Andrewtheeviscerator said:
Please, some country, any country, find these idiots and make them rot in jail. I'm sick of tired of them breaking the laws and shitting all over us under the disguise of "we're doing it for you".
Yeah, let's impose a draconian tyranny on the internet and use massive violations of the penal code just to get a few script kiddies in jail.
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."
That is Ben Franklin or whatever. There's dozens of variations on that quote and I'm not bored enough to google dead people.
Nimzabaat said:
So Anonymous censors the internet to fight "censoring the internet"... That's taking the high ground for ya!
"Oh no, they tried to assassinate Hitler because he was murdering people! Those devilish rascals!"
I have no reason to side with Anonymous but this kind of comments makes it hard to see them as the bad guys.
RavenTail said:
GAunderrated said:
Interested to see what the reason was for taking it down.
It's most likely typical hacker BS. They get their jollies from messing with people digitally. For no other reason then they have the ability to do so.
That reminds me of that black dude in the film Hackers. Doesn't actually understand hacking, never really had contact with hackers so when he tries to vilify hacking he just spits out some non-sense on camera.
Really, there are better explanations than "some men just want to watch the world burn" and that pseudo-internet-psychology doesn't actually replace knowledge. Which none of us have, and shouldn't pretend to have.
Dangit2019 said:
When will news guys and idiots on twitter learn? ANONYMOUS IS A GROUP THAT ANYONE CAN SAY THEY ARE PART OF. It is not official, it is not organized, so why do people keep pretending it is?
Esotera said:
Some guy on twitter with Anonymous in his name said that he took down GoDaddy, therefore it must be true...
I can't believe that every news site has jumped on this without any verification, and inflated the already massively undeserved reputation Anonymous has. I'm betting that it wasn't a hack and is a technical issue from GoDaddy's crappy infrastructure.
This times a hundred million. I also know of "some guy" in the Secret Service that used the internet to expose how Jews did 9/11, so he *must* be legit.