Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm


No One Is Special
Mar 9, 2010
KidTheFat said:
mythgraven said:
KidTheFat said:
mythgraven said:
Unless The Escapist is being admin'd by moonlighting members of this testament to Planned Parenthood, may I humbly request that you stop posting stories about these children? It seems like we are seeing weekly updates on what 4year old Chan is up to, and all it seems to be doing is legitimizing their actions. Anonymous is neither news, nor interesting, nor relevant to the internet. Unless we make them.

Whiskey Echo!!
Judging by the amount of responses to this thread, and how much people are enjoying it and reading it, I'd say it's both News AND Interesting. If you don't like it, stop reading it.
Constructive post. Ive honestly never seen the "If you dont like X, Don't Y" before. I see where it addresses the fact that posting articles about fools and morons makes it seem like being a fool and a moron are a good thing, worthy of being lauded and/or followed.

Its good that you didnt choose to attack what I typed, and kept your focus on what my over-arching point was. Sometimes it seems as though people lose track of whats really important so that they can focus on things like their ego, or e-go as it would be.

Keep up the good work!
Whiskey Echo!!
They are, indeed, morons and fools, but the article is not an attempt to make them appear as heroes. The article is written in such a way as to keep readers interested, and it is about something that many people find interesting because they want readers to come back to this site often. Most websites make money from advertisements and the more readers come back, the more those advertising spaces are worth. So once again, if Anonymous is not interesting to you, stop reading the article, because you are only generating more views and making it worth more money.
This is why I prefer the Escapist community to so many others. KidTheFat stated his point clearly and I am in agreement with the fact that I am, infact contributing to the problem by posting on the topics. This is something I will have to reconsider when deciding to comment.

However, I do think the site is better served with quick and decisive derailment of "silly" and un-worthy content... If we engender a community where fluff/sensationalist articles arent called into question, then nothing will set us apart from our inferior peers.

I think The Escapist is the best, and because I think it is the best. Part of that means we must all be ready to take a discerning look at the content.

Whiskey Echo!!


New member
Jan 17, 2009
mythgraven said:
KidTheFat said:
mythgraven said:
Unless The Escapist is being admin'd by moonlighting members of this testament to Planned Parenthood, may I humbly request that you stop posting stories about these children? It seems like we are seeing weekly updates on what 4year old Chan is up to, and all it seems to be doing is legitimizing their actions. Anonymous is neither news, nor interesting, nor relevant to the internet. Unless we make them.

Whiskey Echo!!
Judging by the amount of responses to this thread, and how much people are enjoying it and reading it, I'd say it's both News AND Interesting. If you don't like it, stop reading it.
Constructive post. Ive honestly never seen the "If you dont like X, Don't Y" before. I see where it addresses the fact that posting articles about fools and morons makes it seem like being a fool and a moron are a good thing, worthy of being lauded and/or followed.

Its good that you didnt choose to attack what I typed, and kept your focus on what my over-arching point was. Sometimes it seems as though people lose track of whats really important so that they can focus on things like their ego, or e-go as it would be.

Keep up the good work!
Whiskey Echo!!
Fine then

"It seems like we are seeing weekly updates on what 4year old Chan is up to"

We pretty much are, and we seem to be enjoying it.

" and all it seems to be doing is legitimizing their actions. "

Realizing crime is happening doesn't mean you approve.

"Anonymous is neither news, nor interesting, nor relevant to the internet. Unless we make them."

Your opinion. Because that's an opinion, it's not a valid point.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
There's a book on this... it's a teenage read at best, but it's relevant and pretty good. Despite the fact that it takes place in San Fran *cough*. Or that it's rather... excessive. eh, read it anyways. First thing i thought of when i read this.

The Book: Little Brother by Cory Doctrow


Wicked Prolapse
Aug 27, 2009
Yeah! Anon #1 thaAH....*ahem*
I mean, thats terrible, we should have predicted such an ingenious scheme, how dare they! Lock them up, do it I say! *cough*


New member
Oct 7, 2009
Regardless of everyone's views of Anonymous, you need to respect how fluidly it can conduct it's operations with no "command structure"


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Imat said:
Tenky said:
I want Anonymous to be the global internet authority... they are fair, reasonable, and take no sides, just equality.

Best of all... they're not governed or goverment... they are everyday joes! :)
I'm not even sure if this is supposed to be a real thing...Did you mean this for sarcasm? Because honestly that sounds like the very worst possibility I can conceive of...Well, maybe not the very worst, but so close as to be a non-issue. And the very worst is hardly a possibility.

No good can come of Anonymous. Whatever good they could have done was canceled out long ago by their extreme willingness to hack into anybody and everybody's websites, do whatever they want, and call it "justice." Justice would be a fine and some jail-time for these people who believe themselves above the law. They ain't helping anybody, quite the opposite in fact, and I simply cannot support their methods, not in the least. There was a time, before I became a mature, responsible human being with some basic sense of right and wrong, when I would have been all for Anonymous. That time is long gone.
I'm sorry if I misled you in any ways... but the way things are right now, WE the PEOPLE have no decent representation in the world that is meaningful... Plus everyone is too much of a pussy to bring up the pitchforks and torches up to their government to be heard...

So anonymous has it right, it inflicts fear of a collective, which is the common people of this world, agains't corporate bullshit and injustice. You'll be glad to see anonymous scare the shit outta whoever decides to lock you up for this one mp3 you illegaly downloaded years ago. :p


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Krion_Vark said:
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
They aren't too good at what they do if they were too good they wouldn't of had to trick someone into giving them the password they would have been able to get it only through their programs.
It's kind of funny when I hear people talk about things they know little to nothing about like they know a lot about it.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
It's good to see them doing some real hacking instead of this denial of service crap. Well... Maybe "good" isn't the word I'd use for something illegal... Actually it was more a fishing fishing scam than a hack, hey? Still, more impressive than the denial of service attacks.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
joebear15 said:
that's pretty pathetic dont these people know what every steam users knows NEVER GIVE YOU PASSWORDS TO ANYONE ON THE INTERNET gees you think they would have at least given the man a phone call before just sending the admit passwords whille nilly
I think "Jussi" is getting fired. Also, I find this pretty amusing, especially how they put everything on thepiratebay. Sure, they leaked a bunch of secret emails, as well as the members that they "found", but I would love it if the FBI decided not to buy the information from them but just get it for free after all.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
"Anonymous" wants people to post this type of news "story". They are not some shadowy group, organizing big e-heists via IRC. To be a "member" of Anonymous, all a person needs is:

a) Computer knowledge.
b) A dedication to anarchy.
c) A fetish for people being scared of you.

It turns out, there's a surprising number of these people on the Internet, and none of them want to get caught. And if you don't know the identity of someone, all you can call them is "anonymous". Eventually, idiots like the people on Fox News pick up on this "trend", and thanks to the aforementioned fetish these people have in common, they just roll with it.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
s-seriously? they did that THAT easily?!! what is this world coming toooooo

[small]go anon[/small]


New member
Mar 24, 2009
A predictable next step, but still lame and useless. Not to mention giving the agencies looking for them more breadcrumbs to nail more of their numbers. This would actually be the logical time to go to ground and disappear for a year. I'm not optimistic that all of them will get caught, but I have to wonder for those who do get caught, how many were swindled into doing what they did without better reason?
Daemascus said:
Dont this people have anything better to do? If they used all that time and energy on legal things they could make lots of money.
I highly doubt that any one person in this group is not doing something else with their time.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Can't help but root for anon here.
Net neutrality is important.
Anyone who goes against that needs to get a kick in their balls.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
This is just asking for more trouble. Maybe I wasn't aware of how deep the battle between sweet home America's law enforcement and the internet's mysterious self proclaimed vigilantes. It's probably only a matter before one of them says "Screw it." and launches some super attack on the other. I'm vaguely interested to find out how this ends.


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
"How exactly do you plan to fight a group that has no organization, Hoglund?"

Considering that you already mentioned that 40 Anons were house-searched by the FBI and 5 others arrested already?

Apparently, by investigating their membership, following the chain as Anon members unable to flee the microscope start giving up their friends, and putting them in jail for committing felonies.

Just a thought, mindja.


Chaos in Jeans
Feb 2, 2010
Simalacrum said:
On the letter, Anonymous claims to seize the website under section 14 of the rules of the Internet.

Now, the most popular rules of the Internet [] clearly states that section 14 is "do not argue with trolls - it means that they win", which really doesn't make sense under the context... XD
Two possibilities:

-He's reading from a different rulebook than you are.

-He's saying you shouldn't question his rule citation since doing so means you're arguing with him, which means he wins anyway.