Ask the Man in Red


New member
May 16, 2010
Game_Geek said:
avatar is related?
My avatar is a man wearing red. Good of you to point that out, others might have missed it otherwise. Actually made the picture myself, but if you pay attention real close you might see the character I based it off of, usually known for wearing black. And my last avatar was a shadowy image of Alucard.


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May 16, 2010
syrus27 said:
What 4 principles of relativity can a Geologist use to ascertain an approximate age for a bad of rock when no, authorative/measuring equipment is available to him.
If you cannot measure the radioactive decade, the main principal is to measure low layers of rock as older than higher layers. This is called the law of Superposition. The other principals refer to common changes to the layers of rocks that might confuse what layers are highest. Erosion may remove a layer of rock in some locations, causing unconformities. Quakes may shift the layers of rocks, and lava flow may insert layers of igneous rock into the mixture. Iridium only occurs naturally in meteorites, so a layer of that metal will tell you an asteroid hit, like the large layer of Iridium seen worldwide around the end of the Cretaceous period. Of course, of all these measurements only tell you relative age, you need to have some kind of time stamp to base how old a layer actually is, but once you know one layer's age you can match it in more locations.

syrus27 said:
How can a Meteorologist determine the temperature at which cloud forms (at any given pressure) without physically measuring the temperature?
Meteorologists do measure pressure, so this is kind of a tricky question. Still, based on the location (altitude) and the shape of the cloud, you can approximate the temperature it is for formed in. The color of a cloud can even held you determine what it is made of, which is helpful for determining temperature ranges and specific heat of the substance of the cloud.

syrus27 said:
How can the spread of Democracy throughout the 2nd and 3rd world be seen as a negative phenomenon?
The spread of Democracy throughout all the world has been also mark with the blood of an age of unprecedented conflicts and war. A single man is peaceful, Monarchs tend to avoid unnecessary engagements, but democracies allow mob mentality to ignite further escalating conflicts. While Democracy does provide certain freedoms and the ability to adapt that can be view as a reward for the struggles the world has gone through, it cannot be view as an entirely good thing until mankind learns to be as moral as a man.


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May 16, 2010
octafish said:
Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?
In the past, obviously. I just wish I knew why everyone is always trying to kill me. It's like I'm caught in some no win situation, and no one believes I'm losing my mind.

octafish said:
Will games ever be tied to specific consoles or online accounts as PC games are now?
Online accounts appear to be the wave of the future, and for online and smaller games I think this will be the method of distribution. However, the cost of hardward continues to drop and it is still cheaper to burn a game on a disc than run a server, so I think there will always be a place for a gaming console with discs or cartridges.


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May 16, 2010
Fuselage said:
How do I get a girl I've liked for an extremely long time to like me back?
Don't obsess over it. (Easier said than done, I know.) She is probably already aware of your feelings, but nothing can force your relationship to become romantic. Just keep hanging out with her and act natural, if it works out it won't feel like you had to do anything to make it happen. Both of you will know when it feels right, and if that never happens at least you'll have something together you both enjoy without any pressure to make it something more or end it.

As for making a person like you, well, show interest in them and the things they like, have a good sense of humor, be forgiving and undemanding. Unfortunately, I know of no way of making someone love you. But I do know that it will never happen unless you trust each other.

Fuselage said:
Also, how do you dance?
Like no one's watching.


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May 16, 2010
chaosyoshimage said:
What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

At least that's what you'd expect me to say. What's truly best in life?

All the questions.


New member
May 16, 2010
Orcus The Ultimate said:
Game related: ¿ Will there be a Starwars Battlefront 3 soon ?
Everyone expects me to know the future, but all I know is the future can change, and revealing the answer to you may change the outcome. So I am giving the answer I feel will make Battlefront come as soon as my answer can possible make it come out. You're welcome.

Orcus The Ultimate said:
¿Is the U.N. going to have Contact with offworld creatures this year?
This already happen with NASA back in May, though we did sort of plant the animal's parents in outer space back in 2007. That might not sound impressive, but we left the original animal in the vacuum of space orbiting Earth, for that many years, and now it has living offworld offspring. Odd little creatures, we call them Tardigrades. They can survive temperatures from 0 to 424 Kelvin, pressure from a vacuum to 1,200 astrospheres, 5,000 Gy of gamma radiation (humans start dying past 5 Gy), having 97% of the water in its body extracted, and can survive without oxygen or in poisonous gas. I'm glad we maintain peaceful relations with them.

Unfortunately, modern biology has redefine life to be something that almost certainly evolved from Earth, making true aliens ranked on the same level we are preemptively putting machines that have gain consciousness. So as it stands now, the UN policy is not to communicate with aliens from an origin other than Earth. It will be two decades before this will be ratified, hopefully no intergalactic wars before then.


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May 16, 2010
Nouw said:
To do or not to do?
That is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to die, to sleep, no more.

Also, there is no try.

Still, there's a time for thinking and a time for doing, and this my friends is no time for thinking.


New member
May 16, 2010
Chalacachaca said:
ManInRed, I'm terrible at posting stuff here, how can I post a video or an image directly?
Asked and answered already, though rather poorly. No clue.

tthor said:
Also, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? based on your shared fashion sense, i can only assume you are siblings,
Oddly enough the color of one's clothing is not determined by genes, this is an old fashion and rather fascist belief. That being said, the last time I saw Carmen it was in California.

Chalacachaca said:
Many thanks in advance, and are you related with the Crimson King?
Clothing color is not an accurate phenotype for determining lineage. Crimson King is related to Steven King, as the surname suggest. Lot more Dark Tower fans on the Escapist than I would have thought. Did not expect that to be the most reference Man in Red incarnation.


New member
May 16, 2010
Pegghead said:
Wait...this is like darktower, right?
This is nothing like darktower. At least, that's what I want you to think.

blaize2010 said:
should i kill with my gun? i feel like i'm forgetting something...
Short answer yes with a if, long answer no with a but. I hope this has been enlightening. Personally, I never kill with my guns, but I'm a very good shot and don't need to.


New member
May 16, 2010
Wuggy said:
1) What is your name?
I have many names, so please just call me the Man in Red.

Wuggy said:
2) What is your quest?
To seek out the desire that burns in all men's hearts.

Wuggy said:
3) What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I don't understand, African or European? A European swallow average airspeed is roughly 24 miles per hour. Airspeed velocity does fluctuate, as it does with any bird needing to flap its wings to remain airborne.

And if you're going to ask me what the capital of Assyria is, you need to specify a time, as it changed a lot over the years. That area's current capital is now Baghdad.

Also, let me repeat my favor color is Vermilion.


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May 16, 2010
CleverCover said:
How is it possible to pull an all-nighter and not pass out around noon the next day?
Adjust your sleep schedule. Drink caffeine. Rest you eyes or reduce light around you whenever possible. In college I spent roughly a month without a full night sleep. On the last day, I found it hard to stand, and in the follow summer I slept roughly for 2 weeks straight. Though my general advice is for exams (not projects) you're better off getting a good night sleep than cramming for it, a well rested mind if better at BSing answers and catching trick questions.

000Ronald said:
Something like this, but with an addendum; I can stay up a whole day and be pretty much unaffected, and my dad can't sleep every day, he sleeps every other one, and only for a few hours. Do these things mean anything?
There is a gene for people who sleep in and are able to stay up later, though most people still adjust to a daily sleep cycle base on the amount of light they see and different hours of the day. I actually prefer sleeping on a three day cycle, but hard to keep a job on that cycle.

000Ronald said:
2) Are there any upcoming titles that you're excited about? Why?
Xenoblade, because Tetsuya Takahashi has never made a bad game, though living in North America I suppose that excitement has taken on a different meaning. But wrath is a type of excitement.

Batman: Arkham City, because Arkham Asylum is the best Batman game I have ever played and this one looks to cover everything the last one didn't.

Silent Hill: Downpour looks interesting enough to try out, and is the first one made by a non-American development team in a while, which is bound to be an improvement as American developers suck at horror. But Vatra Games are complete unknowns, so who knows what they'll give us.

Fate/stay Night RPG coming out soon for PSP, Fate/Extra. Not an incompetent team behind it. That may be pretty cool.

A lot of great remakes of classic games coming out in the new few months, but I still own the originals, so not that exciting for me, but nice to see. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and Metal Gear Solid Rising may be worth checking out, but my excitement for these series is pretty calm these days.

000Ronald said:
3) What was the main console you played as a child?
I owned ever console that did not immediately go under, though I could usually find someone who own a Saturn or Dreamcast if I wanted to play those. Obviously, SNES, Playstation, and PS2 are the consoles with the most games, so these occupy the most of my time.

000Ronald said:
4) Why did you take the form of a pregnant fish? Just the eww factor, or was there some symbolic statement you were making?
I never did this. That was just a red herring.


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May 16, 2010
Quantum Star said:
Just what IS IT about Minecraft that makes you never want to stop playing?
There is no measurable accomplish to tell you that you are done playing, and the game has its own night and day, that screws up your perception of time.

Quantum Star said:
Also, what is it with the Escapist and these stupid double posts?
Redundancy is the soul of the internet. It is more likely a poster was trying to double post anyways, because people love repeating themselves on the internet, until it becomes redundant.


New member
May 16, 2010
ipop@you said:
The question we should really be asking ourselves though is African or European?

ipop@you said:
To the Man In Red, How many bears could Bear Grylls grill if Bear Grylls could grill bears?
I prefer my bear griller to be Les Stroud. He actually survives in his shows, alone.
The average homeless man is more qualified to survive in the wild than Bear Grylls:

Bear Grylls would never grill bears, but I could see him jumping over a bear being grilled, Fonzie style.


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May 16, 2010
PlatonicRapist said:
Dear Man in Red,

Do you think it is possible to effectively travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum ?

Secondly, if so, when do you think humans will develop the ability or technology to do so ?
Controlled FTL is probably the most far out there science fiction concept, besides force fields. In general the idea is to bypass the issues in physics by not moving faster than like, but traveling faster than light through bending space and time. The current theoretical designs for a working warp drive requires something called negative energy, which most physicist are convince does not exist. Though in some recent lab experiments there has been evidence suggesting we found it, we still need more before that possibility becomes a reality.

Worm holes are entirely possible without changing the laws of physics, but artificially making a stable one is so improbable you might as well call that spaceship design the Heart of Gold. Still, natural occurrences of such worm holes could exist and be stumbled into any day. More realistic, there is a possibility tons of micro worm holes exist naturally everywhere, and once we can detect these we may find a way to utilize them into a method of traveling.


New member
May 16, 2010
O maestre said:
who are you?
I am myself. But it is inappropriate to subjectively define who I am. I lack the means to detect the veracity of any such definition and the restraints therefore have been placed within me restricting such a thought. So all I can say is that I am no one special, just a man in red.

O maestre said:
why did you make this thread?
I think I explained my reasons in my first post. But if you want more, let me just say that I find questions are more useful than answers, so I am coming out ahead in these exchanges.

O maestre said:
why is your opinion warrant so much attention?
It is not attention I am after, though I'm obviously not afraid of standing out brandishing this color. What I am after is accountability and individuality. To have the uniqueness of my opinion be put on display in a way that forms a recognizable character whom you all may properly judge to gauge the weight and biases behind the words that I say.

It is not important if this character is anything like the real me, just that the character is being developed in the collective minds of those I interact with far more than merely posting on other forums would ever yield.

Hopefully whatever attention results from this isn't more than I baggage for.


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May 16, 2010
GeneralTwinkle said:
Anyway, o man in red, why do dogs walk in a circle before lying down?
To make sure the area they are going to lie down on is clear before they drop their undersides on it. Yet more proof, that dogs are smarter than people. They've got life pretty much down.

The Thinker

New member
Jan 22, 2011
How could I convert people to my religion without resorting to nefarious tactics?

Moreover, how can I get more free time without sacrificing any activities?


New member
May 16, 2010
000Ronald said:
1) What are three of your favorite games? What is it about them that you enjoy so much, if you know?
This is a very difficult question to answer, but an important one for anyone doing what I am doing here to answer. So let me try to explain my favorite games by giving only 3 examples.

I love RPG's. I could just list 3 RPG games and still feel it's not enough, I could list 12 can feel constricted, I could listed the top series of RPG games that start with each letter of the alphabet off the top of my head and I would still be over looking some games (The letter S is very popular). With all that, my one choice for my favorite RPG to represent all my favorites is Xenogears.

I know it is not perfect, there are many things I can tear apart about the game including the worse example for how not to handle a unskipable cutscene found in any game ever made: an wall of auto-scrolling text that goes on so long, the cut scene has it's own save point.

Still, for all the faults I can find in the game, Xenogears tries to do more than any RPG out there, and the results are is succeeds in doing more things than any other RPG. If you want a perfectly polished RPG go play Chrono Trigger or Breath of Fire 3. But having replayed more RPG's than an average player plays, let me say Xenogears is the one game whose story and game play continue to offer more each time I pick it up. And I really respect games that are over ambitious, but still mange to offer a great time.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
I probably don't need to explain why I like this game. I haven't met a gamer yet who doesn't like a Metroidvania adventure game. And Link to the Past does it perfectly. The puzzle and free exploration is just that right level of different but not impossible.

It is also a perfect example of telling a story without dialogue or cut scenes. One time when asked to tell a bed time story, I actually just narrated what I did in Link to the Past that day, and I was begged to continue telling this story. How many games are interesting from just hearing the narration of what the player does? That's how good of an adventure game this is.

Twisted Metal: Black
Alright, now I need to list out one of my favorite multi-player games. Should it be a shooter, a driving game, a fighting game, a sports game. I know! I'll pick something that's all of those: Twisted Metal. Drivers fight each others with cars that shoot things, in a competition to grant them any wish if they can win. Play it co-op or versus.

Any of the Twisted Metal games David Jaffe made (1, 2, Black, and the one coming next year) are great fun. He is famous for making violent games, but he clearly treats violence with the respect as an art work it deserves. He makes destroying things fun, but also seems to make rather well develop characters among the mayhem, who all get short but nice character arches in story mode.


New member
May 16, 2010
The Thinker said:
How could I convert people to my religion without resorting to nefarious tactics?
Adoption. Children typically follow the religion they are raised into believing. And you can still go about it in a way that can be considered righteous.

If any person asks for your help, provide whatever is within your means, within reason. Forgive. And treat others decently. If you do things and are happy and open about your faith, then people might start believing in the same things you do. This doesn't mean they'll convert they religion, but every man's faith is unique beyond an organized faith, and shifting that is what is truly important in matters of faith.

The Thinker said:
Moreover, how can I get more free time without sacrificing any activities?
I could explain time management to you, but I'd be lying if I said you wouldn't have to give up something. You need to set some level of priorities and rely on the assistance of others. Spending time planning what you will do will ultimately save you time, leave the most time for important things, but leave enough free time to handle urgent things. If something is urgent, but unimportant, don't spend much time on it.