Are you actually good at gaming?


New member
Jun 15, 2009
I'm 21 and I've been gaming since I was 6. I have the Crest of Hyrule tattooed on my back and I donno where I'd be without games. However, that doesn't mean I'm a particularly good gamer.
I've played through Mass Effect 2 several times on normal difficulty, but on hardcore? No no no no. Y'know the part, half way through, where you make your way into the supposedly dead Reaper and get ambushed by a load of Collectors on platforms? Can't do it, nope, not a chance.

My point is, for all of the love you have for games, are you actually good at Halo, DIRT, CoD, God Of War or Portal?
Sure, we all have our strengths. For example, it's a scientific fact that I am unbeatable at Crash Team Racing, but I am rubbish at almost all first and third person shooters, even though I play them quite a lot.

So, gamers, what games do you suck at, even if you love them and play them often?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I'm alright at racing games and Halo: Reach [against the AI, in any case]. And I'm pretty good at Tetris. But I don't play games in order to become good at them. It's too passive and fabricated to be called a 'skill', anyway.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I've been honing my art for as long as I could hold a controller in my hands. I make it look good.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
My k/d on MW2 and Black Ops was somewhere around 0.85 so I suppose I suck. I'm not that bad on single-player, though.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Depends on the genre. For example, I've beaten Contra 4 multiple times on hard difficulty without using continues. Same with the Metroids and DS Castlevanias (except order of Ecclesia, that game's brutal on hard). RPGs with turn based combat I'm also good at. They're more about optimising your party and figuring out strategies than dexterity with the controller.

I'm ok at shooters, but not good enough to have much fun in multiplayer (I did do surprisingly well in Duke Nukem Forever, for some reason), and RTSs I kind of suck at. I still like them, especially Star Craft. I'm just not that good.


New member
May 16, 2011
I'm good at some games, like Fallout3, I dominate that - and I'm a reasonably good sniper in Battlefield2/P4f... but I'm the worst driver ever, so I embarass myself in driving games.
These days I prefer RPG's and tactical shooters, games that let me play how I want. So I'm looking forward to Skyrim and FarCry3 more than anything.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Yes, yes I am. easily the most well rounded of my gamer friends, and we're ALL very good at pretty much any game.

One of those friends has literally only been gaming for a year, and I consider him at least on par, if not better at Team Fortress 2 than my other friends, who've been playing since launch.

I regularly go on the opposite team of them just to get a challenge.

Random Encounter

New member
Feb 17, 2011
I consider myself to be quite good at videogames, probably not professional but still good.

I rather suck at RTS games though and FPS multiplayer.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
You never learn a higher mastery unless you push your abilities.

So with that I can say I'm good on some games, I really suck at others.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Depends of the game shooters, racers and big open world single-player games I good; sports, JRPGs and fighting i really suck. I also can't play mass effect on hardcore but i care more about story anyway


New member
Mar 29, 2010
I'm the kind of person who forces himself to play the games on the hardest setting untill finished, while I think I can hold my own on most game types, I am sure I am not by any stretch amazing at games.

Any games that need me to get up and say, "dance" or games such as rockband I do really suck at, mostly I would assume this is because I basicaly don't play such games often.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Every game. I am just not a good gamer. I die constantly, and the only games I find even mildly easy are the ones that other gamers consider cakewalks.


Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
I can rack up some kills on console COD, but PC COD I suck. I'm awful at RTS as well, I'm alright with games that mainly require thought equal or lesser than, kill that thing before it/they kill you.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Normal difficulty I can do fine. Hard on a few FPS games (but not many). I tend to score in wildly different bands when playing multiplayer; either flawlessly elite or hopelessly inept, with no middle ground.

Overall, I'd have to say that my enthusiasm far exceeds actual skill.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Well, that really depends on what your definition of "Good" is in video games.

If by finishing the game on a Medium or Normal difficulty is your measure of success than I consider myself good at the game. Every now and then I have to toss up the difficulty a bit just to give myself more of a challenge (like in Fallout: New Vegas I play a little above the Normal difficulty further into the game to make the game more challenging).

As for multiplayer, I find myself an average gamer. I die/fail as much as I kill/succeed.

As long as I am having a good time I consider myself a good gamer.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Depends on the genre really.

At first person games, I'm a good bit above average. At RTS games, I suck balls. I can't do management on a large scale (I still enjoy single player RTS and comp stomp). I'm decent at racing/sports games.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
I'm good. At pretty much everything. However, I'm not "the best". I never put in the effort needed to beat the game at the highest levels. I'm a power gamer most of the time, or at least I always look for the most efficient method of clearing the obstacles placed in front of me. As a result, I tend to do well by default in any game that requires resource management of any kind (RPGs, games with RPG elements, strategy and tactics games). At everything else I'm not bad, but I never put in the practice needed to hone my twitch skills to the degree that I can master a game.

For instance, I'm close to finishing Deus Ex. I'm pretty sure I'm in the final level now. I've done all the sidequests, bought all the upgrades and Praxis kits, I've gotten most of the augs, except the really useless ones (Stealth Enhancement, Fortrify and such) and am now spending my points on those as well. I've got over 40k Credits still left over and my inventory is overflowing with guns, ammo, grenades and health items. At this point I beat most of the game's challenges by the virtue of having gotten so far ahead of the resource curve, I can just throw Typhoon blasts and gunfire at any problem that I can't cloak or punch my way past. And I always do it. I'm always there with the best stuff and maxed out XP levels in any game. If I'm playing a Total War game you can bet I'll be rolling out fullstacked armies of top-of-the-lie heavy infantry and cavalry from my massively overdesigned cities.

I just love collecting resources of any kind...