Are you actually good at gaming?


New member
Feb 12, 2010
The twitch reaction type FPS games? Not so much. But that may be because I don't spent 20 hours a day on them. If I do an extended session I get increasingly better scores but usually get bored!

Other games though? I hope so. I downloaded a mod to make Dragon Age harder. Mass Effect on anything other than Insanity is a breeze (and I play as a melee aggressive Vanguard). I start most games on 'hard', because I like the challenge.

I love playing story driven games on easy to feel like the uber hero, but if I really want to get some satisfaction I play hard, to win.


New member
May 13, 2010
Yeah in general. I'm a damn good shooter though better with FPS than third person. I'm great with strategy games too but I dislike the repetitive micro management of games like Starcraft, Warcraft etc. I prefer ones with more options and less regimented rules to winning against a good opponent. Racing I'm alright with, I tend to place high in games but nothing amazing by any stretch and it takes me a few goes round the track on Wipeout's elite difficulty to beat the tougher levels.
Platformers I'm very solid with but they rarely venture into difficult imo. Put it this way I found super meatboy entertaining more than difficult...

So overall yeah I'd say I'm good. I learn fast and have good reflexes, coupled with the experience of playing games I've picked up and I tend to do better than most across all games though I always find someone better than me in the end.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
If you're having fun, you're good at it imo.

PS: I suck at most strategy game, I get bored and can't get to terribly into it. (Age of Empire, Civilization, ETC)


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Action games and shooters? No, not particularly. I generally find a good bit of challenge in the normal difficulty, and even get stuck in some parts.

But for rhythm games, hell yes. I can play almost any on the hardest difficulty, from DJ Hero to Rock Band to Amplitude to Elite Beat Agents. And I dominate.


New member
May 24, 2011
Well I'm 21 too, almost 22 and I make it a habit to play games on highest difficulty. I enjoy getting crushed till I eventually overcome the situation either by skill, experience of playing or dumb luck. That said I don't consider myself a gamer... more like I just enjoy a good challenge.


Disciple of The Gravity cat
Apr 16, 2010
I am definately above average, especially in FPS. Hell, 700+ hours on TF2 alone to back that up. However, I do suck at RTS, so I guess it depends what genre we're talking about here.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
CrashBang said:
I've played through Mass Effect 2 several times on normal difficulty, but on hardcore? No no no no. Y'know the part, half way through, where you make your way into the supposedly dead Reaper and get ambushed by a load of Collectors on platforms? Can't do it, nope, not a chance.
I did it all on insane, afterwards I was set back a few $100 on controllers.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I reckon I'm good at gaming. I've completed most things I own on the hardest difficulty (including Mass Effect 2 on Insanity for the OP ;) ). I like a good challenge and most games these days don't really seem to challenge me.

Multiplayer though, is slightly less of a success story. I'm good, almost always get a positive K/D ratio on the games I play, but there a few people out there who really hand the controller to me...

Rumble Phish

New member
Mar 26, 2010
Most games I am pretty good at. Story/campaign modes anyway. Online multiplayer is a different story...

Pretty much sums it up.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
I'm decent at games like TF2 and Bad Company 2, I tend to top the scoreboards on those, but I freaking suck at platformers. I'm not even kidding, if there's one single foot-wide hole in the entire level, I'll manage to fall into that hole. Really screws up my retro gaming...


New member
Dec 28, 2010
21 here, been gaming since i was 5-6 and i would say i pretty good, games get finished within a day or 2 without really trying, and online after i've played a game for a few weeks i start to notice everyone i've played previously a good few times tend to come after me first...guess they don't like a sniper that can turn an assault rifle into a sniper if need be lol.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
CrashBang said:
I've played through Mass Effect 2 several times on normal difficulty, but on hardcore? No no no no. Y'know the part, half way through, where you make your way into the supposedly dead Reaper and get ambushed by a load of Collectors on platforms? Can't do it, nope, not a chance.
Those weren't collectors. Those were husks, the Cerberus science team that had been dispatched but compromised by indoctrination over time.

It really isn't too hard a mission, if you bring either Jack and\or have biotic shockwave. Throw a double shockwave at a group of husks and they fly around like they accidentally stepped on a super-trampoline. The scions can be a problem, but if you can take them out from a distance you're fine.

As for being good, I'd like to think so. Depends on the game, and how much I practiced.

I'd challenge anyone to a Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 fight . . . too bad not many people play that game in the US. If I ever found anyone they got bored of me kicking their ass.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
I'm proficient at gaming. At the genres I like, I excell at them. Other genres that I do not like playing, I amn poor at doing.

Sperium 3000

New member
Mar 16, 2009
It depends largely on the genre of the game. I'm good at most genres, except RTS and Strategic RPG (Strategy is not my forte, as you can see).

Vidi Kitty

New member
Feb 20, 2010
I have been good at games since the original CoD on a 56k dialup connection, sniping people in the face with a 250 lat. Was trolololing my way through Halo on legendary my first time through, and I got so good at 2 that I could use that 3 or 4 seconds of Arbiter stealth to get through most of his levels undetected...

Single player I always pick the hardest difficulty first. Right now I'm going through Deus Ex HR on hard while trying to sneak and not kill as many people as I can. I don't play much competitive multiplayer these days, but when I do I tend to suck for a couple matches while getting back into the swing of it, and then rolling the opposition.

Also I am only 21.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Any single-player shooter where I can take cover and play tactically, I usually kick ass at. In MP I have fast reflexes and a good feeling for what tactics work and what don't. I can usually start playing a game and five rounds later, be in the top 10% of the players, without using cheap tactics like camping or explosive/vehicle whoring. For non-shooters, I usually suck, except for Minecraft, but that game has combat that is laughably cute.

Vidi Kitty

New member
Feb 20, 2010
Sperium 3000 said:
It depends largely on the genre of the game. I'm good at most genres, except RTS and Strategic RPG (Strategy is not my forte, as you can see).
This, but its the micro managing of RTS games that usually gets me.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I COULD be really good at gaming, but I'd have to spend a lot more time on it and basically treat it as another job, which kind of defeats the purpose of gaming.

I like to play on easy or normal, and just have fun. I don't care about challenge, my favorite games are the ones with good story or characters.

I do suck horribly at rts games. I don't think any amount of time spent trying to perfect my strategy would help.