Ask the Man in Red


New member
Jul 23, 2011
ManInRed said:
Tselis said:
Okay, on the profiles page it says I can arrange my badges so I decide which ones are displayed when I post, but I can't figure out how to get it done. It won't let me move them. How do I arrange them? Oh, if you could please keep the answer simple, I'm not a technophile.
In your profile, tab Badges, then there will be a vertical list of badges and their names. Drag and drop these in the right order, and press save. Old posts won't change order of badges.

Anymore tech-service questions, and I may need to pull out the techno-babble. I'm betting this forum as a section specifically for asking questions on how to use this forum, that real monitor will answer. If not, it should.
Yay!! Thankies much!


New member
May 16, 2010
sravankb said:
Why my bum hurt?

Seriously, though - when will the recession actually end? DEAR GOD, WHEN??
Your bum hurts because of the recession. It will keep on hurting until 2015, longer if we screw something up, shorter if we screw things up so bad we do not live to see that year.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Tselis said:
ManInRed said:
Tselis said:
Okay, on the profiles page it says I can arrange my badges so I decide which ones are displayed when I post, but I can't figure out how to get it done. It won't let me move them. How do I arrange them? Oh, if you could please keep the answer simple, I'm not a technophile.
In your profile, tab Badges, then there will be a vertical list of badges and their names. Drag and drop these in the right order, and press save. Old posts won't change order of badges.

Anymore tech-service questions, and I may need to pull out the techno-babble. I'm betting this forum as a section specifically for asking questions on how to use this forum, that real monitor will answer. If not, it should.
Yay!! Thankies much!
It worked!! Awesome! Yes, I know. I'm easy to please.


New member
May 16, 2010
The Thinker said:
When will someone think to use this thread to get the answers to the riddles on the "Clicks and Riddles" Thread?

Also, how will you answer all of the questions on here in a timely fashion?
Never, my answers to riddles are too dry-witted to be accurate.

I never said I would answer these questions in a timely fashion. Let's just see how many questions I get, and for how many days this continues, before we see if I do manage to answer every single one.


New member
May 16, 2010
Ser Imp said:
Dear ManinRed
Why Red?
Also, How did Yahtzee get his nickname?
Vermilion is my favorite color. The wavelength makes is more noticeable, and people often don't notice when I am in a room. It hides blood stains. And the Man in Black is a long time rival of mine.

Yahtzee is a name of a character in a video game Yahtzee made. It's also a game with dice, which is where it original probably came from.


New member
May 16, 2010
Porygon-2000 said:
robotichunter said:
Mister Man in Red, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
On that topic, what the bloody hell is a tootsie pop? Is it like a Chupa Chup or something?

Also, why am I screwing over my academic studies by wasting my time on the internet?
Tootsie roll (fudge) in a sugar pop.

Because hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.


New member
May 16, 2010
Dfskelleton said:
Mister Man in Red;
Let's say we are both on our own motorcycles, paralell to each other. For the sake of argument, say we were playing a children's card game while riding aformentioned motorcycles. How would you describe such an event?
Foolish. You really think having the game played on motorcycles is going to give you the edge you need to defeat me in a card game. I anticipated you would try something like this, and it would be naive to think this would be of any concern to me.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Do you think Johnny Cash is stealing all your limelight?

I'm inviting some friends over on Monday for an all-out movie night, what are some good flicks?


New member
May 16, 2010
StarCecil said:
Why is it so difficult for developers to get all the aspects of the firearms that appear in their games correct?
They just don't care. Some are lazy, some think better game play require a sacrifice of realism, some find in play testing players expect guns to behave unrealistically (as many gamers don't fire firearms often), and most prefer using fire arms that are either fictional or models of guns extremely rare in reality because they look cool and are often in movies.

Physics engines exist and the database of gun knowledge is out there, there's really no good reason why a developer couldn't make firearms extremely accurate. Still, the fact that they aren't is another hole in the argument that games train kids to shot people.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

Will games ever be tied to specific consoles or online accounts as PC games are now?


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Hitokiri_Gensai said:
robotichunter said:
Mister Man in Red, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
im sorry for stealing this man in red, but according to a book i read on useless, but true, information, its 252 licks!
The correct answer is three. I take Mister Owl's knowledge over yours, he has a graduation cap on, he must be smart!


New member
May 16, 2010
njrk97 said:
i doubt youll be able to awnser this
so where can i stream the entir season of crush gear turbo english dubbed
also why have 3D adventur platformers died out?
I am unable to answer that first question, as it goes against forum rules.

The better question is why 2D platformers went away, I think platforming makes more sense from a 2D perspective. Still, these aren't completely dead... unless you mean adventure adventure. In which case I'll say most recent games don't do adventuring right, as its very low in the list of priorities they think gamers want.

This can be blame in part on 'casual gamers' who find puzzles and exploration boring or difficult, and think immersion is having action thrown in your face every minute. But I think casual gamers don't know what they really want, so developers ought to ignore this opinion. The Halo style life bar and lack of powerups also removes any reason for exploration in most platformers. People have almost gotten tired of this though, so we might see a shift back into adventuring soon enough, if publishers get the message. There's a reason Link and Mario games always sell, after all. People like the gameplay they offer, not the shallow characters.


New member
May 16, 2010
Infernai said:
If knowing is half the battle...then what's the other half?
Also knowing.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
-Sunzi (Art of War)


New member
Nov 18, 2009
How do I get a girl I've liked for an extremely long time to like me back?
(Goddamn relationship threads)
Also, how do you dance?


New member
May 16, 2010
Pegghead said:
Do you think Johnny Cash is stealing all your limelight?
The Man in Black is my rival. He also goes by the names: Yuber, Grahf, and Golbez. We have mutual respect for one another though.