Atheists who celebrate X-mas

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
One of my friends is an atheist who says he doesn't celebrate Christmas yet he gets presents and has christmas dinner so I think he's in denial about christmas:p


New member
Jun 19, 2010
If Christmas really was the day Christ was born (Which it isn't because the day is significant to the Pagan religion) then why does the New Year on the Christian calendar start 6 days after. Aren't the years supposed to represent years since the birth of Jesus Hong.


Wicked Prolapse
Aug 27, 2009
AzrealMaximillion said:
Haseo21 said:
Im raised catholic, but Atheists should celebrate X-mas.....without calling it christmas,without a star on the tree, and without everything else that has major religious affiliation. Atheists, no, EVERYONE, celebrates the basic meanings of christmas (or Annual Day of Gift Giving for you atheists) which is being generous and being with the ones you love and showing them how much you love them
Well by that logic Christians should be calling Christmas by it's actual pagan name. Saturnalia. The Christmas Tree originated from the pagan tradition of briging a bough of evergreen into the home. Telling Atheists to call it Annual Gift Giving Day is a bit ass backwards when you look at the history of how Saturnalia was turned into Christmas. So happy Saturnalia.
Yay! Merry Saturnalia everyone!!!!!


New member
Mar 8, 2010
In Russia, we do the Tree and Jolly guy in red thing on New Year...
So my atheistic ass just celebrates that and ignores Christmas (which by the Russian Orthodox Church is in January)
Also I occasionally celebrate catholic xmass for the lulz...


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Slightly off topic but how does one steal a holiday...I believe that's called assimilation and integration.
But ya I love Christmas and most of my atheist friends celebrate it they don't care about its origins, it's a great holiday and should be shared by everyone.


New member
May 15, 2010
Spending time with loved ones, good food, and exchanging gifts is something the Vantican has a monopoly on now? :)

Without the snark, its just a reason to have a good time. Good*hopefully* clean fun with people you care about.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Besides the fact that yes, Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity anymore(more of a celebration of capitalism if anything), why can't an atheist not celebrate it? No offense, but this kind of bigoted bullshit is what turns me off about religion. You're not in our club so you can't have fun! Ugh, do me a favor and slap those friends of your across the face, for saying something so dumb.

Addicted Muffin

New member
Nov 6, 2010
I totally agree with you. Chirstmas has become a marketing opportunity. The world (or at least America) has lost all meaning of what Christmas is all about, and that confuses me... the purpose of the holiday is in the fucking name! We've slowly faded away from the celebration of a religious figure's birth, and towards the capitolist ideals of "how can i make more money"... i mean come on, we dont see double Hannuka friday sales do we? no, thats cause it's still a religious holiday.

seeing as christmas has lost all religious value, i say let the athiests celebrate it... maby if the world can get its ass in gear, and focus more on the roots of things, and go back to how it was in the old days, my view might change, but as long as were more concered with how many apps my 2 inch i-pod can hold, i dont see that happening any time soon.

have at it, and Merry Christmas Athiests!


Behind You
Oct 31, 2009
Baby Tea said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
all you need to do to disprove christ, christmas,and christianity google saturnalia
Uhh, that's either one of the most ignorant statements on theology I've ever read, or you're trolling.
I honestly hope it's the latter.

For the record: Yes, Christmas was originally a pagan holiday.
And yes, Christianity, for all intents and purposes, took it over and made it into the celebration of Christ's birth.
Niether of those things 'disproves' Christ, Christmas, or Christianity.

I think it's hilarious when both conservative Christians and overly overt atheists bash heads over Christmas. Both need to realize that the exact date of Christ's birth isn't the issue. Even if Jesus was born in, say, June, who cares? The date isn't important, the event is. We celebrate is on Dec 25th. Get over it.

And another thing: The term Xmas. Who else here realizes that this started with the church? It's not removing 'Christ' from Christmas at all. The first book printed by the printing press was, you guessed it, the Bible and Christian literature. And the old printing presses were a very long, time consuming process. So rather then write out 'Christianity', the wrote 'Xianity', since the word 'Christ' in original Greek started with an X. It still means 'Christ', and it's still pronounced 'Christmas'. It was there to save space on paper, not remove Christ.

But Christmas is also a wonderful generic holiday for those who aren't Christian, because the holiday also promotes family, giving, selflessness, community, and just being happy. So you certainly don't have to be Christian to enjoy the holiday, and who cares that it was once a pagan holiday. If you want to celebrate it that way, knock yourself out. I'm celebrating the birth of Jesus with my family and friends.

Everyone just needs to get over it and enjoy the holiday.
Merry Christmas!
Well that's my new thing for the day learnt! I sit in the atheist bracket (I guess) but it's always interesting to hear little historical bits like that, thank you for sharing :)

Anyhoo, to be back on topic, yes I celebrate Christmas, I get to see family and friends and have a good time, which is enough for me. Everyone celebrates in their own way (my girlfriend enjoys going to church at midnight on Christmas Eve for example) and that's fine by me, it's a day that means different things to everyone, as soon as it starts having a 'you can't celebrate today as you don't believe in *insert deity of choice*' feel then it becomes exclusionary, which (to my mind) is the polar opposite of how it should be.

Merry Christmas everyone! :)


New member
Sep 13, 2009
I don't celebrate Christmas, I celebrate Chrestmass, it's a holiday where me and my family gather around a tree on December 25th and exchange gifts.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
lax4life said:
I'm an atheist and I celebrate Christmas because of the idea that it brings of togetherness, unity, and unconditional love for at least a day. AND THE PRESENTS!!
YAY PRESENTS! Has it down in one, I think if there is one day, ONE DAY where people can for the love of diety be NICE to eachother for some reason or another we shouldn't shun that holiday. In fact we need a few more of them...


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I'm an atheist. I celebrate Christmas as a time to get together with family. With friends. Have fun, give gifts, get pissed. Just have a damn good end to the year.

Besides, it's always been more of a commercial thing than everyone praising the Jewish Zombie born in a stable.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
As said by alot before, even the first comment. A lot of "Christmas traditions" were... basically ripped off from other cultures. Not that this is bad, A spreading of cultures is fine. But a period of time meant for peace and treating each other right shouldnt be restricted to only one religion


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Maybe there is a God/higher power, maybe there isn't. I really don't care what people believe in, as long as everyone is nice to each other, because that's kinda the point really.

Besides, most religions say you're going to hell (or equivalent of) if you don't belong to their religion, and since you can only belong to one religion, we're all stuffed anyway :p

I reckon enjoy good food, good wine and good company, don't get too immersed in the whole materialistic side of things, go to church if you want to or don't go if you don't want to, and see the whole thing as a time of togetherness instead of theorizing who should and shouldn't be allowed to celebrate Christmas


New member
May 7, 2008
I'm a pretty staunch atheist, so is my dad. Doesn't stop him from getting a christmas tree and a nativity scene and the whole shebang. Also, tons of food! Gotta help him make a five(!) course dinner for the weekend soon. I don't think Christians have any business telling people of other faiths how to spend their holidays. Or anyone for that matter.

No presents though. I'm Dutch so we already have Sinterklaas. Also I'm a grown-ass man, I think I'm over presents now. That said I did get a neat bottle of premium beer from my sister... Scratch that, actually. Presents rule.

Also: we got tons of snow here! How're you foreigners doing with the christmas weather?


New member
Oct 28, 2009
They absolutely should. Like it or not, Christmas is now a secular holiday. Sure, it has religious roots, but opening presents around a tree and eating dinner with your relatives is a tradition so far removed from those roots you might as well call it something else. Same thing with Valentine's Day, that was originally a religious holiday, but now its an excuse for Hallmark to peddle disgustingly mushy greeting cards and chocolate.

Alexander Cron

New member
Jul 18, 2010
Atheists are atheists because its cool to be one, just like it was at one time cool to be Christian. Anyways, Jesus was really born in April and Catholics just adopted a pagan holiday to convert more people.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Atheist and I celebrate Family and Friend Appreciation Day. Yes, it takes place on the same day as christmas and has every bit of the consumerism, but it is not named after Christ. Besides. I love the gifting idea and eggnog