Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
This is just hilarious. I don't support Anonymous in any way but there is just something very ironic in the attack. I wanna see what happens next.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Oh bringing in the country again? He can't protect the united states, because the united states chose to hack his company.

I'd be concerned if they actually hacked into the FBI or something and REALLY compromised the security of the nation, but this is just a greedy private company. PROTIP: Having "federal" in their name makes them as much federal, as having "democratic" in "DPRK" makes north Korea a democracy.

Also, Anonymous is not a single entity, nor is it even a group. It's an idea and a common banner random people gather around to fight for a cause. So far i like what they're targeting.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
PurpleSkull said:
Also, Anonymous is not a single entity, nor is it even a group. It's an idea and a common banner random people gather around to fight for a cause. So far i like what they're targeting.
Well said.


Pixel Pusher
Mar 25, 2009
Krion_Vark said:
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
They aren't too good at what they do if they were too good they wouldn't of had to trick someone into giving them the password they would have been able to get it only through their programs.
why work harder than you have to? getting the passes was just easier.

I'd rather take a car from one side of the state to the other than walk it.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Just another example that the best 'hackers' do not just use code, but social engineering.

Remember Kevin Mitnick?


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
Anonymous are hilarious, I admit I have to side with them on sticking up for freedom of the internet though I don't go for their whole obsession with porn.


The Original RageQuit Rebel
Sep 10, 2009
llagrok said:
AnarchistAbe said:
Nowhere did I say American prison. Federal was a bad choice of words, but prison nonetheless. I just don't think scumbags like those in Anonymous should enjoy any of the luxuries that those not imprisoned enjoy.
I'm not entirely sure you understand what is going on here...
I understand just fine. I really do not like Anonymous, or what they stand for. They are self-righteous cowards who hide behind the veil of internet anonymity. They are criminals, hacking the people who are trying to make them accountable for their actions.


New member
Sep 25, 2009
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
Won't happen. Anonymous' strength is in the fact that they are just a global network of people. They have no meeting place, not really. So you can't really target them. Y ou just kinda have to get lucky.

Iwana Humpalot

New member
Jan 22, 2011
Haha, nice one anonymous. But this seems to be a fight you can't win. Eventually FBI is going to catch them, or then they need to hide pretty nicely and stop doing these hacks. Sad but true :(


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Greg Tito said:
Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm

How did Anonymous pull it off? Through a combination of hacking knowledge and simple chicanery. The group broke into HBGary's email server, and then used an email that looked like it came from the company's cofounder Greg Hoglund to convince a system admin to divulge passwords.
*Blink* Really? All it took as alittle social engineering?

Kevin Mitnick was doing crap like this 30 years ago:

You would think people would have learned by now.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
I don't like anonymous purely because they expect the right to piracy, and yet still expect the game/movie/music industries to keep going.

Anonymous at this point are pathetic
Seriously, it's just a sad group of 13 year olds with a few 34 year old basement dwellers with IT skills.
So now they've gone and done something directly against security and such. I can't wait to see them legally ***** slapped.
How have they even lasted this long, anyway?
Only because they spread like an infection, making yet more 13 year olds think it's cool to be a racist cyber-pirate.
Losers, I say! Although there must be a lot of bewildered jackasses to not have learned how to protect websites more effectively.
Even national security apparently can fold before anonymous
So why the hell hasn't someone owned them at this point?

Admittedly there has been some good stuff, like the guy with the starving dogs who got paypal donations, but that wasn't exactly anonymous. It was just a couple of nice guys on imageboards.
Sep 4, 2009
Greg Tito said:
...but he reacted the same that Gene Simmons did []:
Bull! Everyone know's Anonymous are extinct, Gene Simmons stopped them because he has spent decades patiently researching the causes, effects and dynamics of loosely tied collective behavior patterns of individuals at micro and macro levels of socia- ... wait... hang on...

No, no he didn't. He just mouthed off when a bunch of have-a-go pizza chewers made a fool of him. He didn't know where to begin so he talked smack and then... didn't do anything.

"They didn't just pick on any company, but we try to protect the US government from hackers. They couldn't have chosen a worse company to pick on."
That man's over-confidence is only matched by his company's insignificance. Its only real credibility came from its competence and now that is shot to hell; its biggest delusion is that enough people will still be over-confident in its performance that it will still be worth something.

No company that values security would trust such a blowhard who has been so publicly humiliated by a flock of giggling geeks. The best he can do is just by some curtains and a dog and hope they don't decide he also likes pizza.


New member
Feb 8, 2011

-People who do not know how to argue.
-People who have never heard the term "logical fallacy".
-People who do not understand how the internet works.
-People who do not understand how Anonymous works.
-People who do not understand how the FBI works.
-People who do not understand the American legal system and have never read the Constitution.
-People who do not understand economics.

I usually lurk the Escapist, but I had to make an account here just to express that 90% of the people in this thread are grossly misinformed and completely illogical in their reactions. Many of you have blown the issue out of proportion, many of the rest have come into this "discussion" with far too many preconceived notions and erroneous prejudices about the parties involved in this news story.

I see more intelligent discussion on 4chan.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
BVBFanatic said:

-People who do not know how to argue.
-People who have never heard the term "logical fallacy".
-People who do not understand how the internet works.
-People who do not understand how Anonymous works.
-People who do not understand how the FBI works.
-People who do not understand the American legal system and have never read the Constitution.
-People who do not understand economics.

I usually lurk the Escapist, but I had to make an account here just to express that 90% of the people in this thread are grossly misinformed and completely illogical in their reactions. Many of you have blown the issue out of proportion, many of the rest have come into this "discussion" with far too many preconceived notions and erroneous prejudices about the parties involved in this news story.

I see more intelligent discussion on 4chan.
You are correct here. If you have time, maybe you could inform some people here.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
I find it funny how many people assume anonymous is just a location with a set amount of people and a structure.
Lets take the black market as an example, how many people think there is a location and a designated place for the black market? Enough for me to say this, you are wrong. Whenever an illegal transaction has taken place in anyway it falls under the black market. It's not a place, location or set piece, it is a category for illegal transactions

Same with anonymous. Anonymous is not an organisation, it is not just 4chan and it is not some business model like a lot of people are implying. Anonymous is anyone on the internet without information, a name, a face, address or anything that links them to themselves. They are a collective movement with collective ideas, not a hierarchy. I am anonymous, you are anonymous, your mother is anonymous, your dad is anonymous along with everyone you know and love. Some could even be members of the FBI, I know several anonymous people who are in the police force so what are the chances one of them is in the FBI.

OT: Oh this is turning out to be quite the fight, I wonder what will happen in the end. My predictions either an internet depicted as a barren wasteland where the law fears to tread or they turn off the internet altogether


New member
May 1, 2009
I actually really loved hearing about this.

I believe this stemmed from hacks and DDOSs against the corporations against Wikileaks? If so, I'm all for this since I believe how the world is currently handling Wikileaks is terrible immoral.