Apple Voted Largest Influence On Gaming Industry


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Yeah I agree, to be fair Steve Jobs has (inadvertently ish) changed the industry hugely but a survey taken rather recently is also going to be a little biased.

But then I guess a survey taken 5 years ago would be all about Xbox live


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Wow, lots of unfounded butthurtetry in this thread. Look at the sample population of the survey. These are mostly phone and iPad developers. Of course Steve Jobs is the most influential figure in their sector of the games industry.

The funny thing is that Jobs hated games. The iPhone/Pod/Pad wasn't designed as a gaming platform, it just became the de facto standard due to the huge demand. If the new brass at Apple actively pursues games, they have a very strong shot at dominating both the handheld market (which they basically already do) AND the console market with their new TV product. That'll be interesting to watch.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
was it Michael Pachter that conducted this research?
cuz if it wasn't that explains why its so half ass!


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Vrach said:
Ok, first of, lolz. Not sure who voted on that crap or following what train of thought, but I reckon it's safe to say they were absolutely bonkers.

Second, why the fuck would someone compare Steam with PlayStation? Steam is not a platform, it's a store. That's like comparing an airplane to a fridge in a poll for the most efficient means of cross continent travel.
Considering most Games using Steam can only be used with steam it's a platform, if it was just a store I wouldn't need to use their service for ever game that's not produced by EA on the shelves at Wal-mart.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Nintendo is by FAR the biggest impact on the video game industry as they saved video games from the crash of 83 (damn you ET) and has been one of the leading console and game makers for the past 25+ years. 2nd is Microsoft given it basically murdered every competing OS and made Windows the dominant OS (Mac has been a joke up until OS X was released and linux is very niche) and the only OS that you can play games on thanks to Direct X.

Hell Apple doesn't even really support or make app games for the Ipod and mainly just profits off the work of other people and puts it on there app store.

This survey is 150% BULLSHIT


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
CrystalShadow said:
Um, what? Steve Jobs is the most influential person in Gaming???

The same Steve Jobs that essentially crippled gaming on Macs for a decade because he doesn't like them?


This is literally a kick in the teeth to the gaming community.
See... he DID influence gaming greatly.

He didn't want games on his crappy apple products in their infancy... so games developed for the PC, and from there, expanded greatly. More so than if they were designed for crappy Macs.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
I call bullshit.

Those people who filled in the survey with "Jobs" did it since he sadly died and everyone is bragging about what a genius he was. Thats uno.

Due. There are more small, not worth mentioning companies doing boring games for the cells than big companies like let's say From Software. so that obvious they will say it's jobs since he influenced them more than Miamoto.

If not for the big N and Atari/Commodore I would't get into gaming so fast. Most of the people I know has the same opinion but on PSX, NES or Gameboy.

So it's either what I just wrote or the article was just sponsored by apple.

On a sidenote: Misterpricky I fully agree with you.

EDIT: Btw. This all is a part of a REALLY BAD trend a game jouralist wrote about in a gaming magazine in my country.
Games are getting cheaper and cheaper and dumbed down since Cell games and free browser games are getting so popular with caasuals and twats. This might(oh God please no) change into a bigger trend that might change the game industry.
Games like we had this year, full of awsomeness, like Demon's Souls, Xenoblade, Uncharted 3, GoW3, Battlefield 3, Fifa 12, Deus Ex:HR, Witcher 2 might stop comming out since quick to play, no challange at all, cheap games for cells and browsers might dominate.
Let's all hope this never happends.

For Michael!


New member
Aug 28, 2010
Hitchmeister said:
I hate to break it to the console jockeys, but anyone trying to innovate by developing games for current-gen consoles is just asking to go bankrupt. A Facebook game (Zuckerberg) or an iOS app (Jobs) is where you'll find the future of gaming.

Honestly, voting these two as the most influential is like voting simon cowell as the most influential person in history for TV and music. It may turn out to be true, but that's an incredibly bleak and depressing vision of the future for the medium. And one I want no part of.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
AndrewC said:
Stupidest thing I've ever read.
No this is the stupidest thing you've ever read:

skhkdhviubsdvbsdubvkJhvshb nhab nhfkbjvnhkjhvbnh bvbnbvkuv,mgv gfdGIGHILDUGH ISUDHG ILudshgio GIVH io hoHIOHDFGU DZOFIHAIUDH OIhohjioujbg iofshb fnbjg buaud biudfbvk f isug udsyvugf hlvhbvvihvbvhbvhbv ghnjnhvvb?!!!!!?!?!?!?!?

OT: The iPhone was pretty innovative, it made use of touch screens better than the DS, IMO anyway, and let a lot of indie developers and small studios to get off the ground.

But it is hardly the most influential device in gaming history nor did Steve Jobs change gaming in any significant way, there were always phones that doubled as gaming platforms, the iPhone was just a bit better.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
My reaction to this is that something is wrong? iPhone lol what?

I do own an iPod touch like everyone else but it hasn't influence gaming in anyway. The PS2/original xbox era where the biggest influences in my opinion which is when gaming really took off.

PS2 has a HUGE gaming library and I feel it really brought gaming forward alot, although I am only 19 so my gaming history isn't that long to go back further but since they are compared this era to iPhone my views are still pretty valid


JehuBot said:
It's already been said , but here goes:



New member
Nov 26, 2008
Patently absurd. Inclusion of both the Wii and the Ps One but NO NES?



Aug 25, 2008
martintox said:
Excuse me, but no, Shigeru Miyamoto (Or heck, Gabe Newell) is a gazillion times more influential than Steve Jobs.

Also, I would add that Apple once gave us this:

...Pip Pin? wtf is that!

Honestly never heard of that in my life... HOLY COW THAT WAS HUGE ASS BUTTON ON THE CONTROLLER! :|

OT: He has had as much influence on gaming than i have on Football...

Non...partly because i hate it.


New member
Apr 10, 2009

If that was all I could type without recieving MODwrath I would but I know I cant so heres some text to flesh it out.

Who are these "Industry Professionals"? The ones who dont play videogames? The ones who are looking after the wallets? I say this is Bullocks! Pure, unfiltered Sandra Bullocks*!

* - Dont get me wrong, Sandra Bullock seems like a perfectly nice human person but that last name is too perfect.


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
Apple's influence on videogames before the iPhone has been pathetic. I had a Mac Plus back in 1986 and there was lots of potential for good games and a few did come out but there was no support from Apple, unless you include "Puzzle."

iPhone games mostly run free or 99 cents and you are getting what you pay for.

Now, Steve Jobs did bring the mouse and keyboard to the personal computer, back in 1984, or really just the mouse because it already had a keyboard, so he deserves credit for that. So the survey isn't entirely wrong, but they are giving him credit for entirely the wrong reason. Ironically, that might make him the most influential person on PC gaming, but not videogaming in general.

It is the development of the Windows-driven PC which has brought us to to the Battlefields, Gears of War, and Modern Warfare's as we know them today. Consoles now seek to mimic what originated on the PC. I don't think any one person can be credited with that.

In its evolution I don't know that any one person even deserves 1% credit, but was a gradual movement of technology and programming driven by thousands, responding in small steps to market pressures. The development of videogaming a grassroots effort. It was already well underway before influential people in the industry even took notice and took it seriously.

The basis of the question asked was wrong.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Electric Alpaca said:
If talking about very recently, I'll be inclined to agree.

If talking about the industry in general, I'd be absolutely amazed. Nintendo clearly are the forerunners, no matter whether you're a fan of their product or not.
Nintendo WAS a frontrunner, before they were rehashing old games on a crappy console.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
So much hate flowing against Steve. While I would have put gaben ahead of him, there is no reason to say "Steve Jobs never did anything for the games industry" when that obviously isn't true. Say steve never invested in the iPhone, and didn't create the two largest digital distribution markets known to man. You know where bungie started making games? The spiritual predecessors to halo were exclusively on mac. Think about how much halo has influenced gaming today.