Atheists who celebrate X-mas


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Might have been Ninja'd here, but I shall post nonetheless:

This guy is a genius, basically. Definitely worth watching.

Jroo wuz heer

New member
Apr 1, 2010
razer17 said:
Considering that christmas celebrations are derived from the "heathenish" pagans, the notion of it being a Christian holiday is ridiculous. In fact, I'm pretty sure that during certain periods of history the celebration of christmas was banned for that very reason.

No one know when Jesus was born, but it was basically allotted that period of time because it seemed a good place to say it occurred.
most people are pretty sure it wasnt december, th calendar back then was nothing like the one we have now, and if you were born in winter in a stable back then you would die fo sho
but then hs's jesus
Jun 11, 2008
Well like nearly every single Christian Festival it has been just placed on or adapted another Pagan Festival. Personally if it makes them happy and gets them closer to their family or whatever no harm is done then go for it.

SL33TBL1ND said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
Well said, too many Christians fail to realise that their most important holiday has nothing to do with their religion.

OT: I get presents. That's what Christmas is about, now anyway.
Actually Easter is regarded as the most important holiday to Christians. So no Christmas is not the most important. Not everyone thinks of Christmas as just getting as well too.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
My family is atheist and we celebrate christmas. It's a family celebration thing; if we didn't celebrate christmas we wouldn't actually do all that much as a family.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
lax4life said:
I'm an atheist and I celebrate Christmas because of the idea that it brings of togetherness, unity, and unconditional love for at least a day. AND THE PRESENTS!!
Yeah pretty much this ^^^ (but mostly the presents :p)

A Pious Cultist

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Jul 4, 2009
Santa Claus and getting presents has seems like an odd way to celebrate the birth of your religion's Messiah. Most people see it as a holiday.
I mean its not like all the atheists are flocking to the churches to pray or coming to mass.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
i'm an atheist, but i wouldn't really say i celebrate christmas. sure i take part in the "primary gifting period" and the other festivities, but i don't celebrate the birth of christ (mainly because i don't believe he existed). Christianity is only one of a long line of religions to have a ritual for this time of year. it's not even the only one to have a prophet said to be born around this time of year. if you're in my position and you feel you have to celebrate something, meet me at stone henge tomorrow night and we'll celebrate the "pagan fertility festival", i think we can all believe in sex, presents, and fire eating.

if i'm really honest, i actually find it quite annoying that christianity has more or less hijacked this time of year throughout the western world, and has a tendency to shove it everyone elses faces, it's hardly surprising that other religions get quite edgy about it. they claim that christmas is supposed to be about jesus, not the presents or the food or the tree. but really humans have celebrated this time of year for thousands of years even before christ.


New member
Jan 17, 2008
5 pages,
couldnt read them all,but read a lot,and agree with a lot of points...
here's the thing to me as a former Irish catholic though.
IF you know anyone who GENUINELY celebrates christ(we stole this pagan festival-as some have pointed out)mas the way the church(queue evil organ chord) WANTS you to...
they're nucking futs.
I mean it.
Woman,Man,Boy or Girl IF you know anyone who wakes up on the 25th(an arbitrarily chosen/stolen date by the way as I'm sure MANY of you know) and they're shouting YAY JESUS!!!(queue cutscene of ned flanders kids)INSTEAD of shouting YAY PRESENTS/YAY A GOOD EXCUSE TO GET PISHED,or see the family etc depending on your personal views...
then(and this is important folks!) STAY THE NON EXISTENT HELL AWAY FROM THEM!!
sorry for unleashing the fury of the dreaded capslock,but people like that are scary as feck,
more likely to grow up to massacre a load of "damned ones" than anyone else.
TL/DR(real christians are insane,and not in a good way)


New member
Jan 11, 2009
As said in the first post, it was a Pagan holiday from the start, so Christianity has no claim on it.

But we've always celebrated Christmas in my family, because it's a nice tradition, you hang out with your family, everyone comes together and you get presents, so there's nothing wrong with it. You also eat good food, so yay!

I'm an.. atheist I suppose, I'd like to be a skeptic, but I just don't have the mind to be one. However, I am baptised and some of relatives are a bit religious, my old aunt for one. But it's not really about being religious - it's more about tradition, and I don't really care about the origin to much, because that's not what we're going for when we celebrate Christmas or baptise out kids.

Whatever, in short. I want my presents.

Lord Honk

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Mar 24, 2009
I celebrate christmas because I'm thankful for an occasion that brings my whole family together. I can do that even as an atheist, can't I?

Communist partisan

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Jan 24, 2009
akibawall95 said:
I think Christmas is no longer just a religious holiday I believe in god but I know several atheists who celebrate X-mas and some of my other Christian friends do not think they should be celebrating if they do not believe in Christ but I believe it has gone past that to just a holiday to come together and show each other we care.

Ofc, Now adays it's yust a tradition mostly, I'm ortodox but still celabrate chatolic christmas beacose it's a great time for the family to get together

(I also celebrate ortodox christmas so 2 christmases a year for me, BOOSH!)


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
BlueberryMUNCH said:
Might have been Ninja'd here, but I shall post nonetheless:

This guy is a genius, basically. Definitely worth watching.
This wins my video of the week award :D absolutely brilliant!


New member
Mar 16, 2010
satsujinka said:
Aside from it being over comercialized, another big reason why atheists celebrate Christmas might be because they grew up with it. Certainly the reason i refer to it as Christmas is because that's what i'm used to and also because people tend to understand faster then if you say "happy winter solstice." Honestly, though aside from the name there never was much "christian" about Christmas.
This pretty much. Christmas celebration is more a tradition than anything. It's more about family than about religion.

and just to remind everyone in the UK - Eating mince pies on Christmas Day is still illegal :p


New member
May 2, 2010
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
This. I'm agnostic and I celebrate Christmas.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
BlueberryMUNCH said:
Might have been Ninja'd here, but I shall post nonetheless:

This guy is a genius, basically. Definitely worth watching.
Thank you very much for posting this. :D

OT: I celebrate christmas because of the presents, obviously.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
I was pretty much gone go on a long rant about this but you have saved me some time thanks and enjoy a holiday that has been celebrated by many religions and cultures to celebrate the good and punish the bad even though the second aspect has been forgotten and replaced with unity in mankind which I prefer.


New member
May 1, 2010
There's nothing inherently christian about the holiday i'm celebrating. My house is decorated with snow flakes and polar bears, so i'm celebrating winter more then anything else.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
razer17 said:
Considering that christmas celebrations are derived from the "heathenish" pagans, the notion of it being a Christian holiday is ridiculous. In fact, I'm pretty sure that during certain periods of history the celebration of christmas was banned for that very reason.

No one know when Jesus was born, but it was basically allotted that period of time because it seemed a good place to say it occurred.

Plus, even though it was once picked up by the christians, it is now becoming less about Christ. Ask most people about what they think of Christmas, I bet they say Santa before they say Jesus.

Christmas these days is about commercialism. However, it is also about having a time to be generous, give to, and be with, the ones that you love.
Actually its been estimated that Jesus was born in the month of May around the 10th to the 15.
But anyway it was made a winter celebration to draw attention from the "Pagan" celebrations and it adopted many of the traditions from those celebrations.

But i still believe that Christmas is for EVERYONE, despite their own personal belief because, like you said, the main point of it all is Family, love, and Giving, especially to those hurting or in need.