Atkinson Expects "Criminal Activities" From Gamers4Croydon


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Flames66 said:
Newgate said:
"I assume the Gamers4Croydon campaign will involve criminal activities and dirty tricks, which is what I've come to expect from gamers,"

Uhh I need some help here. What gave him the idea gamers are mostly criminals?
Indeed. Only dirty tricks I see here are from you Atkinson. Rather than focusing on specific issues, which is your job, you start an immediate hate campaign against a (from what I have heard) perfectly peaceful, legitimate and morally upright political party, because they have the nerve to disagree with your point of view.

You no longer represent the people so, according to my understanding of Australia policies, you are in violation of the law. Either re-evaluate what you think the majority want, or leave.
Well said.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Malicious said:
Can non Aussies vote? Cause id like to show my support for the gamers there. And id like to smack Atkinson in the face, a few times.
Comments like this... and you wonder why he thinks gamers are criminals...

Yeah I live in South Australia, but not in his electorate, so even I can't vote against him. For those that haven't cottoned on, it's like living in New York, and wanting to vote for the Governator in California. Yeah Atkinson is highly unlikely to be unseated, neither is the incumbent government that basically wastes my tax dollars, but there is an open call for submissions on an r18+ rating for games in Australia, so if you live in Australia and can actually put in a submission that's more intelligent than "We should have a rating because I'd like to punch atkinson in the face." Please do.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Who's up for showing him what gamers can really do if they rally and actually become violent? I vote for torching his house!

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
You've got it backwards Atkinson, Gamers don't resort to dirty tricks and criminal activities, politicians do that.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Man, considering the temper tantrums he has when he's so much as antagonized, I would love to watch his BSOD when, if, he loses.

And it will be a great day.


Rogue Commentator
Jan 13, 2010
Treblaine said:
Chasmodius said:
Treblaine said:
Don't muddy the water with a special interest party.
Sure... if you're trying to win. Personally, I like the idea of more special-interest parties putting forth more candidates, more information, asking more questions. If it were possible to change the two-part stranglehold that U.S. democracy has fallen sway to, that's what I would like to see. At the least, it might get more people interested and involved in politics -- which is, after all, the process by when we decide how we are to be governed, what we are free to do and not do, and how much power we give to those who promise to guard our safety. So in that sense, I applaud the efforts of small groups of people to create a platform and run for offices, even if they only make people think about what choices they are making.
two party system has many merits, then the winning party will almost certainly hold the majority.

Most issues come down to binary choices, and even those come down consistently on either the left or right of the political spectrum.

Sure, this does lead to polarisation but at least you don't have to deal with shit like the BNP as we do, it's just embarrassing having a fascist party that people actually are voting for.

Though I suppose in the USA you have extremist right-wingers who are voting for the Republicans but that least there their views can be diluted along with the more moderate will of the party.
With the BNP, at least you know who the ridiculous nut-jobs are. In the United States, our political parties have to figure out how to pander and appeal to elements on the extreme and in the middle. If we had parties for the extremely "right" and extremely "left" whackos, those of us in the middle might have more substantive choices between people of reasonable differences.

I use quotation marks around "right" and "left" because I think that such a simple delineation for the multitude of complex problems with a number of viable solutions is insulting to the electorate at best, and downright dangerous to democracy at worst. I think (though I have no evidence to show it) that even in countries with parliamentary, coalition-driven systems, this idea of the left-right spectrum has also begun to take hold of the political discourse, and limits the ability of the population to make substantive decisions about how their government is going to work.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
"I assume the Gamers4Croydon campaign will involve criminal activities and dirty tricks, which is what I've come to expect from gamers."


As for Gamers4Croydon, I guess a more reasonable aim would be to give additional support to a rival candidate from the Libs/Nationals. After all, the Libs also appeal for family values (like Atkinson), just not the stupid ones like "OMG GAY-MERS ARE CRIMINALS, YO!"


New member
May 18, 2009
Hold on. I just heard that he was geuinely distressed by gamers threatening him. That it was cheap and what not., Now he's slandering an opposing party? Don't let it stand Australia, get rid of him. Unfortuanately, it looks like they may have been too late...


Hail, Ilpalazzo!
Jan 26, 2009
Felgy76 said:
This guy is getting more Jack Thompson every day. They're even starting to look related, to me.
I am pretty sure it is Jack Thompson faceoff style.


New member
Nov 3, 2009
Okay, time to delurk and explain Australian politics, for those who are interested.

1) I'll start by pointing out the voting is compulsory - so when they say there are around 20000 voters, they'll be expecting somewhere in the vicinity of 19000 valid votes (IIRC, the percentage of invalid votes is around 5%). I'm not going to go into the debate of non-compulsory/compulsory voting and both systems pros and cons except to say in an conservative electorate, getting change when the only thing a majority of the electorate wants is 'no change', well... yeah.

2) Micky Atkinson is a STATE POLITICIAN. His position is not influenced by anyone living outside South Australia.

3) Our State and Federal systems are very similar. Each electorate votes in a member, who may be from any registered political party. The Australian Labor Party (ALP) and the Liberal / National Party Coalition (Libs, Nats, 'The Coalition' or LNP) are the dominate forces, having the majority of running members and almost always form the Government and the Opposition. Smaller parties, such as G4C, can hold seats but practically act as independents when in parliament since they only ever have a couple of sitting members.

4) Once the winning political party forms Government, the leader, who becomes Prime Minister (Federal) or Premier (State) then chooses his 'Front Bench' ministers, who hold similar roles (I believe) to the Political Secretaries in the US. The Federal Attorney-General is "appointed by the Governor-General on the advice of the Prime Minister, and serves at the Governor-General's pleasure". Practically speaking, the AG is put there by the PM and is an elected member from the same political party. The states work in an identical fashion.

5) Back to Atkinson. He is elected by the electorate of Croydon, SA. He is a member of the ALP. He was appointed to the position of Attorney General by the Governor of SA, under advise from the SA Premier. This is how he is in that position.

6) Ways for Atkinson to be removed from the office of AG:
6.1) For the ALP to lose the next South Australian election. Another party will win, and appoint thier own AG.
6.2) For Atkinson to lose the Seat of Croydon in the next SA election. Even if the ALP were to win, they would likely choose a member of parliament. Even though, legally, they could re-appoint Atkinson, convention is that the AG is a sitting member of parliament.
6.3) The ALP could perform what is generally known as a 'cabinet reshuffle', where the (usually new) premier chooses different ministers to hold the major portfolios. It wouldn't be unusual for the Premier to advise the Governor on a new AG at this time.
6.4) The Premier could 'advise' the Governor to appoint a different AG. This is effectively the Government stripping Atkinson of his posiiton.

In the '06 election, Atkinson won Croydon with a 26% majority - he isn't going to lose the seat unless it's revealed that he has sex with little boys, while snorting coke out of a hooker's crack and counting money he's been stealing from charity.

Also, the last public poll has:
Two Party Prefered: ALP 53 vs Lib 47
Prefered Premier: Rann (ALP) 48 vs Redmond (Lib) 31
The Liberal Party have not had a more popular leader, nor a majority in any poll during the current term. Unless the ALP does something to upset the SA voters, the are likely to win this year's elections.
Our best hope is that Mike Rann gets a new AG in, or the ALP screws up something big.

Oh, and one more thing - the Governors and Governor-General, for those who don't know, are a old reminant of British influence in Australian politics. They act as the Monarch's representative who 'approves' laws and appointments. Now, they just rubber stamp whatever floats across their desks.

Any of my countrymen see mistakes, go ahead an correct me - I'm no PolSci major, just thought I'd try and explain a few things that seem to have been missed by a number of escapists.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Gah. He would be so easy to take down, given the money and manpower. He is making an abundance of mistakes - the obvious bias against the discussion paper, and claiming that all gamers are criminal (seriously golden stuff) are massive blunders on his behalf. If manipulated with enough care and force, these could bring him down. Unfortunately, the only party that is paying attention to these mistakes is not in a position to actually topple him.

Maybe (just maybe) if the Lib candidate took notice of these mistakes, they could use it for some sort of leverage. I doubt it, though.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Ironically, the kind of people who are making Internet Hard Man posts about what they'd like to inflict on Atkinson are probably too young to buy the kind of games a new 18+ category would allow in Oz anyway...

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
Fuck, I wouldn't vote for them.

I want to get rid of Atkinson, sure as hell I do, but you can about it in better ways than voting in some small as shit party who call themselves Gamers4Croydon. The use a fucking 4 in their title, what's wrong with for? What is it with gamers and being so fucking stupid that we don't use letters properly? Maybe it isn't limited to us but at least everyone else is smart enough to hide their stupidity. I have this strange feeling that these guys are idiots who I sure as hell wouldn't want to be running my electorate.

Now lets say that these douche bags actually manage to get elected, let's just fucking say. What the fuck are they going to do? Alright, you've gotten rid of Atkinson but now you have 24, 000 lives to manage. Do you know how to do that, do any of you have experience with this shit? Gamers4Croydon nomination has a BA which I assume is a Bachelor of Arts and is going towards a masters in journalism. All thew experience you need right there folks, I bet that she knows who to look after her voters.

Then we've got the title of the party. I've gone over the number briefly but I'll do it again, it's retarded. A grade all Australian, all gamer retarded. Do not, not ever, replace letters with numbers. It makes you look fucking 4 years old ok. Then you've got 'gamers' as the first word, what do you think of when you think of gamers. You think of losers who sit on their asses losing money in a casino, you think of losers sitting on their asses hunting ducks and you have losers who sit around killing aliens on a computer. Now, I know that this isn't the case (in the third example anyway) and you know that it isn't either, you would have no problem telling a gamer you were a gamer because all it signifies is a hobby, a mutual interest. You might border on obsession and it might dominate your life but you aren't a loser just for playing video games. Average Joe (not the user on this site) doesn't know that and he isn't going to see shit differently. At the moment Australia even has a string of ads that call gamers losers who don't know how to live life because they don't buy a boat from their store and go fishing. That's the harsh reality folks and with a title like that you aren't going to win over shit. Shooters has a better chance of getting elected than this party. Nah, most people aren't going to give a shit about this party.

It's fucking hard to call yourself a gamer and even harder to support and R18+ rating when these are your allies. Not just Gamers4Croydon but you forum denizens who mock, insult and threaten a politician because someone calls him crazy. Yeah, his comments are off the wall and are probably false, he has tunnel view over this entire fiasco, is willing to go against the majority in a democracy because his own beliefs and generally acts like a jerk but most people on the Internet supporting this stuff justifies everything he says. Everything! You say he's crazy for calling gamers criminals and then threaten to kill him, what THE FUCK are you thinking? Seriously, what? I don't usually swear this much but when I see people making me agree with Michael Atkinson on what would otherwise be a stupid statement I think I have a right to be mad.

*Sigh* Anyway, if I lived in Croydon I'd vote Liberal. They'll do everything Gamers4Croydon want to do without the retardation. I'd imagine they're just going to give their votes to the Liberals anyway. I advise any Croydinians to do the same but it's a safe seat, we'll see another 4 years of this stuff. Maybe that will give gamers time to grow.