Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm


New member
May 19, 2009
Whateveralot said:
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
They never harmed anyone physically. They just wreck parties, that's all.
Expect now that they reveled a personal information of Barr. Hes identity can be stolen now and used to destroy hes life. In my opinion that is hurting someone.
Whats point of fighting for anonymity if you keep exposing the anonymity of others. Talk about fighting against nuclear weapons by detonating one.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
True, but I'm sure the identities of the members he sold to the govt hurt them too.

We need people like this, why should the govt keep everything hush-hush? End of the day, we pay for everything they do. Without a populace, they are nothing.


New member
May 7, 2010
Starke said:
thahat said:
'mask their ip adress'
is that even possible for DDos attacks? isent ddosing more like a child continually teling you his name and thats the thing tha drives you mad and lets you jump off a cliff XD?
More like them and 30k of their buddies yelling "what?" over and over at you. But, yeah, no, it's really not possible to conceal your IP address during a DDOS except by not participating in it. Though part of the point is that a lot of the attackers are unwitting.
unless you feel like forcing another computer to do it for you... say a family pc?


New member
May 7, 2010
Starke said:
STE3L said:
the American government is fighting a uphill battle on this one... as the whole idea of Anonymous is that there are no personal details, there are no names or faces, no records or bank accounts. the point is to create a current to pull the general population. Ddos all the way to full server takeovers... you can not stop it. to take a line form C&C: Generals "there is always a way in", now Wether it means going to the server and smashing it to bits or by swarming it with simultaneous hacks... you can't stop a river just by telling it to. I myself do not condemn them or there recent/past and hopefully future actions, as long as they do not drop innocent names about. let wikileaks live, for if you dream yourself my master... I will up 'n arms.
Very noble, and very incorrect.

There are bank accounts, not of the organization, but of the members, there are email accounts, there were accounts on the IRC server, data from which, that is now sitting in a federal evidence locker. There is information, there is lots of it, and what Anonymous claims will set it free is in fact the very thing that will damn it irrevocably. The freedom of information they champion will come back and bite them as it's used against them in a court of law. The countries they sought to "enlighten" will stomp on information harder than before. No one will learn anything, their crusade will make things far worse for everyone, and people will destroy their own lives in the process with no benefit to anyone.

So, as I said, very noble of you, but sadly very misguided as well.
thank you, but all the same, if we cant trust each other with information... why should we have it at all.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Copy paste from his Twitter:

(also I suck cocks and am a sweaty ballsack of caterpillars) oh shit not supposed to be in his account still, sorry Aaron *hops off*

I laughed... bad...


New member
Jan 4, 2008

Anon, I applaud you.

To all those who look down upon them: what happens when big brother sets in? Anon isn't actually hurting anyone, and they're opposing somebody who's trying to force their 'power' over the rest. I say good show.

So when the fascist machines come rolling in, you'll find me underground, underwater or in space. Because I'm sure as hell not being a mindless slave.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I'm anti-extremist for any political movement, but when in the western world, mass demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people are routinely ignored as a 'token gesture' [], governments need to be hit where it hurts them, and Anon are the only group I see doing that


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Mornelithe said:
ROOTminus1 said:
I'm anti-extremist for any political movement, but when in the western world, mass demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people are routinely ignored as a 'token gesture' [], governments need to be hit where it hurts them, and Anon are the only group I see doing that
Hundreds of thousands, do not even come remotely close to comprising the majority of the US, not even a large minority. What you need to realize is, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you can take the law into your own hands. I'm going to enjoy watching Anon members get picked off left and right. The more they piss of major Governments, the more they're going to find out just how 'Anonymous' they really are.

Should be quite amusing.
Oh yeah, I don't deny that what they're doing is a bad idea, in the end it's just gonna make it worse off for everyone, as governments get uber-paranoid of their position of power.
As the cold war didn't change anything for the better, I think it will take a full zombie apocalypse to make any real changes to the system


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Realize this: Any anon in these protests that has any clue, knows how to make themselves anonymous.

I will be surprised to see any real verdicts or charges on anons. Its like trying to charge 1 person in the civil rights protests for blocking access to several businesses.

From IRC:
I would hope everyone in here is prepared to go to trial with their heads held high, if it comes to that.

If you do get v&, don't worry, we are working on securing strong legal council for Anons


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I dont see why people try to "take them down" it always ends up bad.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
...Did no one ever explain to Western governments what, "Feeding the troll," means, and thus why you shouldn't do it?

By arresting people using DDOS attacks instead of promoting anti-DDOS software/hardware in big companies, they've made this into some "Srs biznss."
There's nothing more Srs than a G-man at your door.

*sighs* We're so desensitized as a culture nowadays, demonstrations of any sort have so little meaning...


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
Calbeck said:
Simriel said:
Arresting 40 members of anon
Is forty guys willing to squeal like pigs to get out of what their friends got them into. Except, in Anon, there are of course no friends. -:)
Every member is by the nature of the group anonymous. How can you rat out someone who you don't know?


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
Greg Tito said:
"They didn't just pick on any company, but we try to protect the US government from hackers. They couldn't have chosen a worse company to pick on."
oh please!, tell me he said "THEY ARE TERRORRRISSTTS I TELL YOUUU"

its hilarious how anyone thinks they can capture an organization of NO ONE and EVERYONE at the same time...

:p watever, i certainly dont agree with piracy, but this seems preety cool


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Bigfootmech said:
Anon isn't actually hurting anyone, and they're opposing somebody who's trying to force their 'power' over the rest. I say good show
Are you serious ?

Ok, lets quickly recap Anonymous's "achievements" in this field:

-On March 28, 2008, Wired News reported that "Internet griefers" assaulted an epilepsy support forum run by the Epilepsy Foundation of America.[52] JavaScript code and flashing computer animations were posted with the intention of triggering migraine headaches and seizures in photosensitive and pattern-sensitive epileptics.

-In January 2009 members of Anonymous targeted California teen McKay Hatch who runs the No Cussing Club, a website against profanity.[58][59] As Hatch's home address, phone number, and other personal information were leaked on-line, his family has received a lot of hate mail, lots of obscene phone calls, and even bogus pizza and pornography deliveries.

-On May 20, 2009, members of Anonymous uploaded numerous pornographic videos onto YouTube.[61] Many of these videos were disguised as children's videos or family friendly videos with tags such as "Jonas brothers.

Really noble !

source, wiki.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Did anyone else hear that 300 theme song in the back while reading this?


New member
Jun 16, 2008
All this tells me is that people in general need to stop being dicks. And that goes for politicians (especially politicians...), anon and security firms alike.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Dana22 said:
source, wiki.
Yeah, we really need to update that. All of those you mentioned are 4chan / 7chan related - not AnonOps. AnonOps is a separate group that is involved in the wikileaks, hbgary, Tunisia, Italy and Egypt operations. 6667

I'm not sure I agree with advocating piracy and a lot of what the so called "anonymous" group have done. But anonymous is not unanimous and only a minority participate in all operations. I got involved after wikileaks was DDoS'd. I choose to participate in operations I believe in. Anonymous needs to be anonymous when defending wikileaks because of the aggressive way the US is trying to shut them down.

For example:(Thankfully twitter did not cooperate)
BBC News also makes clear that the court order will also cover the 600,000 odd followers that Wikileaks has on Twitter. The order asks specifically for names of those attached to selected accounts, user and screen names, and any registered mailing or postal addresses
I feel that in this instances, the DDOSing of corporates who are caving to political pressure in an attempt to silence wikileaks was perfectly legitimate. In light of this, I am glad that Anonymous are anonymous, because in this day David cannot fight Goliath without hiding his identity.