Attack on Titan: Good or overrated crap?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Dalisclock said:
Snotnarok said:
It's a neat idea but it's overrun with the typical anime/JRPG crap, overwhelming amount of angst.
Look, I get that these are giant monsters and they're terrifying but you have a trained military force to deal with these things and your soldiers are screaming in fear cowering in corners, bloody openly defying orders from superiors to their face, shooting their own faces off, EVERY CHANCE they're given they're screaming "hopeless" and generally not acting like any trained soldier ever.
Considering it takes 3 years to graduate a single class, this and the fact that something like 60% die the first time they see combat, I'm surprised that they even have a military left.

Hell, it only takes 2 years to train a Navy Seal, and those guys are elite. They also don't die in droves like the AoT soldiers do.
Maybe if they took more time to focus on doing their best to survive and win instead of cry and hide they'd win.
One soldier was disobeying the higher ups screaming "I just want to see my family" Okay, by that logic go ahead, go hide and cave to the inevitable death without trying. Good on ya solderman!

You bring up good points, didn't think to mention actual solder training length, but yeah I think it applies. More discipline, less angst and cowering.

CAPTCHA: "Take Back Your Freedom" for electronic cigs, sweet, I didn't know I had a right to give myself lung cancer!


New member
Jun 18, 2014
Has anyone addressed the fact that the concept is almost an Evangelion clone? I even remember a friend of mine who isn't as familiar with anime recommending it to me a few times, and thinking it was exactly like Evangelion when I watched it.

Now, I'm sure most anyone would be ready and willing to point out that those defending their city against these titans (which incidentally are a lot like the angels in Evangelion. Won't get into specifics, but you're deluding yourself if you're unwilling to admit I'm somewhat right) didn't have giant suits, robots, or creatures to control (until that episode I briefly watched in which some of the characters discuss manipulating one of the titans) and are a glaring difference between the two franchises; but to this you only have to compare the respective limitations found in the design of what the protagonists in each respective anime use to fight: in evangelion, the EVAs cannot sustain themselves with out a giant chord attached to them at all times. Likewise the protagonists in AoT rely on maneuver gear to defend themselves, and dealing with this specific systems advantages and limitations.

At any rate, my point is that it was rather difficult for me to enjoy or even get into this particular anime due to the fact that it felt too familiar. I realize it's rather silly to expect innovation from a media genre that thrives on giant monsters pummeling each other, but when your work feels too similar for anime, you know you're not doing something right.

(I guess I'm just saying that it's a "steampunk" Evangelion)

please take me up on this, or correct me if you feel I'm missing something here!


New member
Sep 8, 2010
I love it so far, but I fear what it's leading up to. Is the basement hype gonna be some bullshit plot device? Is the female-titan character actually justified in her massacre? Is Sasha going to become an actual character beyond the potato-girl that everyone in the fan-base and the narrative have labeled her? Is there going to be a suitable explanation for this fucking magic that is titan transformation?

There's too many things hanging in the air that make me worry.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
neonsword13-ops said:
crazygameguy4ever said:
i've tried watching it.. but the only thing it has going for it is the story.. everything else, the character designs, the voice acting ,the script, the animation, and everything else is so horridly done. attack on titan is the worst anime i think i've ever seen.. next to kill la kill that is.. at least that has a few better voice actors/actresses..
the animation
the animation
Care to elaborate on how Titan has horrid animation? Seriously, I'm all ears. Give me a show with more gorgeous and fluid animation than this that's easy on the eyes and really creates an immersive atmosphere.

As an artist, I can see all of the effort that was put into Titan and how Studio I.G. just went all out with it. It's visceral, clean, and just so fucking cool to watch.

i could spend hours on how horrible the animation is but i think i'll just put a clip up of the infamously bad animation in action instead..

just look at it starting at 7:45.. . why are they using still frame animation?.. are they just lazy? i thought it was funny, thus ruining what i think was suppose to be serious scene.. this is accompanied by some ugly characters trying to be serious and a stupid story idea of bring a (mother? or grand mother) the severed arm of their son(or grand son). .who does that?.. does the real world army bring back bloody body parts to their family's? of course not, you have to insane to do that

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
I say it's overrated crap that doesn't deserve the time of day.

Mainly because I find the characters painful (though I didn't give them a chance) but more importantly because I find Titan's to be some of the worst enemies i've seen in a while. They don't make sense, period. Even in their own universe they're bullshit, and need to be replaced with something similar but far less stupid.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
crazygameguy4ever said:
i could spend hours on how horrible the animation is but i think i'll just put a clip up of the infamously bad animation in action instead..

-vid snip-

just look at it starting at 7:45.. . why are they using still frame animation?.. are they just lazy? i thought it was funny, thus ruining what i think was suppose to be serious scene.. this is accompanied by some ugly characters trying to be serious and a stupid story idea of bring a (mother? or grand mother) the severed arm of their son(or grand son). .who does that?.. does the real world army bring back bloody body parts to their family's? of course not, you have to insane to do that

Is... i-is this all you have? Like, seriously? That still-frame is a story-telling technique as well as a way to conserve on budget. Because, as many people know, anime does cost a pretty penny to make, and not all studios get very much money to make animated features. Titan has some very good animation, and that budget conservation is what goes towards those action-packed scenes that make it so cool to watch. You save money by doing still-frames, you get better animated fight scenes or just overall animation. This clip here is the perfect example, especially the last part of it. It's just so fucking cool.

And as for the arm thing: The scouting legion saves as many limbs and people as they can so that when they come back from their trip, they can give them to the families. It's purely for the sentimental value of the families. Also the military in AoT isn't the real world army nor does it follow the same rules. It has it's own set of rules.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
I've had such a hard time trying get into the series. I really tried getting into and liking it but at the end of the day, I personally feel like its an impenetrable mess :(


New member
Mar 30, 2011
For me, I'll put it this way: I normally don't like anime. Like, at all. I can count on one hand the number of anime movies and TV shows I've actually liked (and trust me, friends have shown me more than I can count trying to convince me how great it is).

But I flew through the AoT first season in about 2-3 days. It's breezy, entertaining, does a great job of keeping you interested and wanting to know what happens next, hoping to find out more, and had an interesting plot. It wasn't perfect (the 10-minute long philosophizing the character would sometimes do during a battle was annoying) but beyond that I really enjoyed it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I couldn't finish it because of how stupid it got, yet I still like it just by its concept alone.

We've rarely seen a setting like this in anime (or any other medium) before. Sure, we've seen giants here and there, but never at this scale or this level of threat. It's like the zombie apocalypse if the zombies were the size of a house. And those first couple of episodes perfectly demonstrate the fear, frustration, and helplesness of living in this world. The sense of oppression comes off with flying colours, and I think this is what initially got people sucked into the series.

Ofcourse the series kinda shits itself when the big "reveal" happens, but that doesn't stop it from being quite a unique little show within the stagnant anime landscape.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I'll go with the group, its a fun average+ anime. I really enjoyed it, but it certainly is no masterpiece. What it does have going for it is interesting characters, setting, and general mass appeal which is why you are hearing about it a lot. It is certainly better than Naruto or Bleach, if we're looking at extremely popular anime, but I would say a bit under Death Note.

It certainly is not Blood+, still my favourite anime series ever (not counting the movie).


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
It was okay... It's nice re-watching it dubbed and all that jazz...

Kinda wished more [named] characters died, but whatever... The second OP episodes I ended up liking more that I thought I would... and I can wait for Season 2 to come around...


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
It's good for me. If you can ignore the usual anime cliche's and that it's not realistic at all (it's all bullshit and very simple), you'll see the characters fit their purpose quite well, and while they get over dramatic at times, they have some fun dialogue. Also, given it's constant state of doom, the battles feel big and the animated action is a thrill to watch, even intense because any one could die (except the main trio probably). And of course the music is just fucking awesome. It really makes any scene feel lively.

It's a good show, but like all shows, it has it's weaknesses, and I can understand those who see it as over-rated crap.

Sir Boss

New member
Mar 24, 2011
Overall I'd say it's wildly average. There are some things that bug the hell out of me,
Insistent monologues,
My favorite character gets nowhere near enough screen time,
continued use of clunky terminology: {
three dimensional maneuver device.}
liberal use of 'talking is a free action'
Erwin's hair.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
You know it's not really that bad if you actually enjoy a popular show (no matter what others may tell you).

I personally found it very enjoyable and I am continuing to read the manga until we get a season 2. It is just mind blowing to see where they are taking it and I cannot wait to see it adapted in anime form.

captcha: That's a fact Jack.


New member
May 30, 2014
(Warning! Really pretentious and overanalysing rant about the show in question!)

Attack on Titan?

I often hear the phrase "the worst thing about a piece of fiction are its fans". With this idea springing to mind whenever I see this particular show on social media websites

Do I think it's a good show? Hell yes! Do I think the entirety of the anime fan base need to button it regarding the show? Hell yes as well!

I think it is way overhyped for what it is but I do recognise the genius that is embedded within the show but recognise why it would be popular as it is

I think the main strength of the show is through the atmosphere and the relationships between the main leads of the show.

During the course of the show you always get this pervading sense of despair and futility, that anything could go wrong at any second and it doesn't matter how experienced you are in this world, you are still under constant threat of death by a horrifying force even in sanctuary and that all the actions that have transpired may have been futile despite their victories against them.

As for the main characters (and I know in the pit of my gut people are going to disagree with me on this) I find them to be very compelling people to follow. Mostly because in many ways they do complete one another. And (despite how incredibly clichéd this sounds) they each have their own strengths and weaknesses and complete each other. Mikasa is the strength of the group, cleaving Titans like a hot knife though butter. Armin is (quite obviously) the brains, able to figure out well thought out plans in a short time. Eren being the spirit, having the confidence and sheer force of will to get people through any situation no matter how bleak.

(SPOILER ALERT) And we saw what happened when Eren got eaten. The cycle was broken. Mikasa was acting like a complete maniac and Armin was contemplating suicide after this event. Without Erens spirit the whole tragedy of the event and the sense of despair finally got to them.

Anyway I think that Attack on Titan is a really good show that everyone should check out. I just want people to shut the fuck up about it and move on to something else so I can overanalyse whatever shows next up on the overhyped bandwagon


New member
Dec 31, 2009
SGT_Noobnuts said:
(Warning! Really pretentious and overanalysing rant about the show in question!)

Attack on Titan?

I often hear the phrase "the worst thing about a piece of fiction are its fans". With this idea springing to mind whenever I see this particular show on social media websites

Do I think it's a good show? Hell yes! Do I think the entirety of the anime fan base need to button it regarding the show? Hell yes as well!

I think it is way overhyped for what it is but I do recognise the genius that is embedded within the show but recognise why it would be popular as it is

I think the main strength of the show is through the atmosphere and the relationships between the main leads of the show.

During the course of the show you always get this pervading sense of despair and futility, that anything could go wrong at any second and it doesn't matter how experienced you are in this world, you are still under constant threat of death by a horrifying force even in sanctuary and that all the actions that have transpired may have been futile despite their victories against them.

As for the main characters (and I know in the pit of my gut people are going to disagree with me on this) I find them to be very compelling people to follow. Mostly because in many ways they do complete one another. And (despite how incredibly clichéd this sounds) they each have their own strengths and weaknesses and complete each other. Mikasa is the strength of the group, cleaving Titans like a hot knife though butter. Armin is (quite obviously) the brains, able to figure out well thought out plans in a short time. Eren being the spirit, having the confidence and sheer force of will to get people through any situation no matter how bleak.

(SPOILER ALERT) And we saw what happened when Eren got eaten. The cycle was broken. Mikasa was acting like a complete maniac and Armin was contemplating suicide after this event. Without Erens spirit the whole tragedy of the event and the sense of despair finally got to them.

Anyway I think that Attack on Titan is a really good show that everyone should check out. I just want people to shut the fuck up about it and move on to something else so I can overanalyse whatever shows next up on the overhyped bandwagon
It seems that people think Akame Ga Kill is overhyped now, but I personally think they are just wrong in those assumptions.

And the funny part is we are just 2 episodes in out of 25 and people say it's shit.