Battlefield 3 Will Require Origin


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
I'll add my voice to the chorus of those who don't see what the big deal is. This is EXACTLY the same thing that Valve did with Half-Life 2 and you might think that Steam is pretty shit-hot now but believe me, it was a piece of crap when it launched. So why is it okay for one but not the other?
Because we all have our needs met.

My computer has an antivirus (AVG), a firewall (W7 FW), spyware checker (Spybot), an FTP client (filezilla), and a digital distribution service (Steam). Many of those programs I mention you wouldn't want duplicate of. DDS was a new form of always-on necessity when it was introduced so it was received with hostility, but now has become a defacto program that is part of our lives. Now that we all have it, we're tired of all the lookalike trying to muscle in. GFWLm, Steam, and Origin cannot coexist on one person's machine WITHOUT content blocking each other. It is the only way.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Waaghpowa said:
So you're going to sacrifice the quality of the game because of their download service? You remember that the console version is getting maps half the size and only supporting 24 players right?
I actually prefer console FPS gaming, I'm better with a controller than I am with a keyboard and mouse, and I'm better than my friends using keyboard and mouse when I use a controller anyway, so don't say "OH BUT IT SUCKS BECAUSE KEYBOARD AND MOUSE IS ALWAYS BETTER NO MATTER WHAT".

It's preference.

And anyway, console = no hackers.

I'd be quite happy with half map size with 24 players, because I don't want a 64 man ridiculous-fest, because I tried that with BF1942, and it resulted in more than half the people just sitting around sniping, and it was SHIT


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Kinda annoying. Eh, I guess I'll just have an account for it and steam when get a computer and only use Origin it for that game. There, my problem is solved.

Cat of Doom

New member
Jan 6, 2011
Oh for god sake. I'm sorry EA, but im not to sure how long I can continue to defend you with out looking like an arse. Still my favorite publishers, but please stop shooting your selves in the foot with HURR DURR moves like this.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
bbad89 said:
So it'll be a lot like Bad Company 2 with new technology, maps, guns, and campaign? Not that bad honestly...
Then you might as well be playing MW3, same game as last time, but with a few new maps and guns.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
My 2 cents? I buy the game then fucking destroy the effing thing and then download a cracked version. Seriously, in the future will every single freaking game company require you to prove your brand loyalty by having you subscribe to some always online service?

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009

Yeah, I was expecting this. No I'm not thrilled to have this confirmed.

I just remember how buttfuckingly annoying it was to have EA Download Manager running to play 2142. That game was far less sucessful than it should have been and I do in part blame all the fucking accounts.

My objection isn't purely "I like Steam better" it's more an "I have a fundamental problem with games having all this additional crap that I don't want but am forced to have." UPlay, Games for Windows Live, the Rockstar Social Club, Origin... I don't want this shit. I just want a game. When I buy a PC game from a store it means that I want to put a disk in, install it and play it, I don't want to be fucking around with a whole lot of accounts. You know how long it took be between starting to install Assassin's Creed 2 and actually playing it? Five hours. Granted that was because Ubisoft's system was a complete pile of dog crap, (in fact I tried re-installing the game and it won't let me play it because the key has alrady been tied to an account, never mind that it's tied to MY account.) Origin seems like just one more thing to go wrong.

I don't like being forced into anything I don't want, not just in games. If I go to a movie I don't want one of the requirements to be that I have to eat popcorn. If I get a hooker I don't want her to tell me that one of the conditions is that she gets to butt fuck me with a strap-on for twenty minutes. Gaming gets away with this sort of thing and it pisses me off. It's a "Well this is how we're giving it to you so you can either accept it or fuck off" stance that is a really crappy way to treat your customers.

I get that EA wants me to use Origin. Well then make me want to use it. Forcing this on me and assuming I'll love the fucking thing because you think it's great is the exact opposite of how you're going to achieve this.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
qwerty19411 said:

What? Monopolistic and anti-competitive when there's other services and better deals?

edit: snip mistake
I've found that most of the people who throw around the term "Monopoly" in regards to Steam don't actually know what the term "Monopoly" means in normal English.


New member
Sep 12, 2010
I don't understand why so many people are saying "Well steam done the same thing blah blah blah" because as far as I'm aware, there was nothing like steam on the market at the time (if this is incorrect, somebody please enlighten me).

As for EA, this is just a cheap stunt to try and get a diving start release on their own DDS which from what I've read in this thread, seems to be a dive in the wrong direction at the wrong pool.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
I am still skeptical on getting it, origin I have no problem with. Its just I hope I more satisfied with the beta, if the beta is a no go then I will not tend to buy this game out of pure BF2 fan boy reasons. But OT: I have no problem with Origin, I'll probably just get it for BF3.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
No_Remainders said:
Waaghpowa said:
So you're going to sacrifice the quality of the game because of their download service? You remember that the console version is getting maps half the size and only supporting 24 players right?
I actually prefer console FPS gaming, I'm better with a controller than I am with a keyboard and mouse, and I'm better than my friends using keyboard and mouse when I use a controller anyway, so don't say "OH BUT IT SUCKS BECAUSE KEYBOARD AND MOUSE IS ALWAYS BETTER NO MATTER WHAT".

It's preference.

And anyway, console = no hackers.

I'd be quite happy with half map size with 24 players, because I don't want a 64 man ridiculous-fest, because I tried that with BF1942, and it resulted in more than half the people just sitting around sniping, and it was SHIT
1) I was referring to the games quality, not quality of control input, so settle down. You can use a controller in any PC game anyway.
2) Consoles don't have 0 hackers, just significantly fewer at the moment. People have been banned for modding consoles for the sake of cheating.
3) I never played 1942, but in other BF games I've never had the sniper issue. Not sure if you played the console one vs the PC one. Also in my experience with CoD, 75% of the players in a match will sniper regardless of map size.
4) I would also like to point out that in your original post you said nothing about preference, simply that because it was origin exclusive that you were going to get it for Xbox, making you look petty.

The Lawn

New member
Apr 11, 2008
I already wasn't getting this due to it not being on Steam.
I'm sure this news will cause even less people to buy it.

Well done EA, with your doing you have successfully made the best looking, most anticipated, and generally awesome shooter ever made in forever (in my opinion), worth about as much as a dried up dog turd to, I assume, a vast quantity of prospective purchasers.

Well done for essentially shooting yourselves in both feet, breaking your knees and hog tying yourself while trying to beat Modern Warfare 2 in a marathon.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
They simply renamed the EA account into Origin account. It's basically the same thing as logging into your EA account. And as soon as you do it, you can turn off Origin. It's not that bad really. I'm speaking as a PC gamer. From a purely logical point of view, it's certainly better than logging into Steam just to have to log into EA account to play the game. This way, you're only logging into one thing. Please, think before you hate.

Ziggy the wolf

New member
May 26, 2009
alrighty i will say this much: I.JUST.DON'T.GIVE.A.FUCK. i dont care about the game so i won't be shelling out more money to EA for my comp or my 360

Robby Foxfur

New member
Sep 1, 2009
I'm more upset about the fact that EA using BF3 as a ransom. Everyone is hyped up about it so lets make it an exclusive. I realize its a great business plan but in the end it still makes me think EA is nothing more than a money grab company, this really upsets people because it is a massive money grab. I guess i'm a loyal steam fan boy but when i look at the reputation of valve and steam and then look at EA and history of pushing stuff out and then sitting back as players find glitches and flaws, then do nothing to try and fix them. I'm more disappointed than anything else.

Midnight Crossroads

New member
Jul 17, 2010
This is upsetting for several reasons:

-I get kicked from online games because of hacking false positives from game overlays already. More game overlays just compounds the problem. It's all but certain that EA will be using Punkbuster for this game, so it's likely to get worse.

-I have to give out more of my information to more people. I've had my PSN account compromised already. For what reason should I put my information at an even greater risk?

-How is Origin going to interact with mods? Steam took a while to catch up, and there are still games which don't work well with Steam. This basically means figuring things out again.

-I don't want to see this shit continue. Steam is alright specifically because Steam offers games from a huge selection of studios. Origin, unless I'm mistaken, offers EA games. What happens when every other company decides to pull this and I end up having to keep four or five different programs for different publishers to gain access to my games?


New member
Mar 24, 2009
meepop said:
killamanhunter said:


I really don't see the problem, you can still keep your Steam browser and Steam games. All it is, is a new launcher for the game.
But how do we know this won't sap RAM and CPU cycles and make the game harder to play because you don't have a fast-enough connection? Plus, people are upset at EA not just because of the Origin thing, but that they've been lying by saying that Steam's TOS are too restrictive. If that was the case, why did they not institute this earlier with another game like Crysis 2 or even BF:BC2?

OT: I was considering buying it retail so I wouldn't have to install Origin, just to make things simpler, but if I can't even put it IN Steam or if I want to upload screenshots for my friends, I can't. I don't want another digital distributor just to play ONE game!

I don't know what EA's even coming out with after BF3, so it could be the only game I'll need it for! If I feel like I can be arsed, I might buy it on PC, but I'm leaning towards the PS3 version.
if you know your way around Windows Explorer you can add anything to your Steam Library.

I'm buying it for PS3 but only because my computer can't run anything made after 2007


New member
Mar 26, 2010

Good lord EA, this is quite entertaining.
I bet DICE is pissed that you completely ruined their game, though.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Some people in the last BF3 thread were swearing blind that you wouldnt need Origin.
I asked if they had an official source, but they were strangely silent, so gutted, pwned, told you so, I 0wn j00, and other similar statements to them :p

This make sense on EA's part really, if they want to get more people to use their service they need to start forcing them.
That is how steam first ended up on my computer when I got Half-Life 2.

I dont think the no steam and having to use Origin will help sales, but I still expect this game to be big.
Heres a rough barometer of UK interest anyway.

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