Are we really expecting cyberpunk to be better than Deus Ex?


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Hello friends,

So heres this game has been talked alot in media, hype by journalist as best thing since slice bread and even lot of people comparing it to Deus Ex and think it make Deus Ex looks lame in comparision.

Original Deus Ex was classic game and no game surpassed it so far. it was best game ever made to this day after 18 years later. the level design is one of the best and it doesnot need teh open world, the story was excellent, it doesnot need some shitty romance/sex scenes and etc

here the most memorable dialouge of Deus Ex 1

and compare it to cyberpunk dialogues which full of F words and just so bland. this is what i called a mature dialogues. no F words involve and pure intellectual talk. warren spector is just a legend.

cyberpunk imo doesnot even looks like it can surpassed Deus Ex HR let alone original. just invisible wars imo

In Deus Ex. you can complete the whole game without killing anyone. in cyberpunk you have to kill 300 people to complete each mission which looks incredibly scripted.

now im not saying cyberpunk will be bad game. it will be decent at best that will praise as 11/10. apart form world and density, everything looks bland from driving to combat which remind me of borderlands.

so here it is my friends, do we really think cyberpunk can be better than deus ex? or Deus Ex reign supreme still? lets discuss


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
I'm pretty sure this is the most memorable dialogue of Deus Ex.

Edit: Wow. XD
Oct 22, 2011
Better than Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which is the last entry(and because of that, the one many people take as a represantive of the franchise) in Deus Ex IP? I sure hope so!
Better than Human Revolution? Absolutely possible, and saying that as a fan. Better than the original? We can tell after 20 years of cult following.
B-Cell said:
In Deus Ex. you can complete the whole game without killing anyone. in cyberpunk you have to kill 300 people to complete each mission which looks incredibly scripted.
Feb 7, 2016
Yes, because it's inevitable that a game would be.

That doesn't make the impact of Deus Ex any less. That doesn't erase it from existence. That doesn't make the game lose merit. It just means it's been surpassed.

It happens with all games. That's the point of progress.

Do you...ever give a game you don't like the look of a chance to come out before you start irrationally hating on it?

There's being skeptical and cautious, and then there's whatever you're doing. Stop it.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
I doubt it will be better than the original but considering how short and somewhat disappointing the latest one was, maybe.
Apr 5, 2008
Our newly returned Shamus Young put this kind of thing into a very good form of perspective. It requires us to see how games have and the games industry has changed in the last 20 years or so. From the earliest 3D graphics cards 20ish years ago thru today, the games we play have changed. In the quest to cram in more pixels, we now get less game as a result.

Deus Ex, which birthed a genre, IS a great game, and I say that as a huge fan who played it at release and several times since. The graphics haven't aged well, but it has a scope and depth that newer games can't match. They can't and they never will. The period just after 3D development matured and before XBL fucked everything up gave birth to games the likes of which we cannot see again. The "golden age" of gaming as it were.

Having said all that, CP2077 will do for us today what DE did for us then. While it does have 2018 visuals and other tropes, I trust that CDPR will create an immersive, believable world, tell a great story and do so *without* the EA/Ubisoft/ActiBlizz bullshit, DRM, or microtransations. They *will* support it with expansions and DLCs and that is something as a DE fan I would've bought then as well.

No modern game can match games from yesteryear. Thief 4 is the perfect example of how the "AAA" players are incapable of making great games anymore. Squeenix literally have the source code of Thief and Thief 2, they own it and the IP, they have the blueprint for a great Thief game in their hands, and they screwed it up royally. BioWare similarly made Mass Effect, a magnificent space opera with a brilliant story. Then EA bought them and they made ME3, Inquisition and Andromeda. It isn't possible to make games now as good as they were then, but CDPR promised us a single-player, story driven, expansive open world RPG with no bullshit, and that's what we're going to get. The original Deus Ex still exists and unlike the consoles that have been born and died since the early 00s, PC gamers can still play it. CP2077 doesn't have to be better than DE, it is a different thing and will give us a different experience. I suspect it could well be better but it doesn't lessen DE any less, that game was a genre defining, ground breaking masterpiece.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011

Mostly cause I only ever played the first Deus Ex, way after all the new ones came out, and could not get past the tutorial cause of the janky old PC controls.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
KingsGambit said:
BioWare similarly made Mass Effect, a magnificent space opera with a brilliant story. Then EA bought them and they made ME3, Inquisition and Andromeda.
Mass Effect 2, and the entire Dragon Age trilogy were under EA.

Bioware-pre-EA under the lens doesn't really come out shining either. Baldurs Gate ended with a lackluster whimper, that was in itself sold as a DLC (it was "Expansion Pack" back then, of course). Neverwinter Nights was at best a bit of a technical spectacle, but the actual Bioware content was godawful and it survived and thrived entirely on what the community modified it into (and also introduced Premium Mods to the world, a good decade ahead of Bethesda's efforts).

Back on to the original topic. I mean, it should. Its got major funding, over a decade of technological advancement, and 5 or 6 years of percolation (even if the actual work wasn't that long, they've had that long to have ideas bubble around). I never played the original Deus Ex (always got it mixed with System Shock 2 at the time for whatever reason. And System Shock 2 was janky garbage that didn't inspire to play the similarly looking (in marketing) game).


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
If you already don't care that the original Deus Ex looks ugly as shit, is horribly optimised, and has kind of shit moment to moment gameplay, you're not going to care about Cyberpunk improving on any of those elements. There's no way the plot or the world building will be remotely as complex because no sane person would set out to write something that dense and unfriendly to new players. The classics to come out of the 90s PC scene are almost universally things that nobody should be trying to directly emulate, because by the time you've finished taking out the shit that never worked and the shit we're now way beyond, you've got fuck all left to work with. The sole exception is Thief II, because it's already an extremely stripped back experience; you've got a blackjack, a sword, a few simple arrow types, and that's it. Dishonoured actually came quite close to being a good modern translation. If there'd been a bit more intricacy in the level design, and the equipment and ability progression wasn't so flawed, it'd be up there with the original.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
If CP2077 is merely a murder-death simulator with technological toys, then yeah. It's kind of garbage. If it's just Witcher 3 but sci-fi wrapped with humans, drones and androids, and you seeing how many you can waste and call it cyberpunk... then yeah. Then again, that critique also falls on what Deus Ex became.

The way I feel about it is if it's just Black Ops 3 but with updated graphics then I'll call it a sci fi romp.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Well I'm at least expecting the game play to be less garbage. Seriously, I tried to get into the classic Dues Ex and the gameplay has aged HORRIBLY! Particularly if you want to take a non-lethal approach, you're just shit out of luck there.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
erttheking said:
Well I'm at least expecting the game play to be less garbage. Seriously, I tried to get into the classic Dues Ex and the gameplay has aged HORRIBLY! Particularly if you want to take a non-lethal approach, you're just shit out of luck there.
I remember the GEP gun taking up half your inventory. And tranquilizers made enemy run screaming at you.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
KingsGambit said:
Deus Ex, which birthed a genre, IS a great game
Great game, yes. Birthed a genre? Not really. Deus Ex follows in the footsteps of BioShock 1 and 2, in that it is a RPG with large levels that presents several valid paths depending on how the player wants to play (stealthy, combat, tech savvy etc.). Deus Ex could be said to be the pinnacle of these kinds of choose-your-own-playstyle RPGs, where the choice was more meaningful then what kind of weapon you used. It was also groundbreaking for its reactiveness to player action, with both small actions (going into the women's bathroom) and large actions (saving or not saving Paul) actually having repercussions.

But I would say that Human Revolution is the better game in the Deus Ex series. It does most of what Deus Ex does without a lot of the weird limitations that Deus Ex had, that were part of the design standard at the time (didn't invest anything in pistols? Have fun waiting 20 seconds for your aim to center)


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
Gethsemani said:
KingsGambit said:
Deus Ex, which birthed a genre, IS a great game
Great game, yes. Birthed a genre? Not really. Deus Ex follows in the footsteps of BioShock 1 and 2, in that it is a RPG with large levels that presents several valid paths depending on how the player wants to play (stealthy, combat, tech savvy etc.). Deus Ex could be said to be the pinnacle of these kinds of choose-your-own-playstyle RPGs, where the choice was more meaningful then what kind of weapon you used. It was also groundbreaking for its reactiveness to player action, with both small actions (going into the women's bathroom) and large actions (saving or not saving Paul) actually having repercussions.

But I would say that Human Revolution is the better game in the Deus Ex series. It does most of what Deus Ex does without a lot of the weird limitations that Deus Ex had, that were part of the design standard at the time (didn't invest anything in pistols? Have fun waiting 20 seconds for your aim to center)
Am I missing the joke? Didnt the first dues ex come out 7 years before bioshock? Or is this one of those things where a soft reboot happened and the original doesn't count. Never got into either series...


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Elijin said:
Gethsemani said:
KingsGambit said:
Deus Ex, which birthed a genre, IS a great game
Great game, yes. Birthed a genre? Not really. Deus Ex follows in the footsteps of BioShock 1 and 2, in that it is a RPG with large levels that presents several valid paths depending on how the player wants to play (stealthy, combat, tech savvy etc.). Deus Ex could be said to be the pinnacle of these kinds of choose-your-own-playstyle RPGs, where the choice was more meaningful then what kind of weapon you used. It was also groundbreaking for its reactiveness to player action, with both small actions (going into the women's bathroom) and large actions (saving or not saving Paul) actually having repercussions.

But I would say that Human Revolution is the better game in the Deus Ex series. It does most of what Deus Ex does without a lot of the weird limitations that Deus Ex had, that were part of the design standard at the time (didn't invest anything in pistols? Have fun waiting 20 seconds for your aim to center)
Am I missing the joke? Didnt the first dues ex come out 7 years before bioshock? Or is this one of those things where a soft reboot happened and the original doesn't count. Never got into either series...
I'm going to guess she meant System Shock and just kind of had a brain fart while typing.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Well, at least I expect it to be better or at least as good as the new Deus Ex games. Better than the first one? Extreeeeemely unlikely but, hey, Witcher 3 was just about the best game of the last ten years so at least there's a chance.