Anonymous PSN Attackers Arrested in Spain


New member
Feb 9, 2010
I love how thick government agencies can be. The moment they found 'evidence' dictating that Anonymous brought down the PSN, they should have started to question it. Evidence that is so clear it's painful pointing to a hacker group that A: doesn't steal people's credit cards and B: doesn't have any leadership means there's not even a question it was Anonymous; this was some other less heroic hacker team looking to pin the crime on a group that has no means of defending itself (no leadership to speak for the whole group).

And forget all the Anonymous hate, people. Anonymous is your only protection in the days to come, as information only gets more and more tightly locked down and hidden away from the people it rightly belongs to.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
I remember having a discussion with someone on here who kept exclaiming "It couldn't be someone in the name of Anonymous! They are a hive mind with no exceptions!!!!1 " this news pleases me


New member
May 22, 2009
Avaholic03 said:
CM156 said:
Only three years?

Well, hackers can't jailbreak their way out of this one

OT: I do hope this the start of something. We really need to catch these people
3 years in jail for nerds would be torture. They'll be passed around so much they won't be able to walk straight when they get out.
You know, prison-rape is mostly an American phenomenon. In europe, sex-offenders are usually beaten and punished in various ways by other inmates.

The worst they could encounter would be a little friendly beating, perhaps some stabbing and some forced drug-use.


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Wulfheri said:
Mumorpuger said:
I really hate Anonymous. Their "boilerplate response" only adds to my annoyance.
Just let your freedom be stolen by everyone.(sarcasm) Anonymous defends our freedom, they are working for ideals.
...Really? REALLY!?

That's it, I'm just going to assume you're trolling. Because the shit that is spewing out of your mouth is absurd.

Defending our freedom!? By acting like jackasses and causing CYBER TERRORISM on websites that innocent people use? Fuck off..

The fact that hackers (Anonymous, splinter groups claiming to be Anonymous, white/grey/black/whateverthefuck hat ones) even exist on the internet (white, not so much, because they actually HELP companies keep their data secure) is why we can never have nice things.

The internet EXISTS for sharing data and information between people. You can't just shrug it off as "OMG FREEDOM IS BEING STOLEN LOLOLOLOL". No one said ANYTHING about freedom! That does NOT give anyone the right to fuck with other people's shit.

I don't care whether it was Anonymous themselves, a splinter group or just some really fucked up cyber criminals, NO ONE should be hacking in to ANY websites and posting stolen information online. It's not for them to see! It's not for anyone else to see! Just stay the fuck out of it!

Ugh.. What are you so damn afraid of? Is someone going to find out about your secret basement where you mutilate baby fetuses, or whatever other sick, twisted scenario I could come up with but won't?

Regarding the more recent comments..

News Flash: Anonymous is a really sketchy term for a "group" anyway. You can't say who/what is involved with Anonymous because by the logic of Anonymous, IT IS ANYONE. Just because "Anonymous" claims they aren't in this for financial gain or anything sinister (yet they've still posted personal information publically online in the past!), splinter groups OF Anonymous can always go against the "rules". Hell, who made the fucking rules? Who says they're not after financial gain? THEY DON'T HAVE A FUCKING LEADER, where the hell did these rules suddenly come from!?

That.. But.. WHAT!?


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Jesus Christ! Somebody needs to beat the shit out of these snotbrat gamers. THIS is why gamers have such a bad fame. These people! You know nothing, you understand nothing. Fucking bunch of twigs.


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Korolev said:
They caught them because the FBI have computer experts too. There was a story a few days ago, in which it was revealed that the FBI have thoroughly infiltrated hacking communities - as many as 1/4 "hackers" are apparently government informants (it's pretty easy for the police to roll hackers when they meet face-to-face) or are agents themselves.

I'll bet the FBI actually know the identities of a lot of the hackers, but haven't arrested them yet and are hoping to get more names, info and evidence to build a case. If I was an Anonymous member, I would go dark for a while.

Anonymous could have been a good thing. I don't disagree with all that they did, but they started to get arrogant, vindictive and their very chaotic nature meant that criminals would (and did) join their group and use their name. Their biggest strength ended up being their biggest PR liability. They thought they were invincible. No one is. Not the government, and not Anonymous.

If Anonymous stuck to purely political activism (exposing real government and corporate corruption) then I'd be all for them. But they didn't. Say what you will, Sony is not Evil Inc. Had Anonymous hacked BAE systems to try to find corrupt dealings with Saudi Officials, I'd be out there on the street protesting for their release. But they didn't - they engaged in petulant, almost childish attacks on entertainment companies. Some big righteous freedom fighters they were.

And their actions carried risks. Maybe they were too young to realize that if you fight people, they will (and can!) fight back. They aren't the only ones with computers, and the NSA have some pretty nasty technical and information gathering capabilities. You wave a flag at a bull, expect it to charge.
...I.. I love you. Couldn't have said it better myself! :D


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Jabberwock xeno said:
Andy Chalk said:
Spain's National Police said the three men are the "local leadership" of Anonymous, the hacker group blamed for bringing down the PlayStation Network [] for more than a month beginning in mid-April. A server which was allegedly used in the PSN hack, as well as separate attacks on two Spanish banks, an Italian energy company and government sites in Spain, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran and elsewhere, was found in an apartment owned by one of the men, who was arrested "sometime after May 18" in the city of Almería; the other two were detained "recently" in Barcelona and Valencia. All three men are in their 30s.

"Spanish Police dismantle the Anonymous hacker group in Spain. They attacked [the] PlayStation Store," the police reported on its official warning [] that it is legion and should be expected.

The arrests follow an investigation which was actually launched after an attack on Spain's Ministry of Culture website, protesting legislation which imposed tougher punishments for illegal file sharing. The May 18 arrest in Almería that got the ball rolling was prompted by an attack on the Spanish National Electoral Commission ahead of regional and municipal elections. It's not known how much of a role the trio actually played in the attack on the PlayStation Network.

The three men have been released without bail and are expected to be charged with "forming an illegal association to attack public and corporate web sites." If found guilty, they could be sentenced to up to three years in jail.


Wasn't it lulzsec that did it?

This site is the place where I first found that out; as evidenced by the very articles this one links to.

Did everybody forget that?

Arachon said:
Saltyk said:
Prosis said:
Okay, not everybody, but most of the people in this thread. Even the author of the article, apparently.

I'd understand if he were just reporting what THEY said, but he didn't even point out that this goes against what the escapist it'self had been saying.
No, LulzSec jumped in AFTER all that, just to get their big-time fame. THEY hacked Sony Pictures. The PSN stuff was all still up in the air. Probably still is!


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Hackers didn't take down PSN.
Sony did, after finding out their internal network was being hacked.

Just thought I'd put that out there...


New member
May 19, 2011
MattAn24 said:
Wulfheri said:
Mumorpuger said:
I really hate Anonymous. Their "boilerplate response" only adds to my annoyance.
Just let your freedom be stolen by everyone.(sarcasm) Anonymous defends our freedom, they are working for ideals.
...Really? REALLY!?

That's it, I'm just going to assume you're trolling. Because the shit that is spewing out of your mouth is absurd.

Defending our freedom!? By acting like jackasses and causing CYBER TERRORISM on websites that innocent people use? Fuck off..

The fact that hackers (Anonymous, splinter groups claiming to be Anonymous, white/grey/black/whateverthefuck hat ones) even exist on the internet (white, not so much, because they actually HELP companies keep their data secure) is why we can never have nice things.

The internet EXISTS for sharing data and information between people. You can't just shrug it off as "OMG FREEDOM IS BEING STOLEN LOLOLOLOL". No one said ANYTHING about freedom! That does NOT give anyone the right to fuck with other people's shit.

I don't care whether it was Anonymous themselves, a splinter group or just some really fucked up cyber criminals, NO ONE should be hacking in to ANY websites and posting stolen information online. It's not for them to see! It's not for anyone else to see! Just stay the fuck out of it!

Ugh.. What are you so damn afraid of? Is someone going to find out about your secret basement where you mutilate baby fetuses, or whatever other sick, twisted scenario I could come up with but won't?

Regarding the more recent comments..

News Flash: Anonymous is a really sketchy term for a "group" anyway. You can't say who/what is involved with Anonymous because by the logic of Anonymous, IT IS ANYONE. Just because "Anonymous" claims they aren't in this for financial gain or anything sinister (yet they've still posted personal information publically online in the past!), splinter groups OF Anonymous can always go against the "rules". Hell, who made the fucking rules? Who says they're not after financial gain? THEY DON'T HAVE A FUCKING LEADER, where the hell did these rules suddenly come from!?

That.. But.. WHAT!?
The Internet exists for being anonymouse, we don't live in a police state or something so people shouldn't give away their info. You'll understand when you live in one. Freedom is the most important thing in the world. What are the ideals of Anonymouse: Freedom. You can't live in freedom when others know to much about you.


New member
May 17, 2010
Oh God it hurts!
Okay, so clearly NOBODY watched the Extra Credits episode about Anonymous. Fine. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Anonymous is pure evil (they're not) and that they are totally responsible for the PSN hack (again, they aren't). Let's also say that, by extension, absolutely every member of Anon is SO evil that they make Lucifer look like Gandhi (that is to say, Disney Evil). Where exactly does everybody get of not only condemning these guys, but insisting on blood WITHOUT EVIDENCE? And for what, exactly, taking away online multi-player and stealing some credit cards? OMG that's the worst crime imaginable isn't it? Seriously, nobody gets up in arms about people who rape children getting only seven years, but someone commits identity theft (again, no actual proof) and suddenly they deserve execution? I really hate it when people act like this. Please people, try to get some perspective.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Wulfheri said:
The Internet exists for being anonymouse, we don't live in a police state or something so people shouldn't give away their info. You'll understand when you live in one. Freedom is the most important thing in the world. What are the ideals of Anonymouse: Freedom. You can't live in freedom when others know to much about you.
No, the internet does not exist for being anonymous, it can be used for being anonymous but that's not what it exists for. As for the freedom part. As said earlier we should be free to decide how much info we want to share, we should be free to make our own decisions. If anonymous did attack PSN and did do it to teach us not to give up our credit details then they are no better than your average dictator. They don't want us to be free, they want us to go by their ideas, we are free to do as they tell us.

You want to share your info online? well we don't want you to do that... so we're going to hack into the PSN then spread all your info across the web to teach you that you should do as I we say. Even on the flip side, if they were doing it to teach us the dangers... that's like bombing a downtown area full of people to teach us the dangers of terrorism.

The fact is, with these people running around I feel less free. As someone a few pages back said "if you piss anon off enough, they'll take down PSN, Nintendo and Xbox Live down at the same time"... Yeah, that's really showing what freedom they are giving us. We are free but if we chose to use our freedom to voice our displeasure at what they are doing, they'll start attacking the things we like to get back at us. That's not freedom.

again this is under the assumption that this is anon your all talking about. Because you all seem to have varying ideas on the group. Honestly, I'm still on the fence with them but they're really making it hard to like them or approve of their actions or cheer them on. I've seen them do good in this world and that puts a smile on my face specially when reading it on stuff like T.V tropes how they've caught murderers, pedophiles and animal abusers. Also the big companies they've attacked for doing some really questionable shit... Yeah that gets them in my good books. Though sadly what keeps them back is actions like this, attacking the everyman in order to spread their own ideas on freedom.

Also to clear something up on this whole arrest issue so you don't lump me in with the rest. No I don't believe that these people did the attack, not %100 anyway, I certainly don't rule out the possibility of it being them but I've highly got my doubts and I'd like to see further evidence of this first.

As for the whole "3 year? they should get life or executed/killed" no... 3 years is very lenient if they did when they're being accused of doing true enough, I've seen car thieves get 5 years before and this is full on identity theft. However life? Really? the sentence you get more often than not for Murder over this? really? As for executed... I honestly hope some of you guys are heavily exaggerating or taking the piss I really do. Yes they should serve prison time if they are actually guilty of this but... yeah. Taking it way too far.

Edit: Also, I will add that I really shouldn't have any anger in all this. I don't often use PSN, no money went missing from my account (though honestly I don't often have much over £30 in the bank) and I got free games for it all. However its not about being what happened to me but the thought process behind it. More of a principle thing. I guess you can say that we both are idealists, just have varying ideas on freedom.


New member
May 19, 2011
Sovvolf said:
Wulfheri said:
The Internet exists for being anonymouse, we don't live in a police state or something so people shouldn't give away their info. You'll understand when you live in one. Freedom is the most important thing in the world. What are the ideals of Anonymouse: Freedom. You can't live in freedom when others know to much about you.
No, the internet does not exist for being anonymous, it can be used for being anonymous but that's not what it exists for. As for the freedom part. As said earlier we should be free to decide how much info we want to share, we should be free to make our own decisions. If anonymous did attack PSN and did do it to teach us not to give up our credit details then they are no better than your average dictator. They don't want us to be free, they want us to go by their ideas, we are free to do as they tell us.

You want to share your info online? well we don't want you to do that... so we're going to hack into the PSN then spread all your info across the web to teach you that you should do as I we say. Even on the flip side, if they were doing it to teach us the dangers... that's like bombing a downtown area full of people to teach us the dangers of terrorism.

The fact is, with these people running around I feel less free. As someone a few pages back said "if you piss anon off enough, they'll take down PSN, Nintendo and Xbox Live down at the same time"... Yeah, that's really showing what freedom they are giving us. We are free but if we chose to use our freedom to voice our displeasure at what they are doing, they'll start attacking the things we like to get back at us. That's not freedom.

again this is under the assumption that this is anon your all talking about. Because you all seem to have varying ideas on the group. Honestly, I'm still on the fence with them but they're really making it hard to like them or approve of their actions or cheer them on. I've seen them do good in this world and that puts a smile on my face specially when reading it on stuff like T.V tropes how they've caught murderers, pedophiles and animal abusers. Also the big companies they've attacked for doing some really questionable shit... Yeah that gets them in my good books. Though sadly what keeps them back is actions like this, attacking the everyman in order to spread their own ideas on freedom.

Also to clear something up on this whole arrest issue so you don't lump me in with the rest. No I don't believe that these people did the attack, not %100 anyway, I certainly don't rule out the possibility of it being them but I've highly got my doubts and I'd like to see further evidence of this first.

As for the whole "3 year? they should get life or executed/killed" no... 3 years is very lenient if they did when they're being accused of doing true enough, I've seen car thieves get 5 years before and this is full on identity theft. However life? Really? the sentence you get more often than not for Murder over this? really? As for executed... I honestly hope some of you guys are heavily exaggerating or taking the piss I really do. Yes they should serve prison time if they are actually guilty of this but... yeah. Taking it way too far.
Ok maybe it's not the best way to show everyone that privacy is important. But why there are so many people don't caring about giving away their identity so easy. I hope everyone will think twice now before filling in their names, creditcard numbers and all other info on the internet. I think it's dumb to do those things. Tell me if I'm wrong.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Wulfheri said:
Ok maybe it's not the best way to show everyone that privacy is important. But why there are so many people don't caring about giving away their identity so easy.
Because we're not all paranoid that someone is going to steal our information. I'm probably the least private dude on the internet. You find out most things about me simply by clicking on my profile. I choose to be open with people because I guess I'm trusting. I don't believe that someone is going to steal my identity or hack into my account. In fact the only people that seem to have done that is anon.

I do agree that privacy is important and people should learn the values of it however, they should be free to choose whether they want to. Not bullied or forced into it because some internet group says so.

Wulfheri said:
I hope everyone will think twice now before filling in their names, creditcard numbers and all other info on the internet. I think it's dumb to do those things. Tell me if I'm wrong.
Its not wrong to be cautious when filling in info on the internet. You should be looking out in case who you are signing them over with are trust worthy and aren't going to start sticking their fingers into your bank account at their whims. However, with stuff like Sony, Microsoft and other big companies you shouldn't have to be worried. They're not the ones to start sticking their grubby hands in there. Sure they obviously need to increase their security but they aren't the big threats.

They want to start defending our credit details then start attacking those spam mails that we get claiming to be bigger companies like MSN and such, asking you to fill in our details. They're the big enemy, not PSN or Microsoft, not the people.

Also, whether you feel it stupid or smart, it shouldn't be your choice, my choice or anons choice on what people can and can't do with their own information. Its theirs to use as they please regardless on whether its a good decision or not. Thats the freedom they should have. What right does anyone have to take that away from them?.


New member
May 6, 2009
Jyggalag said:
I don't know enough concerning either side to make an informed opinion. I don't believe any of us do.
Hear hear. I'm sure there's a lot more behind this than I know about, but it all seems very sketchy to me.

Popido said:
Jesus Christ! Somebody needs to beat the shit out of these snotbrat gamers. THIS is why gamers have such a bad fame. These people! You know nothing, you understand nothing. Fucking bunch of twigs.
Just for clarification, who is this comment aimed at? Is it at Anon or the people commenting? Purely because neither Anon isn't made up of gamers and I don't think the Escapist peeps have earned that much of a tongue lashing. Who hath so stirred you that you hath loosed your fury upon them?

Witty Name Here said:
It's pretty ironic when you think that a group that attacked PSN and caused so much havoc "For the Lulz" will most likely be the ones responsible for ending the golden age of Hactivist groups all over the internet.

This reminds me of the end of the age piracy on the Seven Seas, something tells me these groups will "die a slow death", with a noose tightening around their activities until they'd be lucky if they even managed to hack the an elementary school site.
Interesting comparison. Unlike the pirates though I can see Anonymous being a bit like the Terminator for T2; you blow it apart as many time as you like and it'll just keep putting itself back together, even if it loses a few bit and pieces along the way.


New member
May 19, 2011
Sovvolf said:
Also, whether you feel it stupid or smart, it shouldn't be your choice, my choice or anons choice on what people can and can't do with their own information. Its theirs to use as they please regardless on whether its a good decision or not. Thats the freedom they should have. What right does anyone have to take that away from them?.
You have me there, everyone has the right to be stupid. I was just caring to much for others.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Wulfheri said:
Sovvolf said:
Also, whether you feel it stupid or smart, it shouldn't be your choice, my choice or anons choice on what people can and can't do with their own information. Its theirs to use as they please regardless on whether its a good decision or not. Thats the freedom they should have. What right does anyone have to take that away from them?.
You have me there, everyone has the right to be stupid. I was just caring to much for others.
Nothing wrong with caring about others. However there's a big difference between telling a fellow that he should lock his door more often in case of burglars, and breaking in to steal his shit just to prove a point :).


New member
Oct 4, 2007
I suppose they found a note on their door that says "We are anonymous"

bet they didn't even look for a guy faulks mask in their house.


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
Police have "dismantled the Anonymous hacker group in Spain"

Seriously, that statement shows they have absolutely no idea what they're dealing with. Three guys is most certainly not the entirety of Anonymous in Spain. That's a bit like saying the only image board in existence is 4chan.