Oh no, I'm against humanity in general; including myself. If I said it in real life, I'd be put in another mental hospital. So yeah, I can say it here, and thats where the 'non-logic' comes from. That I can say things here and remain undisclosed by the general masses.the clockmaker said:If you want to hide in your corner of the net and pretend like you are towering over the 'insipid' masses because of your amazing new logical model, more power to you mate. But the bailout in greece, OWS, Wikileaks etc affect the real world, these are things with actual tangable consequences. That is no longer the time for cute little unlogic.Denariax said:Because if we don't have that kind of logic here, then everywhere else will seem just as irritating and boring. I despise a large portion of humanity for its insipidity. Backing a group that at least tries to keep the logicless entity logicless is so much better than having to go back to the stupid crap that everyone attempts to push down our throats every day.the clockmaker said:Yes, lets pay off the concept of logic simply because of the medium that it occurs in. I mean, perhaps, if they were confined to the internet and the internet alone, they could wither away in the filth of their illogic, but they want to affect the real world. This is no longer a group of people who like to hide in the dark cesspools of the net and damage sites, this is a group that wants to affect policy in the physical world. Therefore, they have to either mature or accept the fact that they cannot disavow any dickhead that claims their name.Denariax said:Actually I'm pretty sure they 'can' have their cake and eat it. This is the internet. Its made for stuff like that. Lets keep it that way.the clockmaker said:You have two paths here, as a group. You can accept that your group does not stand for anything and that anyone who wants to be is a part of it. But if that happens, the group is responsible for things done in its name. Or, the group can set itself up as a single organisation, with a clear deliniation between who is and is not Anon, but then, there would have to be some form of identifier as to what acts are and are not commited by the group. This means accountability on the part of the so called 'true anons'.Denariax said:I like the part where people actually really believe that Anon is the one attacking people every single time a member says it.SonOfVoorhees said:The issue is difficult. Also, Anon is all about freedom "Do what we say or we will kill your website" yeah, thats freedom alright. Thats what dictators do. An do you really think Anon have a clue of the intricate nature of governments, finances and what it takes to keep a country on the move? I doubt it. Its laughable. Greek have to make cuts to get bail out money, that money is what will save Greece and the people. Just like the UK got in debt bailing out the banks - even though it was the banks fault in the first place. Sometimes you have to chose the lesser of two evils.Denariax said:I suppose that the government not wanting to help its citizens isn't a good enough 'cause'.
Then again we live in a society where people hate freedom.
Also, as extra info, i lost my job with the police due to government cuts to the police budget. So i really feel for the Greek people. Anon are all about making headlines and getting involved in things they dont understand or can never help - because shutting down websites dont do shit to anything. Doesnt change a thing. They just want to massage there ego. They did do good, catching the guy that abused his cat on youtube, and they should stick with stuff like that. Because thats real change that people can get behind.
Its called group stereotyping guys. Anyone can put the mask on, anyone can 'say' anything. Its a matter of sitting down and thinking.
You cannot dictate who is and is not part of an anarchic group. It is as simple as that. And so anon has to make a choice soon, do they want to be anarchic, or do they want to have a solide set of priciples and control over their image. They can't have their cake and eat it too.
Honestly, the idea that 'this be the internet lolz' is anywhere close to a half decent response to critism of anon is exactly the sort of dogmatic, factionalised idiology that their supporters constantly peddle. Why? Why do you think that logic no longer applies simply becuase its effects are viewed through a moniter?
So yeah, to me you think I'm an asshat. But I attempt thinking about what 'will' happen, and to countries I'm usually in direct contact with or in. Yes its selfish, but I don't have to care.
That is what annoys me about anon and its supporters, they think that they are special, that the rules that apply to every other person on the planet don't apply to them. That they speak for the internet against the forces of old and evil. But the whole idea is so goddamn arbitray, there is no moral reason for Anon to act in the manner that it does, there is no real reason for the internet to be subject to a differant logic. Do you act on a differant logic over the phone? or over the radio?
Following on from that, you are probably not as special as you think you are, and not above the 'insipid' that you so hate. And even then, even if you were, to despise someone for being less than you is pathetic. Do you hate those weaker than yourself? Or those uglier? Or less brave? If you are truely smarter than a large proportion of humanity, it is not something that you earned, just something that you have so do not hate people who do not.
The freedom to say anything is kind of what Anon is for. Then again everyone believes they're some kind of criminal mastermind of terrorism. Then again everyone thinks that "FOX" actually reports real news. So you get the drift.
We're in a society where money controls freedom. The internet doesn't need that. Defending the belief that the internet doesn't need freedom is like saying you want to work as a slave.