Saelune said:
Nazi is a word to describe White Supremacists
See, I can agree with this statement, as is. Yes, Nazi bad. Racial supremacy bad. Agreed? Agreed. The Lunatic who was blatantly racist against black people.
Now here's where you lose me. I never saw this, and coming from you, I'm going to have to take it with a grain of salt. You call everyone a Nazi to the point where it's a punchline when I see you say it [footnote]I know you're aware of "our obsession" with you on the discord server, but let me be very clear here. It's not YOU, Saelune, that we are specifically enthralled with. It's how you've become the embodiment of the hysterical, discharitable, and quite frankly, brainwashed extreme of the Extreme Left of the political compass. The -idea- of Saelune has transcended the person. You're the negative stereotype of the afroed blackman joyfully chowing down on watermelon and chicken. So absurd, and even insulting that all you can do is laugh.
And don't have any illusions about the frequency either. I doubt you get mentioned even once a month, but you'll be mentioned in question like "who actually does this?" "Probably Saelune" because its a meme.[/footnote]
They had their chance to prove they were not a Nazi for the many years they were here prior to being banned.
And this is where you've gone completely off the rails. No one needs to prove they're not a Nazi. You should just assume that they aren't. I don't know how long and how many chances you "gave" to Lunatic, but unless he was praising Hitler and saying that the Jews are a problem (something, I might add, he's never done behind our closed doors, even though the floor is open for him to do so), then there's nothing for him to prove. I could accuse you of being a Nazi, and say you've never proven to me you're not one. Anything you've said against Nazis is just lip-service to hide among us good folks. Then those accusations could stand around as I repeat them over and over, even to the community manager, and hope that the lie repeated long enough becomes the truth. For you and Lunatic, it already has.
Nick Calandra said:
This is another aspect where Gaddo and I butted heads all the time because he wanted this place to be the perfect echo chamber of perfect ideals, and I'm not about that. There's lines you don't cross and any reasonable person understands that. If they show a pattern of engaging in bad faith behavior, it's pretty clear and I've done this long enough to know what to look for.
There's always going to be someone that takes what I say and twist it, but I know what I'm doing and I'm confident we can have a fun and inviting forum with different points of view and the world will be OK.
You're more than welcome to join V2.
I definitely sat out while Kyle was CM, because the guy seemed completely unhinged to me. There was a comment floated to me where he stated that the word "globalism" was an antisemitic slur because one blog somewhere said so, and he was willing to inflict punishment on the users here for uttering it. It's that kind of environment I'm still worried about existing that keeps me from coming back. I could come back, invest myself into the community again, and then deal with all the heartache and drama that unfolds when I get dog-piled for not agreeing with some of the users here, and then eventually banned from what had become my hangout place, or I could just skip it all and talk with people in Youtube comments, because they have been far less combative than what I have to deal with here. You and I both know Youtube comments have a reputation, so either I'm in a nice corner of the website, or this site is
that toxic.
Hell, a year and a half ago on my last post, I mentioned a video that used academic techniques to study something, and when I called it as such, I had people quoting me trying to debunk everything I said, including that a Youtube video can't be academic because it's not from an academy. No one actually wants to have a conversation anymore, and would rather "win" the discussion. Bonus points for flustering your opponent and getting them warned/banned when they reply in a tone you encouraged by being overly dismissive.
Thank you for the invite, and I will keep it in mind. Be sure though, if the site's culture doesn't feel more open to new people and ideas, I'm not going to be very invested, and any posts I would make will take on a more flippant and possibly trolly tone. I'm not a mean guy, but I do like to poke sleeping bears if they make it look fun. Many people here wear their vulnerabilities out on their sleeves, so when they've buried their heads in the sand during a conversation, it gets hard to not go for the obvious target to get them riled up for shutting down the talks. Saelune can attest to that back in the Wild West and one tiff we had there. Oddly, that mean jab actually worked and we had a much more honest conversation afterwards.