Avatar: The Game Puts the Hurt on Ubisoft


New member
Jul 22, 2009
*laughs triumphantly*
No, I'm not surprised Ferngully didn't make a decent video game.

I think now is about the time Ubisoft should stop pissing around and make that Rayman game everybody wants. There are Rayman fans here, right?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Does anyone else think that Avatar was pretty good,but doesn't really deserve what it is currently getting? I mean yeah the effects were damn good and the story was passable but does it really deserve to be the number two highest grossing movie of all time? $1,602,168,000 and it is still in theaters? The Dark Knight made $1,001,921,825 in its entire theater run and I thought that that had a better story, better characters, better dialogue, better acting and it got really violent at times to boot. Sure there were no giant cat aliens but was Avatar really that much better than TDK or any other movie?


New member
Aug 30, 2009
*SHOCKER* Video game companies have been trying to do what Spider Man 2 did. NOT SUCK and they're sucking at it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
HT_Black said:
While I'm not doubting your logic here, I just feel like throwing in my two cents:


It just had to be said.

Disclaimer: I'm not dissing the movie here-- I just had to get it out of my system.
And you're not wrong! Maybe if Felucia was more popular it could of made it to a thread on the Escapist.

OT: Bad game won't sell and they're pissed? Confused Sci-Fi is confused. a.k.a Nouw


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
I didn't think the game was THAT bad, just not good enough for me to keep playing for more than one hour. If nothing else, its better than most movie games, like "Superman Returns"

The best licensed game crown still belongs to Treasure:

"Astro Boy: Omega Factor" for the GBA
No way dude, the best movie license game is Goldeneye, hands down.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
sephiroth1991 said:
Game tie-ins with films are always doomed, look all the games that are made to be tie-ins they get (in the words of wikipedia) mixed to negitive reviews
This is absolutely correct.


New member
Nov 1, 2007

Ubisoft should cease to exist if only because of the above title.

I've not had a game make me that angry in quite sometime.

dwoo21 said:
*SHOCKER* Video game companies have been trying to do what Spider Man 2 did. NOT SUCK and they're sucking at it.
I've often wondered why Goldeneye never gets mentioned as the best video game tie in for a movie?

It is still considered one of the greatest FPS's ever made (last I knew). It often ends up in 100 best games of all times lists.

I mean I liked the Perfect Dark entry better but that isn't a movie tie in so :p.

Ragsnstitches said:
You are so mislead. You really don't believe that, because a movie makes a lot of money, it has to be bad? This didn't make a lot of money... it made an INSANE amount of money and no half baked movie ever goes that high. It's not an original story line but it's a fantastic concept that is well executed. It's a movie worth watching and comparing it to halo is like comaparing a puddle to a lake. By any chance did you play halo?

Your ignorance will limit your experiences and doesn't make for a good judge of character, unless you were sarcastic then my friend i bow in apology.

I played Halo and still don't get it. It only did one thing better than FPS predecessors which was the vehicle controls system (which still CnC Renegade was much more pleasant to me). Games and Movies these days succeed by marketing more than game design. Look at Modern Warfare 2, they spent more money than god on advertising and their game succeeded. I'm not saying it was a bad game, I'm just saying it hardly warrants the record sales it recieved.

As more Psychologists move into marketing more sub quality products will sell far better. It is very easy to make people like whatever you want. Which is an unfortunate truth, people need look no further than TEA parties or various other incidents in the US of people saying the most foolish and uninformed things because of some television personality who has an AA in Psychology :p.

Marketing beats substance. Not to say that there is nothing incredibly popular that is incredibly well made, but it is hardly a 1:1 correlation.

If you were curious I thought that Perfect Dark for the N64 was a better FPS than Halo. So did every person in my neighborhood until the second Halo's advertising campaign started. It wasn't until that point that people started saying Halo was a fantastic FPS around where I lived :p.

I'm still waiting for MW3 to introduce AI into multiplayer and call it revolutionary sort of like other games calling dual wielding revolutionary.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
I don't understand how someone could (or expect to) make money off of a shitty movie tie-in game.

It boggles the mind


New member
Feb 28, 2008
The movie at this point has gotten a big enough fanbase for someone to do some serious modding on oblivion/FO3 and make a worthwhile game.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Canid117 said:
Does anyone else think that Avatar was pretty good,but doesn't really deserve what it is currently getting? I mean yeah the effects were damn good and the story was passable but does it really deserve to be the number two highest grossing movie of all time? $1,602,168,000 and it is still in theaters? The Dark Knight made $1,001,921,825 in its entire theater run and I thought that that had a better story, better characters, better dialogue, better acting and it got really violent at times to boot. Sure there were no giant cat aliens but was Avatar really that much better than TDK or any other movie?
Pretty off topic there but I agree, that's because it had extreme hype "GREATEST GRAPHICS EVA IN A MOVIE THAT WILL BLOW GODS MIND, COME SEE IN 3D", don't forget it also made money from the 3D experience and glasses.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Hexenwolf said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
I didn't think the game was THAT bad, just not good enough for me to keep playing for more than one hour. If nothing else, its better than most movie games, like "Superman Returns"

The best licensed game crown still belongs to Treasure:

"Astro Boy: Omega Factor" for the GBA
No way dude, the best movie license game is Goldeneye, hands down.
Have you play "Omega Factor"? By the fine folks at Treasure.


Aug 25, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
I didn't think the game was THAT bad, just not good enough for me to keep playing for more than one hour. If nothing else, its better than most movie games, like "Superman Returns"

The best licensed game crown still belongs to Treasure:

"Astro Boy: Omega Factor" for the GBA

that's been turned into a movie now, saw the trailer the other day

astroboy the movie XD


New member
Nov 28, 2009
stop angry video game nerd new this because in one of his episodes he worked out Good movie = Bad game
Bad Movie = Good game

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
Therumancer said:
Well consider that as anyone can tell you, Avatar LOOKS really good but the story is a pretty deritive "message movie" that manages to somehow be offensive to anyone who looks at it from anything but the most shallow perspective.
i have to be shallow to take offence over what is essentially nothing?
it isn't offensive to anyone who can enjoy what is a god damn movie without trying to divine some ulterior motive. if anything i'd say you'd have to be pretty shallow to get offended.
it's no Triumph of the will, it's not brainwashing me, it's a STORY for christ's sake.

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
theultimateend said:
marketing > substance
they have what is called a susceptability (sp?) chart that rates how much you respond to persuasion, peer pressure and/or influence, it can absolve you of responsibility to the extent of providing evidence in court. the fact that they need a scale to do this shows that it is not universal.
even in a controlled experiment where you got a psychologist who knew exactly how to sell something to someone, they can't sell it to everyone because people are different. marketing is VITAL to a movies success, but to say that marketing is more important to a games success then content is frankly ridiclous.
and point in question?
how much difference do you suppose the avatar game marketing squad was to the movie one?
yet one succeeded and one failed, maybe because one was spectacular and one was dismal.

it makes me sick to my Indie music loving stomach. it's the same mentality that dislikes bands because they get popular. and all it really is is elitism and pretentiousness


New member
Nov 4, 2009
I'm expecting EA to buy them, and then close them after not releasing a game that Jesus would say "this shit be better than me." and yes, Jesus would talk like a stereotypical gangster. but anyway, yime to move past the joke and say: damn. I like Ubisoft, and they release pretty good games, but they expect people to buy a movie game? that is out right stupidity.