Anonymous Uncovers Corruption in Wisconsin Labor Dispute


New member
Dec 8, 2010
holy shit Anonymous, dont you think you may of over done it now?
Your actions as a internet regulatory body are commendable and for that many of us love you, but weighing in on stuff like this smacks of a self regulating police force- which is one hell of a line to cross.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
WanderingFool said:
Umm, wow... Not sure what to say... damn... this whole affair is starting to turn foul.
Its been that way for nearly 2 decades now.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
illmuri said:
Corporate greed aside, rule by street mobs is not the best alternative either. If you dont like the governor, elect a new one at the next election. The unions are hardly better than Koch. "Well, we are not bankrupt yet, so we want our raises now!" To hell with the consequences.
They weren't asking for a raise.

They were asking to not have their wages reduced.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I like when people use the words think, believe, and speculate other people automatically believe them and all their points are true and valid. :D

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
It seems that at least some portion of Anonymous reads the New York Times. The part of Walker's bill that basically gives him carte blanche to sell off the state's utilities was mentioned in an opinion piece [] last week.

Is anyone surprised, though? If you are, you must be very comfortable under that rock. It's been pretty much proven [] that Governor Scott Walker is in the pocket of the Koch Brothers. The Koch Brothers would love to break up unions, destroy the ability of American workers to dictate to their employers, and force them to accept wages and working conditions identical to China's. All for greater profits.

Maybe we should listen to Warren Buffett: "It's class warfare, my class is winning, but they shouldn't be." []


Innocence proves nothing
Sep 26, 2008
I think that people need to cool down what they are doing in anonymous' name for a bit. They are starting to rack up a few enemies, I know that they have always had enemies and Anon's policy on most of them is "fuck 'em" but still.

Might want to wait for the heat to blow over guys or someones going to start getting vanned.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
HankMan said:
Greg Tito said:
Anonymous has no official position on abortion
Anonymous has no official position on tax policy
Anonymous has no official position on health care
Anonymous has no official position on collective bargaining agreements
Anonymous has no official position on campaign finance reform
Anonymous has no official position on the Tea Party
Anonymous has no official position on the Democratic Party
Anonymous has no official position on the Republican Party
Anonymous has no official position on the Green Party
Anonymous has no official position on global warming
Anonymous has no official position on off-shore drilling
Anonymous has no official position on budget deficits
Anonymous has no official position on George Soros
Anonymous has no official position on the Koch brothers
Anonymous has no official position on Fox News
Anonymous has no official position on MSNBC
Anonymous has no official position on CNN
Anonymous has no official position on NAFTA
Anonymous has no official position on the IMF or World Bank
Anonymous has no official position on Wall Street
Anonymous has no official position on entitlement programs
Anonymous has no official position on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Anonymous has a very fucking official position on LULZ

I don't know why, but that list makes me happy. My faith in the hackerdom of Anonymous is restored.
If anything mine has increased: No agenda besides empowering the people.
...and laughing. Very hard.

But yeah, I currently support what anonymous is doing. They certainly have more push than documentaries and news articles.


Reachin' out...
Mar 7, 2010
Garak73 said:
So I say this without being well informed, I am glad US citizens are FINALLY starting to protest. US citizens have been abused by politicians and greedy corporations for far too long and we have sat back and taken it, I am glad to see that is changing. Anonymous is a very strange and interesting group, I don't understand them but I'd like to.
To mis-quote a line from a pop song [], that right there I expect will end too soon. I can't see these protests bringing any larger scale changes beyond this bill.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
illmuri said:
Corporate greed aside, rule by street mobs is not the best alternative either. If you dont like the governor, elect a new one at the next election. The unions are hardly better than Koch. "Well, we are not bankrupt yet, so we want our raises now!" To hell with the consequences.
Main difference being that Koch brothers can do without the extra money while the workers, not so much.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
cerebus23 said:
Destroying unions or trying to hardly seems the best way to going about gaining their support, and just seems would cause unions to dump more money into left wing campaigns.

I have 2 aunts in the teachers unions and they are thoroughly corrupt, and stagnate any meaningful reform in education most of the time, more money more money and more money, both my aunts will make more money retired than they make while working.

I have worked at places where union was trying to get in, one woman in my department filed a restraining order against them for harassing her outside work.

I mean i would love to support unions, the whole better pay better benefits workers rights thing sounds great but how they go about stuff just sits with me wrong. Nevermind that government employees already have benefits and pensions, why do they need collective bargaining? Collective bargaining just says if you do not give us what we want we can shut you down, that is way too much power for state and federal employees to have, especially when it is our tax dollars paying for their salaries, benefits etc, not a private corporation, state workers and federal should get what they get a decent and fair wage and decent and fair benefits but stop trying to leverage our tax dollars into more for you.
I do have a problem with some unions. And honestly think they need a balancing factor. For example... Teachers ultimately serve parents and work for the state (for the most part, I realize private schools are different.) So, while a teachers union should be worried about working conditions and the like, something like I guess the PTA should be worried about and working together on recommending reform. And honestly, teachers should be talking to parents anyway about their salaries. I'm sure many parents would help them get higher salaries.

As far as state and federal employees, well, I was in the federal employee system for a bit. And its true that the union there didn't cover collective bargaining. It mostly was about worker safety and the like. That may or may not have been because it was federally sponsored. Either way, I think if people in federal or state jobs want a pay raise, they should be honest about what their salaries are, what they want, and go to the people. With the people's support, it will mean more voices to hear their petition in the state or federal legislature. And even down to the city level, there are often some places that can use this. I know fire stations are well funded. They often have amazing, durable equipment. However, in a lot of places, the lion's share of the money given to fire stations goes exactly there, and not to the firefighters. Some places in the US, firefighter salaries average between 20-28 thousand a year. For people paid to go through rigorous training regularly, and put their lives on the line where concepts like workplace safety are laughable, and especially anyone with a family, that's not a lot. Especially in places like Southern California, where half of what they have to deal with is a tinderbox of a forest going up again, often dangerously close to dry kindling-piles of towns.

Of course, I'm personally in favor of honest government. And I mean completely honest government, especially when it comes to the budget. In Japan now, and I get the fun of hearing about "normal" city level corruption. Basic example: there is a rule that cities and/or prefectures have to lower their tax income the next year if they end up not using up all of their budget in the current fiscal year. You know, instead of putting some aside in case something big brown and stinky hits something sharp fast and spinny. So, when there is a surplus (which, ironically, there often is,) people in government have to think fast and get a lot of spending done. The big reason why a long time ago, there were things like bridges connecting the Imaginary Highway to the great city of Valhalla across the eternal abyss of A Hill In A Flat Plain. Now, I suspect they spend it on snack bars and karaoke. But, there is another rule that at any time, any citizen can ask to see the budget paperwork, and the city hall or prefectural office has to show it to them. Thus, leading to the widest publicly accepted use of a black marker to censor government records I have ever seen.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
HG131 said:
You know, I'm starting to think that a good theme song for anon would by Land of Confusion (the badass version by Disturbed).
they handle they're covers well i must say, didn't really like the U2 cover at the end of Asylum though, but not really into U2 so might be it

I've had mixed feeling about Anon for a while, they do something 'stupid' which i groan at them for, then they do something like this >.> and i like them


New member
Oct 16, 2008
Please, please, please, whenever you're discussing this issue make sure to specify that it is about PUBLIC employee unions, not unions in general. While I'm not much of a fan of either variety, public unions are an entirely different level of bad idea compared to private industry unions. As I don't want there to be public employee unions, I sure don't want them being able to collectively bargain for pay or benefits, either. I'd be much happier if there were just a whole lot less public spending across the board, so they're not going to get a lot of sympathy from me.

It's amusing that the tactic here is to ignore the MIA legislators who are holding up the state's business on a procedural rule, something I never approve of when either party does it, and try to swerve into some headline-grabbing class warfare. If the discussion is going to be about no bid contracts on utility sales, which is a very important issue to discuss, let's talk about that, after we've dealt with the issue at hand here. All those union folks didn't rush the capitol for that, but it's turned into a very handy prop.
Mar 9, 2010
illmuri said:
Corporate greed aside, rule by street mobs is not the best alternative either. If you dont like the governor, elect a new one at the next election. The unions are hardly better than Koch. "Well, we are not bankrupt yet, so we want our raises now!" To hell with the consequences.
They aren't saying they want rule by street mobs, in fact they state quite clearly that they don't give a shit. They uncovered the corruption of the government and made information free to the public, like they always have. The unions are an entirely different subject.

OT: I'm in with those people who have delusions of grandeur for Anonymous and I don't even live in the US (as far as I've heard, there hasn't been a lot of Anonymous activity outside of the US). I support there cause, it's a one I've always supported. However, they need to keep in mind that freedom of speech also allows for the freedom to keep secrets. Here's to hoping they don't go over the top and fuck the US up.


New member
Apr 13, 2008
Blitzwing said:
Neferius said:
The Revolution will not be Televised will be Tweeted :D
What revolution? All I see are bunch over idealistic children who think their opinions matter.
Like how the middle east is going? Most of them are young from what I read and they seem to have a head on their shoulders.


New member
Apr 13, 2008
Blitzwing said:
shaboinkin said:
Blitzwing said:
Neferius said:
The Revolution will not be Televised will be Tweeted :D
What revolution? All I see are bunch over idealistic children who think their opinions matter.
Like how the middle east is going? Most of them are young from what I read and they seem to have a head on their shoulders.
And them they?ll be right back were they stated from. People need to learn that corruption will always occur and that it can never be beaten.
True, but you don't hear of people being killed in America, Europe, Japan, etc, because they want a voice in their government.

But this is completely off topic.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I wish other people would get their fingers out of my dairy, so to speak.

I live in Wisconsin and I'm really sick of all this. I don't agree with cutting away bargaining rights, but quite frankly, I have to pay out for my retirement plan, I have to pay for insurance, yada yada. Why should others get it for free in this hard economic time and I have to pay through the nose?

And why only Wisconsin? Other states are doing it too/working towards this.

My biggest gripe though, is that the teachers are teaching this and not presenting ALL the facts to their students. I think it's incredibly unprofessional and I'm bombarded daily with their opinions and at point downright propaganda. It's not all as clear cut as they'd like to present. Neither side is "right" but we need SOMETHING to change in this state.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
I like the Koch family. They also fund some of my favorite shows on PBS.