It is with much regret that I haul Gale around on my miserable travels because I simply cannot be bothered to give all his stuff to someone less awful, like that owlbear that killed me.Started BG 3, already met too many people to have in my party. Too early for me to determine how I feel about Astarion or Gale, but I'm definitely leaning more towards Shadowheart than Lae'zel. Never been a fan of the ultra-"must fight everyone, and diplomacy is weak" characters.
At least compare apples to apples instead of oranges, Obsidian has 323 employees (vs Larian at 434 and Bioware at 611 from the same source)Because it has under half as many employees (unless it has expanded recently) as Larian. Employees = game-making resources.
Wrong. Larian was founded in 1996, Obsidian in 2003. Although if you consider Obsidian was a semi-successor to Black Isle and thus include the experience of key personnel at Black Isle, that would also be 1996. Incidentally, Bioware also currently has fewer employees than Larian.
I'm disagreeing because you're saying stuff that is objectively wrong, as per the above.
* * *
In fact, you know what? You are demonstrating these opinions from Insomniac and Obsidian employees have some truth.
In your eagerness to jizz over BG3, just look at the way you have started shitting all over one of the best and most reliable providers of cRPGs over the last couple of decades. Without Obsidian, cRPG lovers would not have had a load of the best content produced in the last decade or two. Obsidian's reward for that? Being accused of being shit and lazy devs by people like you now that BG3 has hit the shelves.
Larian as far as I know funded the game completely on their own without any publisher capital (obviously since they have none) or any other capital infusions from anyone else. They funded the game by making money on past game profits.Larian, in terms of funding, company, and development team size, is comfortably on the low-ish end of triple-A developers.
Why not? Larian funded the game themselves by running a profitable company. Many RPG companies definitely have put together a more successful library of games like Obsidian, Bethesda, Bioware.Well, Agema is right that most studios and projects will never have the kind of money for the next BG3. And projects that expect far lower sales numbers still have to ask for a relatively high price exactly beacuse they expect lower sales numbers.
You're only taking CNN/MSNBC over FOX because you like their narrative more and has nothing to do with their journalistic quality. Local news is as corrupt as cable news, it's all owned by the same company basically.Like I said before I'm not giving 100% to it any of these news networks but if you put a gun to my head, I would take CNN or MSNBC 24/7 over Fox news. And with that also said, I'll take any of my local news over the major news networks. The local news ain't perfect either but they actually get their jobs done. Now they do go overboard and repeat some of the same stories over and over that are currently hot or been said to death, but they actually go after different things that or make sure to focus on the actual important local news.
Larian first pitched BG3 to WOTC in 2014. Right after DOS 1 was released. WOTC thought back then that Larian wasn't experienced enough to handle a project like that. Then few years later WOTC saw DOS2 and contacted Larian asking if they still were interested.Eh, barring some very transparent budgets, this isn't Larian's budget level, its HASBRO's. Whatever their media releases say, I doubt that Larian, while they might have had interest in making a D&D game, came up with "Baldurs Gate 3" as the idea (and the ingame storyline basically has nothing to do with the originals, a couple of cameos aside). So the budget (and certainly the marketing) is way more AAA level (possibly higher, cause HASBRO literally makes movies and such)
Divinity Original Sin II has almost certainly outsold everything Obsidian has made since New Vegas and the financial rough ride precipitated by Deadfire selling poorly definitely helped push them towards being acquired by Microsoft. Larian have managed to remain independent and continuously make bigger and better games since Divinity: Original Sin. Their consistent profitability makes them an outlier in the modern CRPG scene, a big one. However much like their contemporaries they're probably only one failed title away from needing a corporate bailout. You can lose a *lot* of money as a midsize developer.Many RPG companies definitely have put together a more successful library of games like Obsidian, Bethesda, Bioware.
I pray that these guys and gals stay in business for a long as possible. I mean I have much interest in the game, but these are all clearly talented people that care about the work they are doing. What sucks about many midsize developers. All it takes is one or two failures and that's it. Either shut down or be bought out by somebody bigger.However much like their contemporaries they're probably only one failed title away from needing a corporate bailout. You can lose a *lot* of money as a midsize developer.
After the hype dies down, maybe people will look at the bigger picture a bit closer. But the game itself seems to be impressive enough that these bugs are a minor caveat. I posted a DF tech review earlier here that I haven’t had time to watch yet, but perhaps they touch on that.Has anyone hit act 3 yet? I am now hearing/seeing references to more and more bugs there but it's being swept aside in favor of the Future of All Good Gaming hype cycle. Is it really bad, over-exaggerated, or just normal new release minor bug stuff?
For example I was listening to Breakout last night (that and the recent Sterling video breakdown this stupid DISCOURSE around it pretty well) and Nick is a huge fan but mentioned that act 3 has bugs and he might just wait for patches before continuing. I mean, that sounds pretty serious, and if it is so bad and others are experiencing that, it should be a bigger part of the conversation and reviews, right?
Why can't Obsidian or Bioware make something similar to BG3? You do realize Larian made the game without funding from a AAA publisher like Obsidian and Bioware have worked with/works with. One of the posts said that Larian got that WOTC funding to help make BG3 and Larian replied back with "what funding?" because they had to pay for the license (vs getting money).
Larian as far as I know funded the game completely on their own without any publisher capital (obviously since they have none) or any other capital infusions from anyone else. They funded the game by making money on past game profits.
There is an update on the way, or possibly already out that is to address these late game issues. The reason why a lot of people aren't talking about it, is because they aren't in Act 3 yet. I mean I'm reach into the 40+ hour mark and I'm still in Act 1 so...that shit is a LONG time. And supposed Act 1 is the smallest act so like....I dunno how this game is beatable tbh.Has anyone hit act 3 yet? I am now hearing/seeing references to more and more bugs there but it's being swept aside in favor of the Future of All Good Gaming hype cycle. Is it really bad, over-exaggerated, or just normal new release minor bug stuff?
For example I was listening to Breakout last night (that and the recent Sterling video breakdown this stupid DISCOURSE around it pretty well) and Nick is a huge fan but mentioned that act 3 has bugs and he might just wait for patches before continuing. I mean, that sounds pretty serious, and if it is so bad and others are experiencing that, it should be a bigger part of the conversation and reviews, right?
If that many bugs are present in the game I’d be save scumming as much as possible. It’s one thing to have to live with in-game choice consequences but another entirely when some glitch happens that fucks up hours of progress that perhaps could never be duplicated. It’s why I’ll always be a fan of persistent saving like the Souls games have, but without bonfire-esque resets that probably isn’t possible in a game like BG3.And here's a fun Polygon article gleefully hurling herself into BG3 discourse
It’s time to accept save scumming as the best way to play RPGs
I absolutely will not take accountability for my
Personally, the idea of save scumming as part of playing a video game sounds miserable. How is this fun for anybody?!
But if the "right" way to play is to not save scum and accept consequences, why do so many people play it "wrong?" But then conventional gamer wisdom is "there is no wrong way to play, play how you like etc."
I'm having fun with this game I'm not playing lol
She is literally saying nothing new nor special about saves scumming. I don't hate save scumming myself, but I do use it when it's needed or just to save some time. When somebody legitimately buys a copy of the game, or pirates, let that person play however they want. It's their copy, they can do whatever the hell they want.And here's a fun Polygon article gleefully hurling herself into BG3 discourse
It’s time to accept save scumming as the best way to play RPGs
I absolutely will not take accountability for my
Personally, the idea of save scumming as part of playing a video game sounds miserable. How is this fun for anybody?!
But if the "right" way to play is to not save scum and accept consequences, why do so many people play it "wrong?" But then conventional gamer wisdom is "there is no wrong way to play, play how you like etc."
I'm having fun with this game I'm not playing lol
Agreed, as long as it's a single player game.She is literally saying nothing new nor special about saves scumming. I don't hate save scumming myself, but I do use it when it's needed or just to save some time. When somebody legitimately buys a copy of the game, or pirates, let that person play however they want. Is there copy, they can do whatever the hell they want.
Waiting for the day this whole shitshow is christened as Balder’s Gate Gate or something.![]()
Baldur's Gate 3 New Standards Controversy Explained - The Escapist
Here's a breakdown of the origin and evolution of the "developer are panicking" controversy surrounding Baldur’s Gate
YES YES YES!!!!ETA: Oh, and I adopted Scratch, because DOGGIE!
No we are playing via internet, so full screen each.Is the co-op game you're playing splitscreen? How does that look?
Neither, it's a problem with how D&D works in general.Re: the combat, some of the stuff I'm seeing is about how hard it is in beginning, do you think that's the game or is it folks that aren't used to D&D trying to learn both D&D and this game and being overwhelmed?