support, I hope they get released.

The situation in Spain is pretty bad at the moment, corruption is at it's tops and nothing is being done to solve it, Anonymous is one of the groups who is trying to give these assholes on the top a lesson. Why anyone should be happy about this arrest is a mistery to me.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
The question is, are these THE guys who did the PSN attack, or are they just people who claim to be anonymous?

If they are the guys who did the PSN attack, good for Spain. But if they are just being arrested for being part of anonymous that is really retarded.