Dastardly said:
Greg Tito said:
Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm
All they're doing at this point is feeding the idea that the internet needs to be
more heavily policed. It's just some kids showing off tricks under the guise of activism, not having the foresight to see how their antics are actually working
against their alleged goals.
For every pocket of "good" hackers flying the 'Anonymous' banner, there are a dozen of this childish, bad variety undoing it. This isn't a comic book. Faceless vigilantism just allows the established power to promote a culture of fear, and thus control.
What has made true revolutionaries of the past different is that they
empowered the common man. They taught them. Gave them skills, organized them, and put them to work freeing themselves. They didn't flit around playing Batman or Zorro, spitting in the eye of the government in the name of the people--and thus helping to clench the iron fist on those same people.
what your forgetting is that we are in a different time where brute force isn't the sole power needed to free the common man.we live in the Information age where information equals power and the one controlling the information is the one who is controlling the common man.
the government controls the media , media which gives information to the common man.
this means they tell ordinary people whats happening every where else outside their home.
and they use this power to trick people into doing what ever they want.
here is an example:
the 9/11 attack was planned and executed by terrorists.
or rather that's what the government wants the people to think.
they tell you on the news ,on the papers that some secret organization holds "weapons of mass destruction" so people pay more taxes and join the army to combat this threat but what the people think is self defense is actually a plan hatched by the government to seize foreign land and use it to mine oil.
this is something that information can do.
what the government wants now and wanted for a long time now was power over the internet or rather they wanted control over the information on the Internet.
since its become the information hub among the entire world the one controlling this information will have the power over its people , in a more dramatic manner : the one controlling the Internets information controls the WORLD.
Anonymous are by no means hero's or criminals, they are neutral because they act under an unknown banner which shields them from the rest of the world but what they do , cruel ,harsh , juvenile , heroic , criminal is justice. they use the means to secure neutrality here on the internet a place where every one has a say in. they do it by hacking accounts and stealing information to gain the power they need to strike at the people who want to control everything.
now returning back to your point about them , they are in fact revolutionaries by your decryption. they give the information back to the people and information is power, power every one can use to defend themselves or take down a corrupt government.