Another Final Fantasy XIV Could Destroy Square Enix


New member
Apr 4, 2011
"FF Versus XIII is already in full production, has a solid anticipation base, and is almost gaurenteed to turn a profit.

FF XIV Online has already cost us millions, doesn't have a lot of anticipation surrounding it, and it is going up against one of the biggest and most successful games in the history of the industry (WoW).

It's gonna take us a lot of money and time to finish either of these games, and we're in dire financial straits...

I know! Let's re-launch FF XIV!"

Someone, anyone, PLEASE explain to me the logic at work here, because I don't see it.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Square, WoW have won the MMO wars, end of discussion, give it up. If you want to make a safe profit as previously suggested, Kingdom hearts 3 or FF VERSUS XIII might help you out of financial troubles and not another cookie cutter MMO.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
RIP Square Enix. This can only end badly.

"It's like WoW" is an instant turn off for a lot of people. Push the boat out or count your losses now.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
bigdork said:
It sure sounds like they're way behind the curve.
Given their track record with FFXI this isn't really surprising. How SE has managed to survive in the MMO industry at all is a mystery seeing as how they struggle to implement even the most basic quality-of-life changes.

The re-release will tank, it will be a financial disaster and it will not be a surprise to anyone who is remotely aware of how SE operates.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Humm, DaoC with WoW? Mark me interested, I will keep it on my radar. Hopefully they will take the best of those 2. If not, maybe TES online will hit the mark.

tautologico said:
Lots of people got caught by the hype of Guild Wars 2 as the one game who would COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONIZE MMOs. When I see so many people putting so much hope into a game that is not even released, I get suspicious. I'm sure it's a good game but I don't think it lived up to the hype built around it.
For me it did, WvW is amazing and the battlegrounds feel very well designed and balanced. Sadly it takes a guild to fully experience it and i dont like to interact with people, just to pvp with them.

And the company never said "COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONIZE MMOs", but if you like to beat strawmans, suit yourself.


New member
Jul 15, 2011
remnant_phoenix said:
"FF Versus XIII is already in full production, has a solid anticipation base, and is almost gaurenteed to turn a profit.

FF XIV Online has already cost us millions, doesn't have a lot of anticipation surrounding it, and it is going up against one of the biggest and most successful games in the history of the industry (WoW).

It's gonna take us a lot of money and time to finish either of these games, and we're in dire financial straits...

I know! Let's re-launch FF XIV!"

Someone, anyone, PLEASE explain to me the logic at work here, because I don't see it.
I'm guessing that FF14 has a lot more money sunk into it already, and the only way to get any of it back is to finish it. Not that I don't see what you're saying, personally I think it feels kinda dumb to have 14 come out before all the 13 stuff is finished(not that it needed 2 sequels not counting VERSUS) but I would imagine the higher ups plus investors want this huge cash sink to finally start paying off already, and is most likely pressuring the staff to make it their #1 priority.


In my hand I hold a key...
Oct 14, 2009
littlewisp said:
Ahh, I know it's their own fault or whatever, but I can't help but feel bad for them. I was in the beta, and while they did sorta ignore a lot of their american feedback (maybe they did the same for their japanese testers too), I do hope they're able to learn and move on. Maybe I'll wind up buying a copy. I never did buy it on release, not even when a friend told me it wasn't that bad. Eeeeeeyeah.
Same here. It was maddening to see, after repeated comments/reports, that they ignored even the SIMPLEST fixes I had for them--typos or bad grammar in the texts! I really wanted to love this game, as I've been a fan of the series for over 20 years, but they make it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY difficult to stay with them with the shoddy games and poor relationships. I'm willing to give the game a shot again, if they send me another beta invite, but I'm honestly not holding my breath. They need to go back to what made the games fun instead of trying to make everything look pretty and/or rushing out the product.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
I'm going on a limb here but I might be one of those who actually GAINED interest in FF XIV since their change to a Realm Reborn. I might actually give it a shot once it's released. I never played the original due to it's bad reviews, and this one may get horrible reviews as well. Call me a sucker but the End of an Era trailer was epic enough to get my attention. I can't say if I'll stay, but I'll at least see what it's like.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
I almost find it rather sad that the game franchise which saved Square from going bust may end up being the cause of its demise.


New member
Apr 8, 2004
Wow, nice knowing you SE.

I know we had a lot of good times in the 90s, but you've brought this on yourself.


New member
May 16, 2009
Square Enix will not sink anytime soon they have the ultimate ace up there sleeve.If things get too tough for Square Enix all they need to do is drop the Final Fantasy 7 remake and they have enough money to survive.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Disney is licking it's lips.

Really though, not sure how making it more like WoW is going to help. Ask Star Wars Galaxies how that went. If only they had cool RPG's to base the game around, like Kingdom Hearts, FF6, FF7, or Chrono Trigger. Here's an idea, embrace the Dissidia universe.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I grew up with final fantasy, it was always there for me when my parents weren't. Seeing the Trailer where bahamut freaking DESTROYED THE ENTIRE WORLD of ff14 was probably one of if not the most beautiful thing's I've seen in gaming and I never even played it. I'll be there when this game launches, with the Super limited collectors edtion. Trash Square enix all you want, I'll be right behind them through the hard times like they were for me. I have faith in you Square enix! good luck!


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I have an idea. Nobody buy RR, and let SE die a quick death. Then, we find any and all appropriate right's holders for the various IP's that SE holds, put them at gunpoint, and force them to give them all up. Then, we redistribute the IP's to more competent publishers and/or independent developers. Maybe even individual developers that fall from SE.

ALTERNATE PLAN: We pool all the money that could be spent on RR, but DON'T buy any copies. Then, when SE goes bankrupt, we just buy the company with the money we saved. Then, follow the same plan as before.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Zeckt said:
I grew up with final fantasy, it was always there for me when my parents weren't. Seeing the Trailer where bahamut freaking DESTROYED THE ENTIRE WORLD of ff14 was probably one of if not the most beautiful thing's I've seen in gaming and I never even played it. I'll be there when this game launches, with the Super limited collectors edtion. Trash Square enix all you want, I'll be right behind them through the hard times like they were for me. I have faith in you Square enix! good luck!
You and me both. End of An Era really caught my attention. Also, let's face it, the reason they are useing WoW as an example of what they are useing as a lesson, isn't the desire to outdo them. No one can knock Blizzard off their throne except for whatever Blizzard does. Instead they are changing the fundamental dynamics of the game to suit the familiarity of the audience. They tried something new and unusual with FFXIV, and it stunk. Sticking to a formula may seem "lazy" but it will at least turn people away less frequently then a system that isn't only broken but hard to understand for some. Of course, again I never played FFXIV but this is what I've gathered.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Zeckt said:
I grew up with final fantasy, it was always there for me when my parents weren't. Seeing the Trailer where bahamut freaking DESTROYED THE ENTIRE WORLD of ff14 was probably one of if not the most beautiful thing's I've seen in gaming and I never even played it. I'll be there when this game launches, with the Super limited collectors edtion. Trash Square enix all you want, I'll be right behind them through the hard times like they were for me. I have faith in you Square enix! good luck!
P.S. *discreet brohoof*

Comic Sans

Oct 15, 2008
United States
I really don't understand Square Enix. They have SO MANY FRANCHISES people wouldn't mind seeing iterations of, and are BEGGING for. Kingdom Hearts and The World Ends With You are incredibly popular and sequels would make them a ton of money. Hell, why not bring back OLD franchises? A new Chrono Trigger, or Secret of Mana? A lot of people would flip their shit for a good Chrono game. Hell, try and bring back Front Mission or Parasite Eve. Instead they put all their money in the Final Fantasy basket, which while a popular franchise doesn't seem to have the same impact it once did. Their decision making baffles me, and honestly if they go under it's their own fault for being unable to do what the customers want.