Bayonetta 2 announced as Wii U exclusive, console gamers pissed.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
This doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Never cared for Bayonetta, please WiiU, take the game with my blessing.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Smertnik said:
Well, fuck. I guess the sequel being released on WiiU is better than no sequel at all but it's still a shame.
Depends. This game was only just cancelled in May. Meaning they'll have to rush to make it for the Wii U. It could get ugly and ruin itself.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
maybe i'll get a wii u if it has a normal controller and has enough games i'm interested in i can't get on ps3 or 360 or pc or the ps4 or xbox what ever they call it. which at this point looks about as likely as getting hit by a bus after it does 20 forward flips and go thru the roof of my basement hide out


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Hmmmm. I suppose the Wii-U will support the normal Wii controller considering how else can you do those DMC-like combos with motion controls.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
DJ_DEnM said:
You'll see in a few months Nintendo will be catering to the family audience only again, and Bayonetta 2 reviews' only negative aspect would be it's on the WiiU. Nobody wins.
Jesus, where did this impression that Nintendo consoles only have kiddy games come from?

Did you not play No More Heroes? Madworld? Muramasa? Dead Space Extraction? Metroid bloody Prime?
All of those games except Metroid Prime flopped on the Wii. No More Heroes was just barely successful. The problem lies with how Nintendo marketed the Wii. The perception of Nintendo making kiddy games came from Nintendo themselves to an extent. All of those games put together still don't even come closing to denting the sales of Wii Fit. It's not that Nintendo doesn't have non kiddy games on its consoles, but its what sells for them. Which is why people are scratching there heads on this one. Bayonetta would have flopped on the Wii and Nintendo's reputation is hurting them, making Bayonetta 2 was a weird decision.

To be honest they should have published the sequel to Eternal Darkness that they ditched. THAT would have appealed.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I can see this from Nintendo standpoint, they need some hot exclusives to promote the console and up till now all they had were some ports of slightly older games with just a few addons, and from the look of their marketing they are trying to approach the "core gamers" and move away from the "family oriented" or "children's toy" stigma they created (talk about that later).

Also we can can look on this from Platinum G. standpoint, they have a brand new hot IP that's not used since NO OTHER PUBLISHER is willing to invest in, why is that?, if one is finally showing interest then by any logical standpoint they should pursue it.

But now, here is what matters: THE GAMER / THE CONSUMER / THE FAN standpoint, say what you want about about the first game, it sold relatively well, not huge numbers but it was well received, you are either the IT'S AMAZING category or the IT'S SH1T category, let's not talk about them for now, lets focus on the FANS, the gamers who bought the game.

I personally got it for the PS3 right when the patch was released, I loved it I never thought or understood the so called backlash of the "inferior" port, it was a well made game, very fun and stylish, clocked in many hours on it, so I naturally want to play it on MY system, since I can only afford one. So how am I to react to an announcement that one of my favorite games of this generation will be an exclusive on a console that I have no prior investment in, a brand new one at that, unproven, playing the first game on MY console and becoming a fan of the series, can you blame me for presuming that I will continue to enjoy it on MY console, no, I must buy completely different one in order to prove my loyalty.

What is the point of creating a fanbase if you're just going to ignore it by turning a once multi-console game into an exclusive?

Granted, if Platinum G. was smart, they would have kept most of the right's for Bayonetta, since Nintendo is the publisher most would assume that it can never reach the other consoles, quite possible (just like the first Mass Effect), but if they played their cards right, they could have just agreed to a timed exclusive so if they could get a different publisher, that has more then 2 brain cells, and we might just get our 360 and ps3 versions (or 720 and ps4, witch ever comes first)and with a bit of luck a pc version too.



New member
Jan 20, 2010
anthony87 said:
Tony2077 said:
anuhsur odnet said:
There, I've ignored the fucker.
well nice knowing you good luck on what ever forum you end up on after you get banned
I think he might've been talking about me. Hard to say though. Plus if it WAS me then he won't see this to be able to answer it.
Every time you quote someone on these thread I get thoroughly entertained.

It seems that anyone who was any criticism of Nintendo is not allowed to have an opinion on this thread according to same barely literate die hard fans and the OP. It's like their just as butthurt about the situation. With a large does of buyer's remorse to go along with it.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
I have no problem with this, since I did not enjoy the Original Bayonetta all that much and probably won't buy the sequel.

I don't think there is anything wrong with it being a WiiU exclusive. Nintendo were willing to pay for its development - in all likelihood the game wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for Nintendo funding it. So, given that they allow the game to exist, they get to decide if it is an exclusive or not.


New member
May 3, 2010
Tony2077 said:
hmm not my fault either since i really don't care i just don't want to buy a Nintendo console for any reason. well back to ignoring the bs on this site and waiting for someone to post a comment on the persona group page
Congratulations on contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation.



I think it's good that Nintendo is making more exclusives for their consoles. People give Nintendo way too much shit for "having bad games" so it's good to see they're doing something about it.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Faladorian said:
Tony2077 said:
hmm not my fault either since i really don't care i just don't want to buy a Nintendo console for any reason. well back to ignoring the bs on this site and waiting for someone to post a comment on the persona group page
Congratulations on contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation.



I think it's good that Nintendo is making more exclusives for their consoles. People give Nintendo way too much shit for "having bad games" so it's good to see they're doing something about it.
thanks for the pointless quote message


New member
Feb 19, 2010
ToastiestZombie said:
PunkRex said:
What!? Im getting a WiiU but, WHAT!? Thats dumb, was the first even on the Wii, why they do this?
The first Metal Gear wasn't on the Nintendo 64, but they still made the remake a Gamecube exclusive. The first Perfect Dark wasn't on the Xbox, but they still made Perfect Dark: Zero an Xbox 360 exclusive. All the games in a series don't have to be on one publisher's consoles for a new game to be viable. I'm sure there are many other examples.
And most of those examples proberly could have made more if they crossed platforms, I know porting to others is proberly pricey in terms of development and takes alot of time and effort but it just seems silly to make a sequel to a game that was a PS3/Xbox360 exclusive exclusivly on the WiiU. Just seems like their biting into their fanbase.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Fappy said:
I can understand the rage. I can't think of any franchises that went exclusive in their core line of games after having been multi-platform. It's a win for Nintendo in any case.


I didnt even played the first game, I barely know of it, but this still stands.

This is one of the evilist moves from a company that I have ever seen. Sure, it makes sence for they moneys, but, If I was a fan of their game I would personally hate the games company for QUITE a lot of time. Make the first of a series Multiplatform, then go exclusive? VERY assholeish move.

I emphatise with the fans of the game, althougt I didnt even played it. Its just too evil and definitivly a uber jerkass move!! WTF man. Imagine if your favorite series of games its now, all of a sudden, taken away from you unless you buy X console.

Damn man... just DAMN. The fans have all the rights to get mad at the company, I hope the later either thinks better about this or gets owned by its fans as it deserves.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
all those years of waiting/praying for a sequel and this is what happens there evil i tell you evil


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
So Nintendo are publishing it now? I don't see any problem with that, it's better for it to be a Wii U exclusive than to not exist at all.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Tony2077 said:
maybe i'll get a wii u if it has a normal controller and has enough games i'm interested in i can't get on ps3 or 360 or pc or the ps4 or xbox what ever they call it. which at this point looks about as likely as getting hit by a bus after it does 20 forward flips and go thru the roof of my basement hide out
It does have a regular controller. Look up the ProPad. That, and it works with Wii controllers, too, which means the Classic Controller, in theory, would also work.


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Actually, I still agree with what I said on my previous post...

But some of the comments from the people, including some on this very same thread, are just plain UTTERLY HILARIOUS and I love this controversy just like any other before!...

I still belive its a tad unfair thougt. But oh well. Its also really funny. But unfair. But still funny.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
So the game that had the protagonist getting naked for super attacks and featured you killing both agents of heaven and hell will now be exclusive to a console that appeals to casual and children gamers ok.

On that does that mean with the motion controls you will have players doing stripteases to do special attacks?