Generic Gamer said:
It's actually traceable now, it's bloody hard and I think it was only proof of concept but someone ran a BitTorrent through TOR and tracked it in one end and out the other. I like TOR for bypassing what I think of as 'joke' restrictions; the kind no one seriously expects the moderately tech savvy to actually obey but I'd be leery about using it when your arse is on the line.
It's only really traceable if you're being stupid or have someone trying to actively track you down. For regular users Tor is simply a way to access sites and content that they're government or ISP has deemed 'unclean' or whatever the nom de jour for this shit is. I don't and never will suggest using Tor for 'legally ambiguous' activities, as that is not what it is intended for.
SomethingAmazing said:
Of course.
If the government had the ability to stop criminals from communicating with each other, organized crime would be a thing of the past. And any other crime would be relatively manageable. So yeah, I don't see what is wrong with hindering organized crime.
If you honestly believe that any government wouldn't massively step over any boundary and use the power to censor the internet to further its own political agenda and silence all other political views then you are either incredibly naive or you were dropped on your head as a child. Give the government any power over anything and they will abuse it, period.
I may not agree with using the internet for illicit acts, but I sure as hell don't agree with Big Brother telling me what I can and can't do on a nationless entity.
Also, you forget, the army is comprised of people who are citizens of the nations they serve, if the national government pisses everyone off the whole army will turn against them and they then have no troops. Agreeing with someone because they have perceived 'muscle to force the issue' is like siding with a bully against your best friend just so you don't get your ass kicked. In the end you will be left friendless and broken due to abuse.
Edit: Fuck my life, I'm not replying any more to you, your methods are good, and it's been a long time since I've been trolled this well. I tip my hat to you and bid you good day.