Ask the Man in Red


New member
Aug 4, 2009
ManInRed said:
Pegghead said:
Do you think Johnny Cash is stealing all your limelight?
The Man in Black is my rival. He also goes by the names: Yuber, Grahf, and Golbez. We have mutual respect for one another though.
Yes Roland, you may find he also goes by...PEGGHEAD

(Finished the second book the other day!).

Wait...this is like darktower, right?

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Man in Red, answer these 2 questions please:

Game related: ¿ Will there be a Starwars Battlefront 3 soon ?

¿Is the U.N. going to have Contact with offworld creatures this year?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
To do or not to do?
the spud said:
Ninja'd damn it! This easily takes the cake for best question of the thread.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
why do you wear red?(already answered)

Also, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? based on your shared fashion sense, i can only assume you are siblings,


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Dfskelleton said:
Mister Man in Red;
Let's say we are both on our own motorcycles, paralell to each other. For the sake of argument, say we were playing a children's card game while riding aformentioned motorcycles. How would you describe such an event?
*STEALS* about an hours worth of traffic and a bunch of EMS wondering just why there are cards all over the roadway.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Pegghead said:
ManInRed said:
Pegghead said:
Do you think Johnny Cash is stealing all your limelight?
The Man in Black is my rival. He also goes by the names: Yuber, Grahf, and Golbez. We have mutual respect for one another though.
Yes Roland, you may find he also goes by...PEGGHEAD

(Finished the second book the other day!).

Wait...this is like darktower, right?
should i kill with my gun? i feel like i'm forgetting something...


New member
Jan 14, 2010
1) What is your name?

2) What is your quest?

3) What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


New member
Jan 14, 2010
syrus27 said:
Wuggy said:
1) What is your name?

2) What is your quest?

3) What is the average flying speed of an unladen swallow?
So close Python head, but the question you meant to ask was; "What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

You still get +1 Internets for the reference though.
Gah! I knew I should've checked it. I wrote that from memory. Thanks, I'll fix it!


New member
Mar 7, 2008
CleverCover said:
How is it possible to pull an all-nighter and not pass out around noon the next day?
Something like this, but with an addendum; I can stay up a whole day and be pretty much unaffected, and my dad can't sleep every day, he sleeps every other one, and only for a few hours. Do these things mean anything?


Some more questions I thought of

1) What are three of your favorite games? What is it about them that you enjoy so much, if you know?

2) Are there any upcoming titles that you're excited about? Why?

3) What was the main console you played as a child?

4) Why did you take the form of a pregnant fish? Just the eww factor, or was there some symbolic statement you were making?


New member
May 15, 2011
ManInRed, I'm terrible at posting stuff here, how can I post a video or an image directly? as in, something more than just showing this link and more like giving you the chance to play the video instantly (as an above poster did by linking directly a scene from Pulp Fiction).

Many thanks in advance, and are you related with the Crimson King?


New member
Oct 3, 2008
syrus27 said:
Wuggy said:
1) What is your name?

2) What is your quest?

3) What is the average flying speed of an unladen swallow?
So close Python head, but the question you meant to ask was; "What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

You still get +1 Internets for the reference though.
The question we should really be asking ourselves though is African or European?

To the Man In Red, How many bears could Bear Grylls grill if Bear Grylls could grill bears?

O maestre

New member
Nov 19, 2008
who are you? and why did you make this thread? and finally why is your opinion warrant so much attention?


Senior Member
May 30, 2011
ManInRed said:
njrk97 said:
i doubt youll be able to awnser this
so where can i stream the entir season of crush gear turbo english dubbed
also why have 3D adventur platformers died out?
I am unable to answer that first question, as it goes against forum rules.

The better question is why 2D platformers went away, I think platforming makes more sense from a 2D perspective. Still, these aren't completely dead... unless you mean adventure adventure. In which case I'll say most recent games don't do adventuring right, as its very low in the list of priorities they think gamers want.

This can be blame in part on 'casual gamers' who find puzzles and exploration boring or difficult, and think immersion is having action thrown in your face every minute. But I think casual gamers don't know what they really want, so developers ought to ignore this opinion. The Halo style life bar and lack of powerups also removes any reason for exploration in most platformers. People have almost gotten tired of this though, so we might see a shift back into adventuring soon enough, if publishers get the message. There's a reason Link and Mario games always sell, after all. People like the gameplay they offer, not the shallow characters.
i mean 3d adevtur paltfomres like donkey kong 64 and super maio 64
also regarding my first question do you know where they stream it and you cant tell me or do you just not know

General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
sravankb said:
Why my bum hurt?

Seriously, though - when will the recession actually end? DEAR GOD, WHEN??
Nice avatar, i'm watching that show right now! Anyway, o man in red, why do dogs walk in a circle before lying down?


New member
May 16, 2010
Pegghead said:
I'm inviting some friends over on Monday for an all-out movie night, what are some good flicks?
For the sake of optimum assistance and expeditiousness, I will merely remind you of a few movies you have woefully forgotten, rather than trying to make a list of the greatest movies of all time organized in every category. Depending on your audience one of these should give you some ideas.

Batman: Under the Red Hood
Red Dragon
(alright, no more movies with Red in the title)
Fong Sai-yuk
The Big Lewbowski
Shawshank Redemption
The Garden of Sinners: Paradox Paradigm
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Dr. Strange Love
The Fifth Element
The Host
Dark City