Atkinson Expects "Criminal Activities" From Gamers4Croydon


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
"I've been door-knocking hundreds of homes around Croydon and I find I'm doing everything more thoroughly and earlier than I normally would," he said. "I'm out there working on the basis that this is a real contest."
If he knocked on my door I'm pretty sure i would maul him (or invite him in and tell him how goddamn idiotic he is)


New member
Mar 22, 2009
Mr Atkinson neglects to mention that politicians are considered less trust worthy than used car salesmen in Australia.

Australia has compulsory voting (~$50 fine for not voting) and uses a preferential system.

This means your vote will count, even if you vote first for a party getting only 1% of the vote.

Atkinson won in 2006 by ~3,000 votes (~13,000 / ~20,000) and he says Croydon has increased by 4,000 votes to 24,000.

Because of this only ~4,000 gamers (or their parents) would have to vote for Gamers4Croydon to beat Atkinson.

So if you live in Croydon SA (but are too young to vote) tell your parents Mr Atkinson just called you a criminal.
Then tell them Mr Atkinson thinks it is because they were not good parents and allowed you to play violent video games.

Andy Chalk said:
Atkinson has held the Croydon seat for the Labour Party for the past 20 years, making it the party's second-safest riding in the state.
Not technically correct, as the electorate of Croydon was only created in 2002.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Treblaine said:
Chasmodius said:
Treblaine said:
Don't muddy the water with a special interest party.
Sure... if you're trying to win. Personally, I like the idea of more special-interest parties putting forth more candidates, more information, asking more questions. If it were possible to change the two-part stranglehold that U.S. democracy has fallen sway to, that's what I would like to see. At the least, it might get more people interested and involved in politics -- which is, after all, the process by when we decide how we are to be governed, what we are free to do and not do, and how much power we give to those who promise to guard our safety. So in that sense, I applaud the efforts of small groups of people to create a platform and run for offices, even if they only make people think about what choices they are making.
two party system has many merits, then the winning party will almost certainly hold the majority.

Most issues come down to binary choices, and even those come down consistently on either the left or right of the political spectrum.

Sure, this does lead to polarisation but at least you don't have to deal with shit like the BNP as we do, it's just embarrassing having a fascist party that people actually are voting for.

Though I suppose in the USA you have extremist right-wingers who are voting for the Republicans but that least there their views can be diluted along with the more moderate will of the party.
The thing about binary choices are is that life is not black and white and therefore our choices shouldn't be either. I've been dismayed at the way a lot of politicians and pundits from all shades of the political spectrum (although I have noticed it out of conservatives a lot more) will treat issues in terms of absolutes, and use things like the slippery slope fallacy to justify their thoughts. And it is not working.

DoW Lowen

Jan 11, 2009
What I don't understand is why another candidate won't use the entire game issue as an arguing point?

Also, fuck you once again Atkinson. The entire world hates you.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
wait he's saying that gamers are criminals!
thats discrimination!
and what's that based on!?
i can't wait until there is some kind of public debate (is there one?)


New member
May 22, 2009
Austrailian gamers should probably flee to another country until this guy keels over and dies.

I doubt Austrailia will ever be the same until this guy gets what's coming.

The Kangaroo

New member
Feb 24, 2009
Am I the only person who loves this guy? He is so hilariously stupid I fucking love it!

First of all, games shouldn't have 18 ratings? stupid
Games that, in other countries, are only sold to 18 year olds are now being sold to 15 year olds? really stupid
His teeth? really really stupid
The way he refuses to accept that their are gamers over 2? funny as shit
The way he uses slander and generalisation to accuse the other party of dirty tactics? priceless


New member
Mar 8, 2009
What an offensive man, can he truly name more examples of gamers going crazy who were perfectly mentally stable than movie fanatics who were?


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Fire Daemon said:
Fuck, I wouldn't vote for them.

I want to get rid of Atkinson, sure as hell I do, but you can about it in better ways than voting in some small as shit party who call themselves Gamers4Croydon. The use a fucking 4 in their title, what's wrong with for? What is it with gamers and being so fucking stupid that we don't use letters properly? Maybe it isn't limited to us but at least everyone else is smart enough to hide their stupidity. I have this strange feeling that these guys are idiots who I sure as hell wouldn't want to be running my electorate.
I believe they use a 4 as a reference to L4d, which was what sparked G4C.


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Therumancer said:
The problem with Gamers4Croydon is that they might very well resolve THAT issue, but otherwise how else are they goind to do the actual JOB they are trying to get. I mean they do absorb some responsibilities after this. Atkinson does more than act like a jerk on ratings issues.
That was my first thought as well. Seeing a grassroots movement standing up to Atkinson and his douchebaggery is all well and good, but I don't see how these guys could possibly be ready for politics. One thing that can be said for systems of political parties: they do provide an excellent framework for training future politicians.

Well, it's not my country so I won't have a say in the matter, but I sincerely hope they at least do something to help dethrone Atkinson in favor of someone who's less of a dick (and hopefully as competent or better at the rest of his job). I also hope they expose Atkinson for the bigot he is by showing that most gamers are productive and responsible members of society, just like everyone else.

I mean claiming that an entire group of people are criminals just because they all have the same HOBBY? Seriously, who does that?! It's as if Nancy Pelosi went on record saying that American Football players are rapists.

Except that people would actually stand up for the Football players... (sigh)

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
What it also brings to light, apart from Atkinson's state of mind, and the state of ratings systems, is the state of parliamentary voting; if a man that deliberately incites and goes against the will of thousands of voters is allowed to stay in power.
He's in a great, conservative, go with what we know electorate though.

So yeah, if he was ever up for national, or even a state vote, he'd have a much harder battle, but one electorate is easy to hold on to.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
Anoctris said:
Ugh, you're from the 'Gong.
Not originally and I've got to wonder what that has to do with anything.

Your points on the threats are fair, but I gotta love your encouragement technique. Truly this is the same spirit that helped Aussies storm the fucking hills at Gallipoli.
I don't see why I should encourage a party that fails to make itself taken seriously by someone who has every reason to want to vote for them. Yeah, maybe it's mean to pick on em and they might have the right ideas but I see no reason why I should encourage a party because of those. From where I sit Gamers4Croydon aren't doing a good job, in fact it seems like they are doing a terrible job and further backing the stereotypes of immaturity and that gaming is something to be grown out of in adolescence. Maybe they're doing a good job, I mean this article is pretty old and maybe they've picked up their game and have spread a lot of information around and gathered a following but I still wouldn't vote for a party that spells for incorrectly, reference to L4D or not.

I know I don't have that Australian Spirit which give people the bravery to run into machine gun fire or back the Rabbitohs but at least I'm not getting thousands of people killed over what all signs point to being a tactically poor invasion or wearing an ugly jersey. A negative outlook perhaps but a sensible one.

Yeah, they don't have a chance in hell, but at least they're trying to get the issue recognised. At least they're doing more than sitting around talking about it on forums.

And of course, politics work so well and quickly here (ever watch question time in parliament?) even if there was a 'real' party that took on this issue (and they won't) it would still take time to fix.
Yeah, they're trying and I applaud that but they're trying down the wrong road of progress. Rather than forming their own party they could have tried to spread information about Atkinson and his refusal of an R18+ rating and advise people to note vote for him for the sake of the removal of censorship. It would be hard and mostly futile but they'd be able to put more effort into that if they don't have to worry about creating and maintaining their party. They would obviously gain more support by backing a more legitimate party and seeing as how they'll end up giving their votes to the Liberal party anyway they'd might as go with the option that will probably give most Labor votes to the Liberals.

If the Libs put in a new AG with a different opinion it's possible that there will be an R18+ rating for games. They don't have to necessarily back the issue or even to be involved for it to be fixed. There is no guarantee that getting Atkinson out of office will result in an R18+ rating though, even if Gamers4Croydon win the electorate and Liberal the state. Hopefully it will but who can say what the new Attorney General (if there is one) will do.

Nigh Invulnerable

New member
Jan 5, 2009
Sparrow said:
I don't see how this is any different from racism.

Man, this guy makes me angry enough to want to stab him. With a fork. And I tell you now, that's pretty fucking angry.
How about with a spork instead? I imagine that would be more painful and strangely baffling. Can't you just imagine?
"Ow! Dammit! What the hell are you...? A spork? What?"