I call bullshit.
Those people who filled in the survey with "Jobs" did it since he sadly died and everyone is bragging about what a genius he was. Thats uno.
Due. There are more small, not worth mentioning companies doing boring games for the cells than big companies like let's say From Software. so that obvious they will say it's jobs since he influenced them more than Miamoto.
If not for the big N and Atari/Commodore I would't get into gaming so fast. Most of the people I know has the same opinion but on PSX, NES or Gameboy.
So it's either what I just wrote or the article was just sponsored by apple.
On a sidenote: Misterpricky I fully agree with you.
EDIT: Btw. This all is a part of a REALLY BAD trend a game jouralist wrote about in a gaming magazine in my country.
Games are getting cheaper and cheaper and dumbed down since Cell games and free browser games are getting so popular with caasuals and twats. This might(oh God please no) change into a bigger trend that might change the game industry.
Games like we had this year, full of awsomeness, like Demon's Souls, Xenoblade, Uncharted 3, GoW3, Battlefield 3, Fifa 12, Deus Ex:HR, Witcher 2 might stop comming out since quick to play, no challange at all, cheap games for cells and browsers might dominate.
Let's all hope this never happends.
For Michael!