are you people fucking serious!


Apr 28, 2008
I'm pretty sure that when Moot occupies 6 out of 10 of the first spots then no, the list is not serious and neither are the people contributing to it.

Michel Henzel

Just call me God
May 13, 2014
Moot is now dominating the top 10.
Still disappointed though, that prick Gandhi isn't number one, pfff what a bs list.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
thundra said:
You read a poll on the internet and its skewed severely? Hold on let me check my magic 8-ball...

*shakes 8-ball*

Hmmmm... it says: "Signs point to TROLLED"

Sorry kid. The 8-ball doesn't lie.

EDIT: Shortly after posting, my 8-ball suddenly Rick-rolled me...

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
thundra said:
So i found this site ranker and went to the section called The All-Time Worst People in History. And guess what i saw... you know what its so stupid to me to explain so i give you a link.

Jesus fucking christ i'm embarrassed to be a gamer. It's good thing i don't identify myself as one even tho i play games every day. Fuck this industry.

What in the hell do you mean, "YOU people"?

You got trolled beyond belief. Just...stop.


some asshole made me set this up
Jul 31, 2009
Michel Henzel said:
Moot is now dominating the top 10.
Still disappointed though, that prick Gandhi isn't number one, pfff what a bs list.
Moot; literally worse than Osama Bin Laden 6 times over


New member
May 8, 2009
thundra said:
Jesus fucking christ i'm embarrassed to be a gamer. It's good thing i don't identify myself as one even tho i play games every day. Fuck this industry.
So uh... really?
I'm not sure if you're actually serious, or just playing the part, either way posts like this won't get you very far.
I would say please mend your ways and be more thoughtful when posting, but you're one warning away from a perma ban so I doubt we'll be having any future issues.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Seven out the top ten are the same person. What is it about this list that compels you to take it seriously?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Nobody has pointed out the vague, clickbaity title of this thread yet?

Not saying that the OP was trolling the forum, rather than had been trolled, but if you wanted to troll the forum...not saying that this thread would be a good way of going about it, but...


Social Justice Cleric
Mar 1, 2012
Jesus, how many times do I have to go over this, Serious and I are JUST FRIENDS not fuckbuddies. GAWD.

Seriously though, I think people can take a moment to be vaguely disappointed that even if it is just trolling, people decided to spend energy and effort on something so monumentally stupid. 'Just trolling' doesn't keep it from kind of being a failure of people's humanity. And by that I mean not really a moral point as much as 'they could have been doing anything else with their time and most other options including masturbating and picking their nose are more of a positive net influence in the world'.


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
thundra said:
are you people fucking serious!
OP, are YOU fucking serious?

So, today I've seen a thread asking why people can't say "wanna fuck?" to one another, out of the blue. And now here we have a thread asking if an obvious troll poll is serious.

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry, at this point.


Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
thaluikhain said:
Not saying that the OP was trolling the forum, rather than had been trolled, but if you wanted to troll the forum...not saying that this thread would be a good way of going about it, but...
I agree. I guess it could potentially be argued that the OP has engaged in 'accidental trolling' of this forum, merely by perpetrating the trolling obviously taking place on the linked site, and bringing it here.

(Fucking hell, I had to reword this post so many damn times. I'm sure you can figure out why.)

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
thundra said:
So i found this site ranker and went to the section called The All-Time Worst People in History. And guess what i saw... you know what its so stupid to me to explain so i give you a link.

Jesus fucking christ i'm embarrassed to be a gamer. It's good thing i don't identify myself as one even tho i play games every day. Fuck this industry.
Calm down, this old OOOOLD school 4-chan trolling. It's not that droves of people are suddenly voting in these polls, it's that a few people made voting bots and made them skew the polls. This happens ALL THE TIME in online polls. Like seriously pretty much any online poll. It's not evidence of anything but a single of a small group of people thought it'd be funny.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
IceForce said:
thaluikhain said:
Not saying that the OP was trolling the forum, rather than had been trolled, but if you wanted to troll the forum...not saying that this thread would be a good way of going about it, but...
I agree. I guess it could potentially be argued that the OP has engaged in 'accidental trolling' of this forum, merely by perpetrating the trolling obviously taking place on the linked site, and bringing it here.

(Fucking hell, I had to reword this post so many damn times. I'm sure you can figure out why.)
Now I think of it, at least half the threads on the forum seem to be accidental trolling at best.

I mean, anyone who mentions Sarkeesian in a thread is sure to get the same sort of reaction trolls are going for and- oops!


New member
Sep 25, 2014
Calbeck said:
Shadowstar38 said:
I personally think Hitler gets too much crap nowadays. One little genocide shouldn't make people ignore all the good he did for the world.
Yeah, I mean, he made the trains run on time... wait, was that Mussolini?

Also, Hitler was a unicorn, and that's just not something you can put aside., seriously, I have photos.

EDIT: see? Handsome devil, really.
Let us not forget that Hitler gave hippies, liberals, progressives and the SJW crowd a car they still love to this day.

The Volkswagen Beetle!

That guy is still trolling people after all these years.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
thundra said:
Kopikatsu said:
The only problem I have with that list is Cleopatra should be above Quinn. But otherwise, meh.
So woman with the voice is worse than genocide? Nice priorities you have there.
Are you this new to the internet?

Dont you see Moot there about 6 times in the top 10?

Thanks for telling me that because I play games I am misogynist. Truly you have done your research.

NoX 9

I Want A Hug!
Jul 2, 2014
My main man Pot is on this list?! Thats some bullshit!

Ok so Quinn and Anita are on there, but we already knew people in our gaming culture are horrible. Who is this Christopher Moot Poole guy though? Is it like a "John Doe" kind of thing, or is he really so incredibly annoying and terrible that he needs 7 places on this list?


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Calbeck said:
Shadowstar38 said:
I personally think Hitler gets too much crap nowadays. One little genocide shouldn't make people ignore all the good he did for the world.
Yeah, I mean, he made the trains run on time... wait, was that Mussolini?

Also, Hitler was a unicorn, and that's just not something you can put aside., seriously, I have photos.

EDIT: see? Handsome devil, really.
You have returned.
As the prophecy foretold, we shall meet in the fields of Fólkvangr for our eternal struggle to be broken only as the horn of endings is sounded and the victor joins by Freyja's side.

I am surprised people think these things will not happen with unsecured voting polls. I'm pretty sure this is like one of the first internet jokes, right after RFC 748.

NoX 9 said:
My main man Pot is on this list?! Thats some bullshit!

Ok so Quinn and Anita are on there, but we already knew people in our gaming culture are horrible. Who is this Christopher Moot Poole guy though? Is it like a "John Doe" kind of thing, or is he really so incredibly annoying and terrible that he needs 7 places on this list?
IDK, probably some newfag who pissed in the pool.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Sassafrass said:
Mezahmay said:
Moot's got the best deal out of it.

"Hi, I'm Moot. I created 4chan. I'm also literally worse than every dictator in the world."

Honestly, fuck everything else, it's time for #StopMoot2014. His reign of terror has gone on too long.
Not only that, but he's also 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 124th, 202nd, 342nd, and 376th worst simultaneously as of this post. His treachery knows no bounds, not even statistical possibility!


Oct 5, 2011
United States
kiri2tsubasa said:
erttheking said:
Thorn14 said:
irishda said:
Thorn14 said:
irishda said:
Thorn14 said:
irishda said:
I'm sure none of them play games.
Trolls on 4chan who may be gamers trolled an obscure poll, ergo all gamers did this.
Did they say "all gamers" or did they just say "gamers"? I mean if a bunch of white people robbed a bank, would someone be accurate in saying, "White people robbed a bank"?
Depends on if you follow the sentence with "Jesus fucking christ i'm embarrassed to be a white people"
Sounds like it'd still be accurate. And considering the state of the gaming community right now, I don't blame that person for being embarrassed to be a gamer.
Being a gamer is something to be proud of. Don't let a few assholes ruin it for you.
No it isn't. Being an anime fan isn't something to be proud of. Being a movie fan isn't something to be proud of. Being a fan of literature isn't something to be proud of. It's a thing you enjoy. Not a freaking point of pride.
Then why shouldn't I simply kill myself and be done with it? I am sterile so I can never have kids. My left knee is so fucked up I am on permanent disability and was robbed of my dream of being a soldier for my country. Because of my knee I can't work. I have no economic prospects at all. Gaming is the only thing I have, so why shouldn't I be proud of it? Because in your own words you are saying that I have nothing in my life to proud of or can take pride in. So I ask again, based on your words, why shouldn't I just kill my self and be done with it.
That's not what I meant. Frankly I just don't even put stock in pride. Pride is coming up with a reason why you should be alive, and frankly you don't need a reason to be alive. You're you. That's all you need. If you love games, truly and utterly love them, then you don't need to be proud of it. You just need to enjoy that love.