Avatar: The Game Puts the Hurt on Ubisoft


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Commander Breetai said:
Zerbye said:
So it has come to this. A gaming website decides a game sucks by reading a wikipedia entry...and everyone hops on board.
Yoo-hoo...*waves hand*

Hi. Yes, over here.

Movie game are generally quick-and-dirty, so some equally quick cash gets made and traditionally suck. I defy you to show me three that haven't.
Golden Eye 64 (duh)
Aladdin (SNES)
Jurassic Park (Sega Genesis)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay (PC)
Spider-Man 2 (GCN)
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64)

Not saying I don't agree that they usually suck but there has been some really good ones. These are the only games based of movies that I liked.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Andy Chalk said:
In other words, Ubi has taken what many people believe is the most fantastical movie world ever created and turned it into yet another half-baked action game. And then they wonder why it doesn't sell.
Anyone who is surprised at this, please raise your hands.

Seriously, the only good movie-game creations have been those that take the WORLD and do new things with it.
Hand is firmly by my side.

The point that I wanted to make was that I don't reckon they were allowed to do too much with the game other re-enact the story. With the news that it might be a trilogy, the licence probably contained some clause so that they couldn't potentially spoiler a sequel or balls up the canon. Just a thought though.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
VERY few movie tie in's work why on earth with ubi think this was going to be a AAA game? now thanks to this splinter cell pushed back AGAIN stupid ubi getting my hopes up (AGAIN) then shooting them down because they made a movie tie in.

Alone Disciple

New member
Jun 10, 2008
What's funny to me is how I just saw an interview with James Cameron and some G4 X-play intern go on and on on how he (James) beleives that most movie-game tie ins suck, and that Avatar would be vastly different...that he was involved in the process heavily from the beginning...yada, yada, yada.

His cockiness was out in spades, and I couldn't help but think "Yeah, you may make great movies, but clearly you don't understand gaming or game design, and I bet this will suck."

And lo and behold....

Why do I doubt James Cameron has ever picked up a gaming pad in the last 20 years. I suspect his last real attempt at sitting in a chair and playing a game for any length of time was back in the old 2600 days.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Why is it that bad (not really great) movies are more likely to produce a good game like wolverine, when avatar made this?


New member
Nov 10, 2007
I saw the Avatar game at the Eurogamer expo last year.

I had to look twice to realise that it wasn't just another screen of Lost Planet 2.


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
God, I bought this game. It is wrong is so many ways. Firstly, I can't scope in on my guns. I don't even want to scope in all the way, just a little closer with some control. But alas.

Also, Graphics are subpar.

No Story.

Really easy.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
DeadlyGlitch said:
I never saw the film because I have a saying that "nothing that ever makes a over billion dollars can be good", but from what I've heard, its practically in cannon with halo, and since there have already been a million halo sequels, they should have made a crossover, instantly ensuing quadrillion dollar profit.
You are so mislead. You really don't believe that, because a movie makes a lot of money, it has to be bad? This didn't make a lot of money... it made an INSANE amount of money and no half baked movie ever goes that high. It's not an original story line but it's a fantastic concept that is well executed. It's a movie worth watching and comparing it to halo is like comaparing a puddle to a lake. By any chance did you play halo?

Your ignorance will limit your experiences and doesn't make for a good judge of character, unless you were sarcastic then my friend i bow in apology.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Game tie-ins with films are always doomed, look all the games that are made to be tie-ins they get (in the words of wikipedia) mixed to negitive reviews


New member
Sep 25, 2009
Honestly it seems like movie tie in games are just accepted, but rarely ever pan out. Goldeneye is only one I remember, and it came out well after the film.

hypothetical fact

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Ragsnstitches said:
DeadlyGlitch said:
I never saw the film because I have a saying that "nothing that ever makes a over billion dollars can be good", but from what I've heard, its practically in cannon with halo, and since there have already been a million halo sequels, they should have made a crossover, instantly ensuing quadrillion dollar profit.
You are so mislead. You really don't believe that, because a movie makes a lot of money, it has to be bad? This didn't make a lot of money... it made an INSANE amount of money and no half baked movie ever goes that high. It's not an original story line but it's a fantastic concept that is well executed. It's a movie worth watching and comparing it to halo is like comaparing a puddle to a lake. By any chance did you play halo?

Your ignorance will limit your experiences and doesn't make for a good judge of character, unless you were sarcastic then my friend i bow in apology.
Only half baked movies go that high because they appeal to all audiences and offend none. Compare the sales of Avatar to the Godfather or Citizen Kane, even with inflation those movies aren't in the ballpark of Avatar.

What was so spectacular about Avatar other than graphics?


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Can't say I'm surprised; movie tie-in games have a history of being crap.
Shame, as they had so much to work with...


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Well consider that as anyone can tell you, Avatar LOOKS really good but the story is a pretty deritive "message movie" that manages to somehow be offensive to anyone who looks at it from anything but the most shallow perspective. By this I mean indiginous peoples like Native Americans are offended and rant about being angry about the fact that the Na'vi need a white guy to save them and say that's racist. Religious groups see religious overtones they feel threatened by, saying it encourages nature worship (which it does not), and then again tons of people like me feel that it's also deeply offensive towards modern civilization and white people in general, which is ironic when you consider the people we allegedly exploited feel exactly the opposite.

In the end though the movie succeeds because it's pretty, superficial, and has lots of explosisions and action with big monsters fighting high tech military guys. It has a battle between a bloody dinosaur and a powered armor suit. Kids love that stuff, and even people who hate the message can't deny that the movie is oveflowing with a combination of beauty and pure awesome.

The thing is though that a game requires you interact with it, and arguably that the experience gets deeper than a movie. A movie can gloss over glaring holes and a shallow plot that merely maintains an illusion of depth. Games, even fast paced ones, slow things down quite a bit and can often involve questions of "why" and "what do we do".

Not to mention the fact that when dealing with a movie, people handing out the rights are VERY careful only to give the right to retread the movie, as opposed to change anything or create a sequel of sorts nowadays. Thus a game set in the aftermath would involve independant creation, and probably not what the producers of Avatar want to see happen. What's more since a lot of things aren't even explained (like why a certain mineral is so valuable exactly) all it leaves is pure garbage for a story, which becomes more obvious when you have to play with it.

In the end these basic reasons seem to have a lot to do with why most movie games blow chips, and I think it's glaringly obvious here. A movie almost totally driven by it's FX isn't as much fun to retread (which by most reports is what the game does) when for obvious reasons the images in even the best computer game aren't going to touch with what they did with that movie. All that leaves is a bunch of stereotypical "message movie" characters who might as well be cardboard cut outs, a few neat looking monsters and weapon designs, and a surrealistic alien jungle that is mostly so awesome because of the technology of the movie and the 3d and such (we've seen alien jungles before otherwise, it's not THAT unique an idea).

I think Ubisoft's big problem is that like with most game companies they have to try and predict what movies are going to be big and buy the liscence ahead of time without really knowing all of what they are going to have to deal with when the movie people finally say "okay, here is what you can work with for that liscence you bought the rights to...".

Really, I think the game industry (for all my criticisms of it) should get a brain. Coordinate like they did for the price hike, decide NOT to buy game rights for any Hollywood movies (or at least the big companies who give the movie people the huge $$$ they want). In return Hollywood will lose money they could make from the tie in, and the industry can then start demanding more rights (creative and otherwise) in making liscenced movie games.

This would be problematic of course largely because game companies that have luck playing "Russian roulette" do very well. Movie tie in games can sell very well even if they blow chips, especially things like Disney/Pixar/Childrens titles apparently. So it would involve a short term loss (a big one) for a lot of people, but in the end I'd imagine higher quality movie tie in games would result in more sales and more money in the long run. The only real "loss" would be to the paranoia of Hollywood executives.

At least that is how I see things.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
I dunno I wouldn't say it sucked persay. They did have some good ideas that worked rather well. With some more focus on the MP and some tweaking especially in the missions it could have been alright. And knock out 10 hours from the campaigns. That would be my biggest complaint. That it overstayed its welcome.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
hypothetical fact said:
Ragsnstitches said:
DeadlyGlitch said:
I never saw the film because I have a saying that "nothing that ever makes a over billion dollars can be good", but from what I've heard, its practically in cannon with halo, and since there have already been a million halo sequels, they should have made a crossover, instantly ensuing quadrillion dollar profit.
You are so mislead. You really don't believe that, because a movie makes a lot of money, it has to be bad? This didn't make a lot of money... it made an INSANE amount of money and no half baked movie ever goes that high. It's not an original story line but it's a fantastic concept that is well executed. It's a movie worth watching and comparing it to halo is like comaparing a puddle to a lake. By any chance did you play halo?

Your ignorance will limit your experiences and doesn't make for a good judge of character, unless you were sarcastic then my friend i bow in apology.
Only half baked movies go that high because they appeal to all audiences and offend none. Compare the sales of Avatar to the Godfather or Citizen Kane, even with inflation those movies aren't in the ballpark of Avatar.

What was so spectacular about Avatar other than graphics?
Citizen Kane has been considered the greatest movie of all time by critics and enthusiasts... but i can gaurantee you if you were to walk around on the street and ask people what they thought of it the majority wouldn't have much to say if anything at all. Godfather is a cult classic, loads of people loved it but it truly bloomed after it's cinematic release.

You mentioned 2 movies which had fantastic writing, cinematography and so on. Granted Avatar is shallow in terms of writing, the story has been done to death through the ages. But the concept and level of detail presented to the audiance is phenomenal. Characterisation is also better then average even if it is a little cliched. The movie is a spectacle but also has more to offer then is immediately apparent. It's massive profits were due to the fact that it was advertised extremely well and the fact a lot of people have seen it more than once, as me and most of my friends have.

Avatar isn't going to break the mould or change the course of film writing, face it, few films do. What it does do is make an EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD EXPERIENCE and is well worth the extra few quid for 3d as it's a fantastic little gimmick. It's an experience worthy of anyones attention. Don't hate it before you see it, altough if you saw it now i think you'd just hate it out of principle.

Do you really believe half-baked films that don't offend someone and appeal to everyone are bad? The logic in that is so weak it wouldn't even sit well in a playground dispute. It's nothing more then a "just because" argument.

Anyway!... this article is about the game... which is unanimously awful, as are the majority of film to game crossovers... hell, most media crossovers.


New member
May 22, 2009
I'm glad the game sold poorly, most rubbish film to game adaptations sell very well!

Makes a nice change of pace.