Anyone Gone Retro Gaming Recently?

Duck Sandwich

New member
Dec 13, 2007
I've been on a Starcraft binge as of late. and Diablo 2 today, I had a strange urge to play Diablo 1, so I went to the pawn shop and got it for $5 (never owned the game, just borrowed it from friends on occasion).

Also, quite often I run through a game in one of the Mega Man (either Original or X) Collections.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Man, I have been trying to play a bunch of old games recently, mostly SNES games and especially dos games, and it has been difficult with the PC games. Imagine my surprise when System Shock 2 ran as perfectly and as beautifully as it did when it first came out, with no muss or fuss.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I recently played Super Mario bros online. I have a nostalgic feeling for the old school Mario games. The thing is I have NEVER owned them, nor really played them. The nostalgia of others has rubbed off onto me.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I've recently bought Wipeout, Wolfenstein 3D and SimCity 2000 on the PSN, and I usually play them a couple of times a day.


New member
May 7, 2009
I bought Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect recently, and played through them for the first time (and they're awesome). I also have some Quake 1 mission packs and Quake 2 itself waiting to be finished on Steam (also playing through them for the first time).


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Lost In The Void said:
Well I'm doing my third playthrough of KOTOR right now. I've also been hitting up the two best C&Cs since I have little interest in Starcraft 2 or its predecessor. C&C Tiberium Sun and Red Alert 2 have kept me busy all week
I think I might give that third playthrough of KOTOR a go, as well, try n do everything this time xD

and Tiberium Sun is so full of win it almost hurts.

I still pull out the old super mario bro's from time to time, I find it to be more challenging than a lot of these newer games at times. played some old pokemon games too on a GBA emu lol :D

I like older games.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
I played another run through X-com on superhuman. Those were the days.

Oh and AVP classic


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Damn do i feel old, After reading all this stuff about PS1 and N64 being retro,

shoot first thing i tought of when i saw retro was pac-man Q-bert and donkey kong.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
I play through Mega Man 2 every day.


But yeah, I'm totally a retro gamer. Then again, I'm 30, so it's kinda by default. I just love the feeling of nostalgia these games give me. They're like a good friend from my youth.

As for recently, I just started playing this...

...and it freakin' pwns. I've been going through a lot of old NES games lately, mostly ones I missed playing as a kid. And there are some nice hidden gems out there. Sadly, having been into video games, even back in the day, I've played the majority of the NES library. I'm getting ready to hit up the Famicom collection to see if there's some cool older games from Japan. ^_^

I may go to the Sega Master System after a while. I never had one of those as a kid, so there should be tons of great games I've never played.

Any suggestions on ones to look out for?


New member
Sep 2, 2007
gagagagagagaga said:
I play through Mega Man 2 every day.


But yeah, I'm totally a retro gamer. Then again, I'm 30, so it's kinda by default. I just love the feeling of nostalgia these games give me. They're like a good friend from my youth.

As for recently, I just started playing this...

...and it freakin' pwns. I've been going through a lot of old NES games lately, mostly ones I missed playing as a kid. And there are some nice hidden gems out there. Sadly, having been into video games, even back in the day, I've played the majority of the NES library. I'm getting ready to hit up the Famicom collection to see if there's some cool older games from Japan. ^_^

I may go to the Sega Master System after a while. I never had one of those as a kid, so there should be tons of great games I've never played.

Any suggestions on ones to look out for?
Shinobi, Alter Beast, G-LOC, Phantasy Star.

There where a lot of great games for that system, and a lot of complete garbage, about par for the course from systems of that generation.

Here is a page with the library of the Master System.


New member
May 21, 2008
I played through the first three Mega Man games in the 4 days. I'll admit to using an emulator, but I steered clear of savestates and rewinding.

I feel like such a hero now.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Lets see... Mega Man 2
Resident Evil (1 and 2)
Super Mario Brothers 3
And I spent about a day and a half locked inside a old-school Arcade with all of the great old classics and many of the new classics of arcade gaming. (Like House of the Dead 1-4)


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
Oh yeah, all the time. I still play the old Sonic games frequently, and I've played stuff like Caesar III, Tomb Raider II and Homeworld Cataclysm on my laptop.

Strange how different games are without the nostalgia glasses on. I used to love Tomb Raider II as a kid, even though it scared the shit out of me. Now I hate it; so much trial and error in that game. Like placing an obviously collaspable floor in front of you, then hiding rolling barrels just around a corner where you cannot possibly see them. You run across the collasping floor just to get crushed by the barrels.

What you have to do is step on the collapsing floor to set the barrels off, backflip off it and then jump over the hole you left in the ground. How am I meant to know that?

Lt. Simmons

New member
Jan 11, 2010
Me and my co-pilot recently blew the dust off the N64 after we got back and have been playing Super Smash Bros. in our free time

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
manaman said:
Shinobi, Alter Beast, G-LOC, Phantasy Star.

There where a lot of great games for that system, and a lot of complete garbage, about par for the course from systems of that generation.

Here is a page with the library of the Master System.
I've played Shinobi and Altered Beast (A long time ago in arcades) and they were awesome. Altered Beast was a bit short, but super fun. Shinobi rocked too, I was just crap at the first-person throwing star bonus stages. Stupid fast ninjas.

And the only Phantasy Star I've played was the one on Gamecube and me and my now wife used to get down on it all the time. I played a robotic sniper, she a little mage girl. Though I doubt the original is anything like the one I played, I'm still intruiged to see where the story started and how far it's come.

G-LOC sounds interesting, I'll have to look it up and others on that list. Thanks! ^_^


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I recently started replaying Need for Speed: High Stakes for the PC. With a Logitech Driving Force Pro, it becomes even more fun than I remember it being.


Capitalism ho!
Apr 4, 2010
I just bought Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines at good old games recently. Didn't even know they had it.
I used to have it in physical copy, back when it was released, but I lost it when I moved some years ago. Only decent game to come out of this forsaken country, and I freaking lost it (Spain).
So now I've started it again, and remembering why I hated and loved it, all at the same time. DAMN it's hard.