Milanezi said:
It WAS hugely important. Though indeed the French Revolution would have been more interesting. Funny though, there would be no American Revolution without the French Revolution, and my country, Brazil, along with most other South American countries, would NOT have sought freedom (at least not when we did) if not for the North American revolution. But again, the French Revolution would make much more sense as a sequel, and later the American Revolution, or Civil Wars, could do something interesting with Lincoln, poor bastard is becoming a puppet for everyone now anyway, might as well put him in an AC game hahaha
Yeah you're not entirely wrong about that...
The American Revolution both showed The French that "It can be done" and that "you don't need kings".
It also bankrupted the French State leading to a lot of the economic upheavals that eventually led to the revolution.
I think the main issue a lot of internationals have with Assassins Creed 3 being set during the American Revolution is that American's have enough games where they're the heroes. Assassins Creed was one of the FEW series's that didn't feature an American lead (other than Desmond, but nobody likes him anyway) and now for the sake of marketing it seems like Ubisoft has now taken Assassins Creed away from us by making a "Rah Rah American Revolution" game with a historical American character interacting with historical Americans, America America America with an extra side of America.
Basically, the game industry has enough goddamn America in it as is and now it has one more... that wasn't previously all America. Just feels worse is all.
captcha: Ace of Spades ^-^