Another Final Fantasy XIV Could Destroy Square Enix


New member
Nov 17, 2012
With how bad the launch for FFXIV was, they lost A LOT of people's trust. I don't see them having any other option than apologizing for it's failure and attempting to remake. If they simply ditched FFXIV 1.0, and didn't bother, it would completely tarnish their reputation. Attempting to remake it gives them a chance at redemption and to earn people's trust back. Will it work? I don't know, but what they are doing is trying and they admit they messed up.

I am refraining from saying/assuming anything on how FFXIV:ARR will turn out based on random comments by the creator as that's silly.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
I keep saying if Sqeenix want to live, they need to make games more on par with Final Fantasy IX, but does anyone listen to me?! NO!


e^(i * pi) + 1 = 0
Apr 5, 2010
Tanakh said:
Humm, DaoC with WoW? Mark me interested, I will keep it on my radar. Hopefully they will take the best of those 2. If not, maybe TES online will hit the mark.

tautologico said:
Lots of people got caught by the hype of Guild Wars 2 as the one game who would COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONIZE MMOs. When I see so many people putting so much hope into a game that is not even released, I get suspicious. I'm sure it's a good game but I don't think it lived up to the hype built around it.
For me it did, WvW is amazing and the battlegrounds feel very well designed and balanced. Sadly it takes a guild to fully experience it and i dont like to interact with people, just to pvp with them.

And the company never said "COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONIZE MMOs", but if you like to beat strawmans, suit yourself.
I never said the company said that, so who's beating strawmen here? :)

But it was a common opinion among fans, at least that's all I saw in forums and blogs when people discussed about GW2. Sometimes the comments took the form of "what's the point of waiting for another MMO launch when GW2 will come soon after and take the whole MMO market by storm?" Like there wouldn't be a reason for other MMOs existing after GW2.

You like it, that's good, as I said myself I do think it's a good game. But the pre-launch hype around it was quite intense.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Didnt their shareholders force them to launch before the designers were happy in the first place? If so well hopefully that has taught them to shut the hell up, I really dont think this game will be a success for them MMOS have changed subscription based gameplay is on the decline and dont you need a pretty powerful PC to run this anyway? at the very least you need a more powerful one that most other MMOS which will only lower its market further surely most of the FF fans are on console yes there may be a crossover and FFXI seemed to do alrite for them but its another market now their reputation isnt what it was when FFXI launched.

I dread to think how much they have spent on this game but surely they could have remade VII for at least the same amount of money if not considerably less and had a guaranteed fan base and gather some serious hype (although if they fucked it up there would be no saving them), this game is now old sure its new but its still old things move fast in the world of videogames and this one has a bad reputation to overcome thats if sufficient people are still interested anyway. As it stands I see very little people caring about this game and I really cant see it being a success if they are lucky it will not be a complete failure.

I could be wrong ofc but I wonder what would happen if the company did go under surely someone else would buy up the rights to FF and DQ they would be nuts not to or those that have the rights could start again with a new studio which maybe for the best but then again I have enjoyed a lot of the FF games IV,VI,VII and X are my personal faves but with the exception of II they have all been enjoyable and I like how they keep changing it not sticking to a tried formula even if it worked really well unlike say DQ especially as so few publishers take risks these days. Yes I want them to remake VII but I also want them to continue developing the FF franchise even though its always been a bit hit and miss.

If it does kill them they only have their self to blame though why make such a high risk project that you dont know if a market still exists for? If you are going to spend potentially company destroying amounts of money on a project its best to make sure theres a serious potential market for it and it is widely accessible i.e on all platforms not just High to Medium high end PCs.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Final this, Fantasy that, blablabla
Am I'm the only one who remembers that Square Enix released DeusEx:HR
And the game was awesome
I know that they didn't developed it, but didn't they got a hint to try and work on other title?
Because at this point they looks like FFF* to me

*Final Fantasy Factory


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
Comic Sans said:
I really don't understand Square Enix. They have SO MANY FRANCHISES people wouldn't mind seeing iterations of, and are BEGGING for. Kingdom Hearts and The World Ends With You are incredibly popular and sequels would make them a ton of money. Hell, why not bring back OLD franchises? A new Chrono Trigger, or Secret of Mana? A lot of people would flip their shit for a good Chrono game. Hell, try and bring back Front Mission or Parasite Eve. Instead they put all their money in the Final Fantasy basket, which while a popular franchise doesn't seem to have the same impact it once did. Their decision making baffles me, and honestly if they go under it's their own fault for being unable to do what the customers want.
Well said.

There will never be another true Final Fantasy because everybody who used to work on the series, everybody who ever made it what it was, is gone. While this may just as easily be said of most other famous Square/Enix franchises at this point, a new instalment in any of THOSE would still be a sensation in and of itself. Even if it should turn out to be crap, it would almost certainly sell more than well enough to keep the company afloat for a good while yet.

I think SE's biggest mistake right now is that they inexplicably insist on flogging the WRONG dead horse.


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
Nicolaus99 said:
Part of me really wants to see the FINAL Fantasy of Square. If FF makes it to part 20, should gamers be proud or ashamed?

At least I jumped off that ship at part 8.
Dude, you NEED to check out Final Fantasy 9. Just saying.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Good Riddance.

Square Enix has done nothing but release garbage ever since the big minds behind FF and Chrono Trigger left the company

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
blackrave said:
Final this, Fantasy that, blablabla
Am I'm the only one who remembers that Square Enix released DeusEx:HR
And the game was awesome
I know that they didn't developed it, but didn't they got a hint to try and work on other title?
Because at this point they looks like FFF* to me

*Final Fantasy Factory
May I add that SquareEnix also published Sleeping Dogs, which was fucking brilliant?


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I say Squenix should just focus on publishing seeing as they've had much more success with that over the past few years with games such as Just Cause 2, Deus Ex HR, and sleeping dogs.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
What is it with all these dragons destroying all these worlds?! Fuck dragons!

WoW+DaoC+Diablo+FF sounds all good to me. I'm hoping this is where Squenix redeems itself. Also, if they do this right, the japanese playerbase alone will probably keep it afloat even if WoW destroys it in the west.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
World of Warcraft? Diablo? Ultima? Dark Age of Camelot?

Is this the part where they throw all semblance of originality out the window in favour of a broader audience?