Australian Government Slows R18+ Rating Process


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Kiithid said:
It's so funny it makes me really really sad.
Even though my country has another whole different problem relate to games (fucking prices >>") it saddens me to no end.

It's a situation of either laugh or cry, I think I'll take the former.

My condolences to the australian gamers, your old old father is square and thick-headed.
Yeah the average game here is $120 as well as not having R ratings... Australia and maybe Germany are the worst places in the world that's not Antartica to be a gamer.

Snotnarok said:
Australia, your government takes the cake for being completely fucking mental. Your worse than my government, and they attacked a country because of WMDs that weren't there. (Oil)

Wow a lot of people want this! Hold on, before you go ordering that pizza let's see what our families might want, even if they're not invited to the party.

Translation: If a lot of people who want it, then why would you go to the people who have no interest/can make no use of this!??!?!
-sigh- maybe when we're a Democratic Republic like America (oh God, I Feel Dirty) and not ruled by another country our laws will make some fucking sense... and hopefully Veto-less.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
leeloodallasmultipass said:
its probabaly because the only people to submit comments were Polar opposites. those strongly against and those strongly for a R18+ rating. they probably want a comment from average joe/jill who dont have vested intrests either way
That's the thing: If the average person cares, then they would say so. Say only polar opposites voted, and everyone in between doesn't care. There is still more support for the R18+ rating then against. If people don't have an interest then it will not effect them, and therefore, would not matter to them. That's why they said nothing in the first place. That's why it does just look like they are trying to buy time til they make the rating. If they don't, I would expect riots. Not because of violent video games, but because people around the world are sick of their retarded governments. And so it goes.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
DoW Lowen said:
Andy, you're suck a jerk. We're suffering here!

OT: If they consider Family First a valid point of view I'm going to go No Russian in this country soon. I've waited too long for Left 4 Dead 2 to be uncensored, I'm actually starting to get twitchy and have delirious dreams where I'm strangling Atkinson with his own intestines.
You just said 3 extremely fun things in 2 sentences (No-Russianing, L4D2, and strangling politicians with their intestines). I'm not sure what Family First is, but I could imagine its some bullshit that makes the government sound like they care about families and children, but is really something to control people and censor the media.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
So the people who care about the rating voted for it, but they want to get the votes of people who don't care/ realize the problem existed?

That's like voting on having a bridge built, with a unanimous vote from qualified engineers saying yes, but then denying it because they want to know what the "average Joe" feels about it, despite having no knowledge of civil engineering.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Crunchy English said:
Ok let's toss together a makeshift timeline shall we?

Step 1 - Games are for children! There's no need for a mature game rating.

Step 2 - The people asking for a mature rating are a vocal minority

Step 3 - The people ask for a mature rating are a dangerous, violent, vocal minority

Step 4 - Fine, fine, just to show you how much of a minority they are, we'll hold a vote.

Step 5 - Holy crap, 86% of over 50,000 people want this mature rating thing. Well, um.. I guess maybe we should...

Step 6 - No wait! Over 40,000 people can STILL be the minority! Jeff in accounting just did the math! Let's postpone making 40,000 citizens happy and find enough people to justify our original comments! After all, I'd rather be right than re-elected!
I just giggled my girly haired ass off.

This is beyond rediculous.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Wouldn't it make more sense if they just gave the gamers their 18+ ratings and started bickering on more serious issues?


Jan 21, 2009
This is hilarious.

Why bother asking people who DON'T care. I mean if they haven't taken part in the earlier discussions, what makes them think that asking those people would actually make them care? This is utter bullpoop.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
This makes me sad but the irony is so delicious!

To quote something I saw on Australian Television:
1) You cannot win the world's fastest car record because you're not allowed to drive over 100kmph

2) You cannot be the youngest person to sail around the world because the records only acknowledge people above 18 years (this is real)

and now...

3) You cannot get an R18+ rating because you wanted it too much


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
I just want to make it known that I made a point of not signing those things. Granted, the point I wanted to make was to show people just how useless and futile signing petitions are. However, this gives me an EXCELLENT excuse to rub it in the face of all my friends who actually had the nerve to tell me that I, and I quote, "hate videogames", simply because I refused to follow the crowd in doing something that, quite obviously, wasn't going to do a goddamn thing to help.


Eats With Her Mouth Full
May 3, 2010
This just makes a farce of democracy. Those who care strongly about it either way are the only ones who will care enough to respond to this, and they did, and the overwhelming majority came out in favour of R18+ so now the Aussie government are delaying because they didn't really like the outcome. In what world does that make sense?
Australia's form of democracy IS a farce. Two parties and everyone MUST vote for one of them (or for a lesser party who must give their votes to one of the major parties) no matter how much you hate them?

Gaming laws is just one of the many issues the gvernment is not addressing.

Politicians. I hate them all. :(


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Andy Chalk said:
That's right, Australia: You supported the R18+ rating too much. You demanded it and now, you're not going to get it.
I tried to scream, but all that came out of my mouth was blood.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
So, by this reasoning I suppose your next prime minister will only take office after EVERY SINGLE FREAKING PERSON IN THE COUNTRY votes?