Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm


New member
Jan 28, 2010
Ugh, this sort of stuff just annoys me. So they made public files that could incriminate them stating that the files did not have anything on them. Yet, the act of hacking into them and attaining the information is illegal so... *face palm*

*breaks into police headquarters to ascertain evidence that I indeed do nothing wrong*


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Clarity112 said:
The Escapist seems to be slip down the middle, I don't understand that. Anonymous is possibly the last bastion of humanity left in this world, their sticking up for ability to use the internet as is without the fucking government stepping in. Are we really so jaded that we hate the people on our side?
I'm with you mate. Too much Anon hate here. They may seem immature and do some stupid shit, but they're fighting for free speech and against the way the governments control things. Why can't we get behind them? They're a good group of people at the end of the day, they're not evil or out for money. They remind the governments that they should fear their own people, not the other way around.

I'm glad they struck back. I support their aims. It's certainly a war now, and I'm sure it won't be long until they're branded as terrorists and outlaws.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Constant exposure to assholes over the internet and internet gaming has left me with a generalized grudge against idiots.

So, I hope the Man can stick it to the Internet trolls.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Phyroxis said:
Detective Prince said:
Don't worry guys. They'll backtrace it.
The smart ones use library computers.
But then you've gotta ensure the library's security footage is overwritten, heh.

joebear15 said:
The FBI is THRILLED about this I mean in times when layoffs are happening they can hire even more agents to track down the "dangerous members of anonymous" I mean they could say that the only way to stop them is to catch all of them, that could take years meanwhile the deficit gets bigger a bin laden's corpse has not been found yet.
Gotta catch 'em all! Fill up your hackerdex!

Man, stunts like this balance out all the stupid, hateful Anonymous gets up to :3 That said, their 'wars' are always a little bit pathetic - even their Mastercard DDoS didn't stop transactions, just access to their site for what, a couple of hours? Not exactly a crushing blow in a war for anarchy ;)


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Anonymous seems like a bunch of assholes, they know they are doing things illegal for no real reason.. I don't know, bunch of assholes, like the ones you can scrap from any high school, they'll be the ones trying to avoid the attention of the opposite sex and hiding stiff-ones in gym class from the rest of the boys in the locker room.
Mar 16, 2009
Too many people here are getting to gung-ho about their "Anonymous must be stopped!" stances. What the hell ever, they aren't affecting us, it makes for some interesting news, and it is certainly fun watching the back and forth battles between them and the world.

I'm going to wager that half the people here think all trolls and kids shouting in CoD are the major players in this battle, and are all that make up the group.

Edit: See? Like the post above me! A lot of butthurt in this thread towards a group that hasn't affected us personally.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Dastardly said:
Greg Tito said:
Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm
All they're doing at this point is feeding the idea that the internet needs to be more heavily policed. It's just some kids showing off tricks under the guise of activism, not having the foresight to see how their antics are actually working against their alleged goals.

For every pocket of "good" hackers flying the 'Anonymous' banner, there are a dozen of this childish, bad variety undoing it. This isn't a comic book. Faceless vigilantism just allows the established power to promote a culture of fear, and thus control.

What has made true revolutionaries of the past different is that they empowered the common man. They taught them. Gave them skills, organized them, and put them to work freeing themselves. They didn't flit around playing Batman or Zorro, spitting in the eye of the government in the name of the people--and thus helping to clench the iron fist on those same people.
what your forgetting is that we are in a different time where brute force isn't the sole power needed to free the common man.we live in the Information age where information equals power and the one controlling the information is the one who is controlling the common man.

the government controls the media , media which gives information to the common man.
this means they tell ordinary people whats happening every where else outside their home.
and they use this power to trick people into doing what ever they want.

here is an example:
the 9/11 attack was planned and executed by terrorists.
or rather that's what the government wants the people to think.
they tell you on the news ,on the papers that some secret organization holds "weapons of mass destruction" so people pay more taxes and join the army to combat this threat but what the people think is self defense is actually a plan hatched by the government to seize foreign land and use it to mine oil.

this is something that information can do.
what the government wants now and wanted for a long time now was power over the internet or rather they wanted control over the information on the Internet.
since its become the information hub among the entire world the one controlling this information will have the power over its people , in a more dramatic manner : the one controlling the Internets information controls the WORLD.

Anonymous are by no means hero's or criminals, they are neutral because they act under an unknown banner which shields them from the rest of the world but what they do , cruel ,harsh , juvenile , heroic , criminal is justice. they use the means to secure neutrality here on the internet a place where every one has a say in. they do it by hacking accounts and stealing information to gain the power they need to strike at the people who want to control everything.

now returning back to your point about them , they are in fact revolutionaries by your decryption. they give the information back to the people and information is power, power every one can use to defend themselves or take down a corrupt government.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
These are interesting times...

Anonymous seems to be like the Robin Hood of the digital age and I think that's why people are so fascinated with them and their exploits...

I can't help but grin inside when I hear about them making their mark on both the cyberworld and probably into the history books. Not bad if you believe most of their members are nerdy, sociophobic teenagers with a grudge against "the man"...

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
mythgraven said:
Unless The Escapist is being admin'd by moonlighting members of this testament to Planned Parenthood, may I humbly request that you stop posting stories about these children? It seems like we are seeing weekly updates on what 4year old Chan is up to, and all it seems to be doing is legitimizing their actions. Anonymous is neither news, nor interesting, nor relevant to the internet. Unless we make them.

Whiskey Echo!!
seconds this, getting really tired of hearing about what they're doing to


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Phyroxis said:
danpascooch said:
Phyroxis said:
danpascooch said:
Phyroxis said:
Sennz0r said:
Phyroxis said:
Sennz0r said:
Does anyone else feel a movie adaptation coming up?

In all honesty, I think the FBI should just hire Anonymous.
You can't hire an idea. Anon aren't all hackers. Anon is a collection of like-minded people tied solely around an ideology. Even then its loosely based. Some are hackers, many are not.
I know that. Doesn't mean they couldn't come to an agreement with the part of Anonymous that is hacker.
Isn't the whole point of this news story the fact that they can't find Anon? Or the Anon who are hacking? =P

Besides, this isn't an example of hacking, honestly. Aside from the entry, its mostly just social engineering.
Well let's see, they broke into their website, replaced it with their own, and infiltrated and published all of the private emails of the company.

What part of this is "not hacking"?
Most of it. Hacking was getting and spoofing the initial e-mail. The rest was social engineering and childs play. Any middle-schooler can make a web page or a torrent.

I'm not saying they didn't do a lot, I'm saying that calling it hacking is downplaying the other skills at work here.
They didn't make a webpage, they replaced GaryHB's.

Honestly, what IS hacking if this isn't it? I understand something like DDOS involves running a premade program, that's not hacking. But they got into the site, edited it, and stole over 60000 emails, what would you consider hacking? Is anything less than the Skynet takeover considered hacking by you?

Remember, before they got the password from the admin, they had to GET INTO THE EMAIL SERVER to make it look like it was from them. Also, they hacked his Twitter.
If you read my original post I prefaced it with "Other than entry to the e-mail system" and continued with "it was social engineering."

I don't think you understand the distinction technology involved. Just because someone gains access to a technological system, doesn't mean they "hacked" into it. There are many different methods for getting into technological systems. The one that they most used here was social engineering with a bit of technological know-how.

Its really not hacking to ask someone in the company to give you passwords. Yeah, they used technology to access the companies files (and change the website) after they got the passwords, but the means was by those passwords NOT hacking into the systems. If you gave the password to your website's Cpanel, I could change your frontpage in 30 seconds. Once in, its childsplay. Getting in was social engineering.

Also, hacked twitter is just another (wrongly labeled) way of saying "they got his password or e-mail account" AKA, they used the e-mail account that they had access to, to get his twitter password. To actually hack a twitter account they'd have had to compromise the security of Twitter itself, which they did not.
I get what you're saying, and as far as everything that happened after getting the passwords I do agree with you.

However, in my opinion the "everything other than entry into the mail system" kind of invalidates the whole argument that they weren't hacking.

Thanks for the information, I didn't know as much about this as you did, opinions will obviously differ on this point, but as long as one piece of the act involved legitimate hacking I'm willing to call the event a hack.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
The Hairminator said:
danpascooch said:
I know what DDoS is. And I JUST SAID I don't consider it hacking.

Why did you quote me?
Sorry, I suppose I misread. I shall disappear from this conversation at once!
Yeah that's right! You better run!


maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Yes...congratulations Anon. You just committed identity theft and comprised a man's personal finance because he was doing his job. I know not every member of Anonymous took part in this, but I hope those who did do it get caught and brought to trial. This is just making them all out to be common criminals.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Well, score 60000034 for the Anons. Taking down an internet secuity company at thier own game is no small feat.

What craziness will they attempt next? Who knows...


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
Yes...congratulations Anon. You just committed identity theft and comprised a man's personal finance because he was doing his job. I know not every member of Anonymous took part in this, but I hope those who did do it get caught and brought to trial. This is just making them all out to be common criminals.
Well, they are criminals.

I wouldn't call them common, but yeah, they're crooks.

I think it's funny, the lesson here is: "If you want to fuck with a hacker group, make sure you've got your shit together"


Some security firm.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Clarity112 said:
The Escapist seems to be slip down the middle, I don't understand that. Anonymous is possibly the last bastion of humanity left in this world, their sticking up for ability to use the internet as is without the fucking government stepping in. Are we really so jaded that we hate the people on our side?
But the thing is - they're a rag-tag group that has yet to take on the government organizations directly . . . we're in a modern age where there are corporations and government organizations that have a more powerful internet footnote than anon ever will. They're really no better than guerilla fighters who lack the resources and man power to effectively combat their gripes head-on, so instead can only attack rather pointless targets in a tepid effort to get their point across. All they're doing is making things worse on everyone else. It's like a rat attacking the toes of a lion . . .