Bastion Creator Reveals Transistor, Offers A Short Trailer


New member
Jun 26, 2012
The color palette and artwork remind me of this long forgotten gem:

[]Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter


New member
Apr 14, 2009
ToastiestZombie said:
INB4 someone calls this game sexist because Red shows cleavage and doesn't have much characterization.

OT: Yes! I don't care that it looks a lot like Bastion, I didn't want Supergiant Games to get into fucking kart racing or something, it looks fantastic. Gameplay similar to Bastion in an original Cyberpunk world and a seemingly new art-style? Sign me up!
Besides, why is looking like Bastion a -bad- thing? Bastion was an excellent game with an awesome aesthetic and fantastic music. Definitely going to get me a copy of this. ;D


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
Smilomaniac said:
Windknight said:
its funny how the feminist bashers always turn up before the feminists isn't it. And they always accuse others of making trouble where there is none... oh the irony is so delicious.
I think he's just sick of the idiots claiming sexism is rampant through the industry and that we can't have a game that's fun to play without a thousand whiteknighters breathing down our necks trying to guilttrip everyone who might enjoy it.

The irony is that by far most feminists and supporters have no idea what they're fighting for, just that they feel they've been cheated somehow. Or maybe the irony is that they should try and do something about it, instead of asking everyone else to do it for them. Or maybe the irony is that the poor way the subject has been handled(for example, responses such as yours) has only made sure that any future debate will be sour and might as well be avoided on forums such as this one.

I get the feeling that this strong female protagonist who rides motorcycles and wields a badass sword, will only be seen as a "male wannabe".
people complaining the game is sexist because the heroine is female and shows some cleavage: 0

People complaining that feminists overeact and ruin everything: 2, including yourself.

Again, your trying to start a fight where ther is none, while blaming the other side for starting fights where there are none.

Dorian Cornelius Jasper

Space Robot From Outer Space
Apr 8, 2008
It's very difficult to come to the conclusion that Red is a man if you watch the actual trailer. Unless this theoretical male Red were a very effeminate crossdresser, at which point all bets are off.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
Which is kind of why the gender confusion of the original poster reminded me of Yellow Belmont from Mospeada, (AKA Lancer in Robotech), a male freedom fighter who cross dresses as a female singer. Either way an interesting character idea, especially if they keep a musical theme to the game.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Karoshi said:
CrystalShadow said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
ramboondiea said:
pretty sure "red" is a women, what with the boobs and fishnets?
Y'know, I polled a bunch of people and they all came up with the idea that Red is a dude, but if there's this much debate about it, I'm gonna change the pronouns to be more gender neutral, just to be safe.
That's interesting, because I immediately thought it was a woman. (which, judging by other comments in the thread is confirmed conclusively by a statement on the developer's website which explicitly states Red is a ).

But going on the video alone, early on we see a shot of Red that shows she appears to be wearing a short yellow dress under that jacket, (and the cut of it is typical of women's tops that are intended to show some degree of cleavage. - Not a common design for male clothing.)

Further, several of the depictions are suggestive of the style of 1920's/1930's female jazz singers, and aspects of the song in the trailer also kind of give the impression that its Red herself singing it.

All those points aside you really would've saved yourself a lot of headaches by doing some very basic research.

A direct quote from Supergiant games's blog: "In Transistor, players assume the role of a young woman who gains control of a powerful weapon after a mysterious group of assailants nearly kills her with it."

Knowing the name of the game, and the name of the developer, it took all of about 30 seconds to find this blog.
Is it really so much to expect a published article on a website to contain just a tiny bit of research to back it up?
Give the guy a break, mistakes happen. Sometimes even I miss obvious information from trailers and blogs, which can be embarassing, but isn't a crime.
Yeah, OK, that was a little harsh, I know. But the standards online seem to be so low that it makes me wonder what the point even is reading anything mentioned in the 'news' on a site like this.

Bigsmith said:
CrystalShadow said:
You must be knew here.

Back on topic, I really, really want the game. I can understand them using the same play style probably because it's cheaper then to develop a new one (copy pasta code and all that), but I hope they don't do things like the narration again, I feel that doing that will ruin it's effectiveness and uniqueness I felt when I played Bastion for the first time.
Lol. Yes. Of course... Sorry. I had to laugh because I just ranted at someone for not doing research, and that statement can be boiled down to the same thing. (Were it not for the fact that it's a stock phrase.)
After all, if you'd even glanced at the post you're quoting itself you'd spot my join date...
You've been a member for all of 3 weeks or so more than me. ;p

(just as well, because this would be even more silly if you'd joined AFTER me. - Although I can say I was visiting this site for about 6-9 months before I registered.?)

Thanks for giving me a good laugh though. XD


New member
Mar 16, 2009
CrystalShadow said:
Eh either way you took it was a joke, you finding it funny means that the joke had at least some impact. I didn't really take your actual sign up date into consideration as it really didn't matter.

(I did 'lurk' for a while as well, not sure how long - only really visited to watch ZP, TWBB and Doomsday Arcade.)


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Bigsmith said:
CrystalShadow said:
Eh either way you took it was a joke, you finding it funny means that the joke had at least some impact. I didn't really take your actual sign up date into consideration as it really didn't matter.

(I did 'lurk' for a while as well, not sure how long - only really visited to watch ZP, TWBB and Doomsday Arcade.)
Ah, doomsday arcade... Those were interesting times...

Actually, that suddenly reminds me... Where did all the video content like that go?
Almost all the current content can be described as 'factual'.
I mean, is there a single series left that has an actual plot in it's own right?

I can't think of any. Hmm. When did that happen?


New member
Mar 16, 2009
CrystalShadow said:
Well, There will be Brawn, Doomsday Arcade and the likes finished and were just never replaced with anything else. And then of course there was payment problem with some of the others that led to them leaving.

It is sad that we're now left with only non-fictional stuff, but then there are always the web comics hosted on here.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Bigsmith said:
CrystalShadow said:
Well, There will be Brawn, Doomsday Arcade and the likes finished and were just never replaced with anything else. And then of course there was payment problem with some of the others that led to them leaving.

It is sad that we're now left with only non-fictional stuff, but then there are always the web comics hosted on here.
It's kind of sad, but it also just surprised me a little that I hadn't noticed this earlier. Some of the last few series even implied they'd be back, but than just silently vanished.

Oh well. Things change I guess.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Count me in. Had no clue what Bastion was for a little while, heard about it and loved it. Especially the music even though the game play was cool as well. Supergiant, you may take my pre-order for a game and a soundtrack (if available) right now.
Wait, 2014? Aww...


New member
Aug 14, 2009
On the one hand, I feel a tinge of disappointment that we probably won't revisit the world of Bastion anytime soon, perhaps never (not necessarily in a sequel, mind you, just another game set in the same world.

On the other hand, I've been waiting over a year for Supergiant Games to announce their next game, seeing as Bastion is a one of my favorite games of all time, and from what the trailer shows us, Transistor has the potential to be just as great.

Time to count down the months...

Richard Eis

New member
Oct 5, 2009
It's nice to see a trailer that shows actual game footage... and the music.... ooh. Definitely one to watch.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
the game looks good. I will have to do my best not to get any hype at all. that may be pretty hard to pull off though.

Norix596 said:
Really liking that art-style. Unfortunately though, it looks like it's going to have some rather similar core gameplay to Bastion which I didn't enjoy too much in of itself. The dynamic narration system was well done but the actual combat didn't really engage me too much. Hope they're successful though.
the gameplay looks different to me.
I would not judge the footage by the same standards as released game due to the the game still being developed and it's released being in 2014.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Bastion is one of my favourite games of all time. It had fun gameplay, gorgeous visuals, one of the best soundtracks ever, and an amazing story.

Judging from the trailer, this game looks like it'll be right up there with Bastion. It has gorgeous visuals, judging from the music, an awesome soundtrack, and from the brief glimpse of the gameplay it looks similar to Bastion which is good. The only thing I need to know now is how amazing the story will be.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Reincarnatedwolfgod said:
Okay, from the trailer I new that it would be great, from this I'm pretty sure it's going to be amazing. I wonder if it will be able to top Bastion.