Are you actually good at gaming?


New member
Jan 7, 2010
19, been playing games since 6. Been playing FPS games since about 13 and I'm pretty good at them. I pick up FPS games in around 2 matches and normally match the person I'm playing in less than 30 minutes.

For example, Halo. I don't havee an X-box and after not playing the game for 6 months I beat my mates who own the game and play constantly in every match.


...put me in a racing game, a fighter, a strategy...ANY type of game other than FPS or Action/RPG and I suck. I suck hard. I can't beat the AI on easy in Starcraft I'm that bad.

I'll normally do a game on normal just so its not a challenge and I don't get pissed and then I'll do it on the hardest difficulty.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
It depends. I am not some master at video games but I am usaully decent enough. It really depends how much I like and enjoy a game. Something like Cod, I find really boring so although I was good at it when I started playing COD4 and enjoying it, I am now terrible at them since I can't bring myself to even try to play them.

At the same time I am great at games I enjoy. Section 8, The Darkness, Prototype, supreme commander and Dawn of war are all games I enjoy and usaully like to think I am good at.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
I have issues where say I can easily win on easy normal and hardcore but the next step I get massacred by the computer and I mean beasted they will kill me or overtake me before I even know I'm playing.

I seem to be in a small niche between hardcore and the next step. It's infuriating.

However I can play pretty much every type of game genre I have come across so I guess I am........

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
I NEVER play on hard settings.
Aside from being pretty awesome at tracing choppers in BFBC2, I'm pretty awful.
That's why what I mostly do is shoot tracers on teammates's faces!
And shoot at the ground near them so they'll feel like awesomely running through the bullet rain or something. Usually leads to them being pissed at me.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Im good enough. Sure there are plenty who are better. It might take me 1000 deaths to beat God of War on hardest difficulty, but I have the persistence to not let the AI beat me, and the only way it can do that is if I give up.

So Im not the best, but I am certainly good enough.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
I consider myself a well skilled gamer. I play pretty much every genre of games except for RTSs (I just can't get into them) and music games (I like playing Rock Band with friends but not by myself).

Bayonetta was really the first hardcore beat'em up game I played, and I was able to get good enough to play on the highest difficulty. The dodge offset mechanic really won me over and kept me playing.

If it's an online game, I really try to get good at it and I normally do. However, I don't play that many online games unless I really like the game mechanics. I've played Metal Gear Online for over 3 years and I'm very good at it, not best player but I can hang with the best. I really got into Warhawk for a time and loved it. I got really got into the MAG beta and loved it, just never picked it up. I don't play games like COD (I did play COD4, which was my first online FPS experience) because I hate health regen, moving spawns, unbalanced gameplay, matchmaking, etc. and most online games have all the features and mechanics I don't like.

I get hardcore into baseball games. I can play MLB The Show on the highest difficulty, and I win about 75% of my online games.

I start every game on hard as normal nowadays is rather easy. I just got Deus Ex: HR and I'm playing it on the highest difficulty, it feels like normal to me. I do play stealthy so I don't really have to out shoot the AI. But with your powers and stuff, you can play pretty aggressive and have an easy time still; toss a flashbang and take out a group of enemies.


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Depends on the game. Im more skilled than the average badger but Im certainly not at the pro level (though the idea of playing in a big tournament someday would be awesome).


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Yes, but not as good as I used to be. As a kid I beat games like Smash TV, Ninja Gaiden 1&2, all the castlevania's, Faxanadu, Lemmings, etc. While it may be possible to beat them again today, when it comes to Ninja Gaiden series, I've been unable to beat the last bosses when replaying them in recent years.

While I'm still very good at video games, I don't have the patience with them that I had when I was young. If I can't figure a puzzle in a Zelda dungeon for example, I'll give it 10 minutes before looking at a guide. Rather than wandering for an hour, coming back in a day or two and repeating until I catch what was probably obvious to begin with.

Like most people, I have my gaming weaknesses though. I can barely beat any given FPS game on the easiest difficulty. I'm very bad when it comes to play %90 of the racing games I've played out there (Top Gear 2 NES and F1 Championships N64 being the exceptions). And I only excel at Street Fighter when it comes to fighting games.

My current day gaming excellence comes in the form of my near mastery of drumming in Rock Band despite having no musical talent in reality. I've gold starred 180 songs out of the 230 I own. As well as games like Starcraft 2 where I've earned all achievements for single player modes except the arcade game which I just found boring.


New member
May 2, 2011
I'd say I am above average on most games. Any game that requires strategy, I'm generally good at. You'll never see me high up on any world leaderboards though. I'm good at RPG/FPS/RTS in particular.

I suck at most platformers and old school games. I don't have the patience.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Yeah, I would say so. I can easily play most of my games (FPS, Sport, Racing, RPG, music) games on a hard, or hardest difficulty, unlike TBS and RTS games which I will only play on normal.
Although sometimes I will play just on normal difficulty to play, and have the most fun with the game.

Online I am pretty decent as well. I only play FPS games online but I do well for the team and get a positive K/D most of the time.

I'm still pretty "average" amongst my friends, especially online. A lot of people I play with are a lot better than me online, but I reckon I am slightly better single player.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
I'm halfway decent. My playstyle is less "Steamroller" and more "Adapt and overcome". I lose? I change tactics and try again.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Been gaming since 1985, thats 26 years of my life, thats longer than a lot of you have been breathing for.

I have completed Devil May Cry on Dante Must Die mode without dying. That gets mentioned a lot.

I can go through F:NV on Hardcore with no problems at all.

I've done F3 and Oblivion without breaking a sweat.

I've done the Witcher and Witcher 2 while contemplating life and all it's glory.

I've got through nearly every JRPG i've played on hard modes with little trouble.

UT I was a demon at, Borderlands i'm quite good.

Most fighting games i'm still unbeaten.


CoD, Battlefield, any sport game (except Blood Bowl) and every single racing game i've tried I absolutely suck big hairy monkey balls at.

So it depends on the genre of game. Some i'm pretty good at while others not so much.

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
I think I am. I do above average on Halo: Reach online and it only takes me 2 days at the most to beat a game on it hardest difficulty. Besides Gears 1 which took three weeks. I suck at sports games though. Can't understand them at all.

Simeon Ivanov

New member
Jun 2, 2011
I guess I'm on an "average" level. The hardest game I ever beat was Devil May Cry 3 on easy ... I'll let myself out.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I'm good at odd builds for RPGs. I played a shapeshifter in DA:O, and a disorient-shadow rogue in DA2, I play Lilith in Borderlands, I have also played a 2-handed rogue and a dexterity-archer warrior in Origins. I tend to avoid OP builds and characters, and instead go for versatility and abnormal play-styles.

I'm not great by any means, and put me in an FPS or racing game and I'll lose more often than not, but give me the capacity for an uncommon build or strategy and I'll do a lot better than you'd expect, even if it isn't as good as what power-builds can do.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
I'd say that I'm average. I tend to hold my own at most games, but it really depends who I'm up against.
In my group of friends, I used to be the king of our Age of Empires 2 games, but going against most people outside of that group, I'd be defeated in five minutes.
I tend to play games on normal, although in Total War games my default is now Hard/Hard, but I tend to stay away from anything above that.
I play games for the experience, the story itself. I don't feel the need to ramp up the difficulty, usually removing a large chunk for the fun and replacing it with frustration, purely so I can point to an inanimate piece of metal/plastic/whatever and smugly tell it that I've beaten it. I doubt it would care.


I forgot what this was before...
Jul 10, 2009
Nope. It makes me even depressed that I'm always the worst between all of my friends.


Something something....
Mar 30, 2011
As long as you don't give me a controller to a console because I can't do it fps on console k/d probably lands 0.1 or so but give me a computer and I become decent and in times GREAT with possibility of pulling of awesome stuff.

And of course I hate giving up against a dumb AI...

But I also play for fun i.e. doing stupid things "accidental" suicides and the like can be just hilarious... Blew my "cover" more than once in Deus Ex:HR just to see reaction of my enemies (that was somewhat fun but really, your buddies lie dead in front of you and the one killing them is close but you give up? c'mon)