Best Boss Battle In A Game


New member
Apr 22, 2008
The Berserker mini bosses in GoW, the end boss of Thief 1, Benezia and the Thorian from ME, Andrew Ryan from BioShock(yes I know you don't fight him), the end boss of Shadow Hearts and Nicholai from the same game, and Emelious from Grandia 3.


New member
May 1, 2008
Fav boss battles?

Chrono Trigger - Kicking Lavos ass finally.

Final Fantasy - Last battle with Sepiroth (Yes I know its guaranteed Omnislash but after all the crap he done in the game he had it coming).


New member
Apr 6, 2008
Anything from the MGS series. Perfect composition of boss fights, even though some tend to fall into the "here's my weak spot, abuse it"-category, they're still better than the majority.
Credit goes to Earthworm Jim 2 as well, for the boss at the end of the first level. Anyone who's played it knows what I'm talking about. Hilarious.


New member
May 5, 2008
Top 5
5) Fontaine/Atlas Returning to what boss battles are about
4) The Final Space invader How many times have I mentioned this in the forums?
3) The Boss before Ganon in Twilight Princess.... the mad one that dances
2) All of the Three Majora forms in Majoras Mask
1) G.L.A.D.O.S who else?

Sasha Janre

New member
Apr 30, 2008
Writerling said:
Oh, crap...I don't like boss battles mostly because they either have "HERE IS MY WEAK SPOT, ATTACK NOW!" red signs everywhere, or "Press X to win. Oh dear, too slow. UP YOURS!" signs. Why cant we have boss battles that involve skill.
My brain is also yelling "Zelda!" becuase although Zelda did have to former mentioned weakpoints, it actually took you a while to figure them out, which made it fun. But I think Gizmaluke from Final Fantasy IX was the best, because it took me ages to work out a strategy, keep going back, level up...wait, that's not fun, lemme think, I think...yeah, the giant lava snake from Wind Waker. I actually enjoyed that.
Gizmaluke is what I dread when I start FFIX over from the beginning since I have no healer. I can't remember what I did, but I stayed where I could heal easily, and raised myself like 15 levels over. The fight I actually enjoyed from FFIX was ... well probably the ones in the beginning in the play where nothing mattered as you just hit SFX. XD


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
...Not a hard boss, but an unexpected (and one of my Favorites). Chopin himself in "Eternal Sonata." You play the game, he's one of the best characters, and then, BAM!, you have to fight him.

I also enjoyed The Kratos v. Zeus fight in GOW2. Epic in all ways. Then we have the Gannon(dorf) fights, which are always fun, though not that hard. Now for the wild-card. That spider disease... thing... in "Trauma Center" (the final form of GUILT, the name of which I can't remember). It was very odd, but memorable. Most of the bosses from "No More Heroes" were also good, though not very difficult (for me).


New member
Jan 25, 2008
GHAAA! I can't believe I forgot about Gilgamesh in FFXII! There's just something about using six swords simultaneously that I can't get enough of. I even have a game saved just before you fight him so I can fight him at will.

Another one worth mentioning is in Xenogears, when you fight Id in Zeboim. He's bloody intimidating after you see what he can do to gears with his bare hands.


New member
May 4, 2008
Nice topic idea.

Andross: Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64)
GLaDos: Portal
Bowser: Super Mario 64 (You throw a giant turtle into a spike...brilliant)
Anything from Zelda
Jack of Blades from Fable is pretty cool. Easy to kill, but still the best evil character in a game I've seen in a while. Maze may as well have had a "I will turn evil by the end of this shit" t-shirt on.
That thing at the end of Condemned was pretty cool too.
And of course, Halo 1 and 3's greatest enemy tag team... time and gravity. DRIVE ***** DRIVE!


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Agent Horrigan, the FEV mutated secret service agent final boss of Fallout 2.

The fight was great, there where so many ways to kick his ass...

-Talk a squad of Power Armor wearing, Plasma Rifle toting soldiers into defecting and helping you fight Horrigan to get to the exit before the Posedion Oil Rig blew sky high.

-If you killed President Baxter earlier, you could use his key-card to over-ride the rig's security systems, initiate an anti-insurgency security protocol, causing all of the nearby auto-turrets to target Horrigan.

-My personal favorite, run up to him and keep using alcohol (Gamma Gulp Beer, Rotgut, etc.) on him. Each one lowered his Perception skill by one point, after about 6-7, Horrigan couldn't shoot the blind side of a barn from 10 paces. So at this point, you could finish him off at your leisure.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
There are quite a few bosses that I'm fond of.
RAAM in Gears was pretty sweet to fight, even if it was a bit on the easy side.
Any boss in Ninja Gaiden 2 wins the prize for most frustrating. There's no way to go back and get more health, so if you used anything up until this point, you're screwed. Plus, the final boss is simply impossible. I don't care who you are, it's a pain in the ass.
Even though they're not boss fights, the Big Daddies in Bioshock were extremely fun to fight. It was fun to find new and inventive ways to battle them.


New member
Apr 12, 2008
I wouldnt call them the best. But I have to say I really enjoy any of the Okami boss fights.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
laikenf said:
I like the Water dungeoun boss in LoZ: TP. That thing was HUGE.

Please, don't use acronyms unless you've already clarified what in the hell it stands for. That's why I listed my favorite as 'Fallout 2' not 'FO2' because 'FO2' means jack to anybody else outside the Fallout community. That being said...

What is 'LoZ:TP'?


Resident Mario sprite
Jun 18, 2008
Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess

My favourite boss has to be Queen Goomha (or whatever she's called), the spider thingy inside the Great Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
I thought of a few, but there are some spoilers.

Metroid Prime from Metroid Prime (surprise, surprise).

The big, black boulder-shooting bug from Pikmin.

All four of the Greater Fiends (including the 2nd time you meet them) from Ninja Gaiden II.

GLaDOS was one of the most fun bosses I've ever faced, party because of the dialogue that Portal's famous for and partly because you still have to think with portals in a fun and challenging way.

Zelda has had some brilliant bosses, but the Nightmares at the end of Zelda: Link's awakening on the game-boy were brilliant.

The alien from Conker's Bad Fur Day.

The Lava Spider (i.e - the first boss) from the original Devil May Cry.