Another Final Fantasy XIV Could Destroy Square Enix


New member
Nov 20, 2009
If they would just make a better, fancier more inclusive FFXI I'd be over the moon with joy. This WoW talk is deeply concerning to me...The LAST thing we need is another WoW clone repackaged as Final Fantasy. Not only that, just mentioning in that interview that they were using WoW as an inspiration will probably cause anyone who reads it to compare it to WoW, and that is not a good thing.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Oh my jeebuz, Squeenix! We all know what you need to do: KH3, TWETY2, Versus 13, FF7 HD Remake...

It's the same thing every time! Gawd!


Turtle Who Lives in the Clouds
Apr 17, 2008
FFVII would be nigh impossible to translate to a modern game, at most they could maybe gussy it up a bit, but doing a full out remake like that tech demo cutscene isn't going to happen.

TWEWY doesn't have that big of a following, sure it is a cult hit, and has lots of vocal fans, but it's not going to be enough to save them.

KH3, alright this is probably the one big ace up their sleeve right now, and I'm sure they're hard at work on it, but at this point it's been so long that it needs to be perfect. They will take their time with this.

FFXI, lots of people dismissing this game in this thread, but actually it is Square-Enix's most profitable game EVER, and surely that is the driving motivation behind them wanting to make XIV work.

Personally though, I would love for them to revisit old SNES Enix titles, such as Actraiser or E.V.O, but again these are pretty niche titles that would be very hard to pull off as modern games.

So actually it seems like FFXIV might be a good thing for them to focus on for now.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
tselski said:
FFVII would be nigh impossible to translate to a modern game, at most they could maybe gussy it up a bit, but doing a full out remake like that tech demo cutscene isn't going to happen.

TWEWY doesn't have that big of a following, sure it is a cult hit, and has lots of vocal fans, but it's not going to be enough to save them.

KH3, alright this is probably the one big ace up their sleeve right now, and I'm sure they're hard at work on it, but at this point it's been so long that it needs to be perfect. They will take their time with this.

FFXI, lots of people dismissing this game in this thread, but actually it is Square-Enix's most profitable game EVER, and surely that is the driving motivation behind them wanting to make XIV work.

Personally though, I would love for them to revisit old SNES Enix titles, such as Actraiser or E.V.O, but again these are pretty niche titles that would be very hard to pull off as modern games.

So actually it seems like FFXIV might be a good thing for them to focus on for now.
I their they'd be best to revisit some of their older IPs and maybe even make a new one, but do them on smaller budgets. The problem with modern games is that they waste so much money when an equal (or arguably better) game can be made cheaper, as the cost is lower they can try new stuff. And cheaper budget doesn't mean low quality, just not wasting it where its not needed.


Turtle Who Lives in the Clouds
Apr 17, 2008
RicoADF said:
tselski said:
FFVII would be nigh impossible to translate to a modern game, at most they could maybe gussy it up a bit, but doing a full out remake like that tech demo cutscene isn't going to happen.

TWEWY doesn't have that big of a following, sure it is a cult hit, and has lots of vocal fans, but it's not going to be enough to save them.

KH3, alright this is probably the one big ace up their sleeve right now, and I'm sure they're hard at work on it, but at this point it's been so long that it needs to be perfect. They will take their time with this.

FFXI, lots of people dismissing this game in this thread, but actually it is Square-Enix's most profitable game EVER, and surely that is the driving motivation behind them wanting to make XIV work.

Personally though, I would love for them to revisit old SNES Enix titles, such as Actraiser or E.V.O, but again these are pretty niche titles that would be very hard to pull off as modern games.

So actually it seems like FFXIV might be a good thing for them to focus on for now.
I their they'd be best to revisit some of their older IPs and maybe even make a new one, but do them on smaller budgets. The problem with modern games is that they waste so much money when an equal (or arguably better) game can be made cheaper, as the cost is lower they can try new stuff. And cheaper budget doesn't mean low quality, just not wasting it where its not needed.
Yeah, that's a good idea actually. It would be cool if they did some new 16-bit styled games, like how Capcom made those retro Megaman games, they did that FF4 sequel a while back that had SNES styled graphics, I'm surprised that didn't catch on more. Or even just smaller downloadable games (maybe even episodic games) to tide people over between their big releases.

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
Falterfire said:
The only way this has a CHANCE of surviving is with a very good free to play model. A subscription model will kill it instantly in the west and as far as I know there's already a ton of competition for eastern MMOs and they follow a distinctly different pattern from Western ones.

IF they have a solid free to play model, they might be able to survive, but otherwise they're fighting both Guild Wars and World of Warcraft for the 'High Fantasy' MMO spot and that's not exactly going to be an easy fight to win.
How is a 'solid free to play model' going to be any more successful in ensuring the games long term success? And more importantly, how is a 'solid free to play model' going to make enough money for Square Enix to survive as a company long term?


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Why does square insist on making mmo's when both of their attempts never gain ed that much traction how about you tryt o make good Jrpgs instead square..


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Space Jawa said:
How is a 'solid free to play model' going to be any more successful in ensuring the games long term success? And more importantly, how is a 'solid free to play model' going to make enough money for Square Enix to survive as a company long term?
Well, it's simply a matter of competition. If Square Enix tries to make it a subscription MMO they're directly competing with WoW and that's not a fight they're likely to win. Subscription based MMOs in general are pretty much financial suicide these days, and fantasy subscription MMOs especially.

Free to Play means a different set of competition and also means it'll be much easier to immediately grab people. That's important on a game that previously had a poor launch and is unlikely to have an immediate buyin from a lot of people.

crimson sickle2

New member
Sep 30, 2009
I was really hyped about FF Versus 13, but now, it would be so old it would not play well. If they just released that rather than push FF13 into our faces with a sequel and a third promise; maybe I'd care, but a crappy run company is crap so it's dying. Good bye Square Enix, I hope you regain some sense and pull a rabbit out of your ass, but that is unlikely. I will always remember you as the company that didn't release Pandora's Tower in America, shot down Versus 13, and made great games between the shit.

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
Falterfire said:
Space Jawa said:
How is a 'solid free to play model' going to be any more successful in ensuring the games long term success? And more importantly, how is a 'solid free to play model' going to make enough money for Square Enix to survive as a company long term?
Well, it's simply a matter of competition. If Square Enix tries to make it a subscription MMO they're directly competing with WoW and that's not a fight they're likely to win. Subscription based MMOs in general are pretty much financial suicide these days, and fantasy subscription MMOs especially.

Free to Play means a different set of competition and also means it'll be much easier to immediately grab people. That's important on a game that previously had a poor launch and is unlikely to have an immediate buyin from a lot of people.
They'll still have competition, and if what I'm aware of about the market is correct at all, the free to play market features even more competitors. And even if the game is free monetary wise, it'll still take up peoples time. They'll still have to convince people to stop using their time to play their other games and spend their time playing this game instead?

And if the launch of the previous game was as bad as everyone says, then what guarantee is there that anyone who decides to give the game a look because it doesn't cost any money play is going to spend any money on whatever system that Square has to actually make some money from the game? Based on what you're saying, how is going free to play going to allow Square to make enough money off of this game to keep the whole company from going under?

They don't have to win against WoW, they just have to lure in and keep enough subscribers to make the game profitable enough to keep the company running, at least until they manage to put together another game that provides them with another source of profit. Why does it have to be about winning or loosing against World of Warcraft? Why can't they just focus on keeping competitive enough to avoid going out of business entirely?


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Interesting tidbit the original final fantasy was named that way because it was the final chance for the company to save itself with one giant release... I doubt this game will be the one to save the company.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
DVS BSTrD said:
Let's hope lightning doesn't strike twice!
Thunder and lightning, very very frightening.

OT: yayy for teaching publishers a lesson about that brand names do not guarantee sales.

But but... Just Cause 3 :(


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Meh, it's not like they care... though either the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 or TWEWY 2 might help them...


New member
Feb 26, 2011
TizzytheTormentor said:
Before you drive yourself into the ground SE, finish Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy Versus 13, Lightning Returns and a TWEWY sequel, those alone will get you out of your financial woes...
Better idea, FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE! If you are so strapped for cash just give us what we want already, I'm sure you've been sitting on the remake as some sort of red button or a rainy day, well wouldn't the current financial status of you company count today as a flippin' hurricane. I want everything you want, but if Square is that strapped for cash, just do the remake already, we won't care if it sucks we're in it for the nostalgia.


New member
May 13, 2010
Really, I just kinda wanna grab Square Enix by the shoulders and shout in their face: "STOP MAKING MMO GAMES! It doesn't work for you!"

: /

I really want them to succeed, but I doubt they will.

Tom Gunz

New member
Nov 27, 2012
What is this, troll week?

FFXI was the most profitable game of the franchise. Since most people "hated" FFXII they really don't know what to do in their SP games anymore, in my opinion that is why FFXIII is the way it is because everyone cried for FFVII and FFX. Sound familiar?

If anything can bring them back to the top it would be FFXIV. Its bad enough that it will be more similar to WoW, they did this because of peoples suggestions as well. The way I see it if you want to play FFVII or FFX go play them. If you want WoW UI and feel, go play it. Please stop making thoughtless suggestions because the direction they were heading in FFXII was the correct one. Unlike other developers, they try to listen to the fans. Bad move in my opinion.

There is a reason 98% of you arent in game development.


NAPs, Spooks and Poz. Oh my!
Aug 4, 2011
Meh, let it burn. They died with XI anyway so something has to put the zombie down.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Aww, SquareEnix could go under. And not two fucks were given. Not from me, anyway.

They deserve it. Squaresoft was the GOD of gaming companies, putting out RPGs that still stand the test of time today. Since the merger with Enix, their quality has gone down further and further, starting with 11, continuing with XIII and culminating with XIV. They've beaten and milked the Kingdom Hearts series with their handheld ports with no promise of ever making a Kingdom Hearts 3, and that hasn't changed nor is it likely to, while also going the EA/Activision route and grabbing up other IPs left and right, most of them destined for the same fate: The trash.

I hope they go under. This horse has needed this bullet for the last decade.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Okay, bye.

At least let Eidos find a new home.
Their games are awesome at least.