Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Dana22 said:
Bigfootmech said:
Anon isn't actually hurting anyone, and they're opposing somebody who's trying to force their 'power' over the rest. I say good show
Are you serious ?


Really noble !

source, wiki.
Yep, most anons are trolls, or worse, d***s. But what some anons do isn't what all anons do.

What kinda saddens me is how little people understand about how anon works. Then again, I wonder how many of the people claiming this or that preposterous thing about anon are just here for the trollin' =)


New member
Oct 8, 2009
sosolidshoe said:
-Samurai- said:
I can't wait till life bites these stupid kids in the ass.

When the government decides to start pushing ISPs to police their users activities, you can all thank this group of would-be e-vigilantes.

The phrase of the day is; "counter productivity".
Don't be an idiot, governments have been trying to force a complete takeover of ISP's since the internet fucking began, all that's changed is they've now hired PR people who can convince Joe Moron that it's for his own good. Piracy hurts content producers! - apart from the new study in Japan showing that piracy helps DVD sales. Wikileaks is spying on our government! - yes, and the government spies on us, and the tabloids spy on everybody, wikileaks is just evening the playing field. Anonymous are....anonymous, and that's bad! - No, that's very, very good. I may not agree with everything they do, but they're a net-benefit in every term other than publicity for 'net culture.
Right. Because hacking(and I use that term loosely here) into an account and posting someones personal information on the internet is always a good thing. It totally doesn't have the potential to ruin an innocent persons life or anything. These kids are just adding fuel to the fire. They're only proving that the internet needs to be policed, because they can't seem to use it for anything other than illegal activities. They're hurting their own "cause", and it doesn't take a genius to see that.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
RDubayoo said:
obisean said:
IMO the best option is to leave it alone, and bust who you can when you find them. Going after them when they are in a "vegetative" state only inspires more dick-headery and leads to things like this.
No, the best thing is to find them in spite of their attempts to remain anonymous, punish them severely for whatever crimes they've committed, and leave them as examples to others of their ilk. Just leaving them alone won't work because asshats of this nature will always seek out new victims to alleviate their boredom. They're like bullies, and being nice or ignoring them just won't work.

Frankly I don't think Anonymous is half as good as they're puffing themselves up to be--they're just a bunch of disorganized jerks, after all. They just took advantage of employees that got too complacent for their own good. But the most ridiculous part of this how they're also acting like they're upholding some grand cause or something. They're not. They don't stand for anything at all, except for their own whims and petty acts of spite, and anyone who believes otherwise needs a serious reality check.

Bretty said:
This company thought it found a way to make a name and money... instead they found a fight. Something tells me they will be changing direction soon enough.
I wouldn't bet on it. And furthermore, if I want someone to defend my "Interwebz Rights" or whatever, it's not going to be these Anonymous pricks. I don't want them and I don't need them. Besides, their definition of freedom is suspect in the first place, given how they'll do their script kiddie BS on anyone who dares to speak out against them or whatever political demagogues Anon has decided they like.

Crossing for my fingers for more Anonymous arrests, hahaha!
Because between you and them, they sound like the Pricks? Your argument is that of a petulant child.


New member
Jun 4, 2010
The FBI are nubs. The NSA is the one with the supercomputers and all the hackers. If Anonymous was bad enough to grab the NSA's attention, they would be destroyed very quickly. But they aren't because they're just a bunch of kids having fun. The NSA is too busy dealing with Russians and Chinese. The Russians are apparently the best.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
-Samurai- said:
Right. Because hacking(and I use that term loosely here) into an account and posting someones personal information on the internet is always a good thing. It totally doesn't have the potential to ruin an innocent persons life or anything. These kids are just adding fuel to the fire. They're only proving that the internet needs to be policed, because they can't seem to use it for anything other than illegal activities. They're hurting their own "cause", and it doesn't take a genius to see that.
Anonymous have got almost all good press from this so far.

Aaron had already declared war on anonymous. In private emails he was shown to be getting very angry and has been trying his best to bring anonymous down. Anons have discredited his intel and destroyed his reputation, making him untrustworthy. There was a method to this madness.

I have heard rumors his companies network was the home of the j3st3r.


New member
Apr 11, 2010
I called on the FBI article.

Like I said, they'll always be one step ahead, there's no way you can bring down the entire anonymous organization.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
Mornelithe said:
Pretty sure Government's have already done just that...this particular stunt by Anon members was in retaliation for that very thing. What's funny is, do they not realize the more they make themselves visible to the Government, the more their members are going to get picked off one by one?

But seriously though, what's going to be cool is how these dumbasses are going to get turned into someone's ***** in Jail. Jail-house rape, now that's funny.
thats just the thing, they can pick off "one by one" but seen that there are a lot of guys out there, i dont think they can pick them all

its not an "organization" there is not a single group of people behind this things, and there are people that just for the hell of it do it and disapear, and if they realize the gov is getting closer, the ones that get scaret will leave, and the others that were just "watching" might take their places, its going to cost a lot of money and time to try to "catch em all", and even though the "movies" show a lot of Sci Fi regarding internet security, the reality is far from those things

anyway, those are my oppinions :p


New member
Jul 11, 2008
THis is the same problem as piracy, sure you can nail some single mother for 15 million bucks in fines, and woo to you, she's been put of piracy. However, the few million other people downloading think 'well, that's terrible, but....odds of five million to one, I'm off to get some more movies!'

Same deal here, arrest a dozen Anon types who didn't cover their tracks, or more likely, arrest a dozen clueless people who had their net hijacked by Anon types. the tens of thousands in Anon will just go 'well, that sucks to be them, still, thousands to one chance of them catching me, lets carry on!'


New member
Oct 25, 2009
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
Actually most "security firms" are on the side of pathetic shared by vaporware and other such things. People can handle their own security needs online, its not like they have to hire guards to stand over their corner of the internet. The fact that these wastes are paid is a joke anyway. Good to see someone (group of someones, really) finally pointing out what a joke security firms are. About the same as having insurance for a car you never wrecked, but insurance actually pays off if something bad happens.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Some of the DDoS protesters that were arrested have already been released. These people were taking part in a protest, they are not criminals doing this for money. I don't understand some of the hate people give them.

The laws regarding DDoS were likely put in place because criminals use botnets to DDoS big money making sales sites in extortion schemes. This type of denial of service attack often goes on for days or even weeks.

It is unlikely that these short DDoS attacks resulted in any serious monetary loss. Just like they already have with some, they will try and track people involved in the protest and make an example of them. It all comes back to the governments of the world dislike of the leaked wikileaks cables.

The fact that so many people stopped dealing with the companies after this and that so many news articles were made about the companies stopping business with wikileaks because of the DDoS attacks. Now that would cause some monetary loss. For those that don't know, this was the point in the DDoS attacks - to draw attention to what the companies did to wikileaks. Eg. Paypal freezing a whole bunch of wikileaks donations. This money was promptly released after the attacks.

People were also asked not to use master card and visa for Christmas shopping, as well as close their paypal account.


Queen of France
Mar 14, 2009
Mornelithe said:
HentMas said:
Mornelithe said:
Pretty sure Government's have already done just that...this particular stunt by Anon members was in retaliation for that very thing. What's funny is, do they not realize the more they make themselves visible to the Government, the more their members are going to get picked off one by one?

But seriously though, what's going to be cool is how these dumbasses are going to get turned into someone's ***** in Jail. Jail-house rape, now that's funny.
thats just the thing, they can pick off "one by one" but seen that there are a lot of guys out there, i dont think they can pick them all

its not an "organization" there is not a single group of people behind this things, and there are people that just for the hell of it do it and disapear, and if they realize the gov is getting closer, the ones that get scaret will leave, and the others that were just "watching" might take their places, its going to cost a lot of money and time to try to "catch em all", and even though the "movies" show a lot of Sci Fi regarding internet security, the reality is far from those things

anyway, those are my oppinions :p
They don't need to catch them all, they just need to show what happens to the internet tough-guys they DO catch. Which is likely, as I said, a ***** in jail. Weak computer geeks vs hardened jail criminals? Yeah, that should be freekin hilarious.
You have to understand a few basic facts, here:

1) DDoSing is not a gaol crime
2) Very few Anonymous members have ever been caught
3) This isn't a big deal- no one gains much if they're taken down, and they logically they won't be
4) Nationalism is fucking stupid
5) The people who participate in this level of hacking are very good at what they do

So yeah, calm your horses, mate.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Why do these people use the title "Anonymous"? They'd really like to associate themselves with the steaming pile of underage "trolls" and camwhores that comprise 99% of Anonymous in 2011? As for the attack, hurray for fighting a lost battle, they are romantic little souls and that's nice.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
They may be criminal bastards... but they sure are hilarious criminal bastards.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Carnagath said:
Why do these people use the title "Anonymous"? They'd really like to associate themselves with the steaming pile of underage "trolls" and camwhores that comprise 99% of Anonymous in 2011? As for the attack, hurray for fighting a lost battle, they are romantic little souls and that's nice.
Anonymous is a name that fits well and has been used for a long time. It is not going to be changed any time soon just because of some lame 4chan pranks. In time, people will understand that this group is separate to 4chan.