Best Buy Charging $30 Extra for "Updated" Xbox 360


New member
Aug 22, 2006
Xvito said:
... It's called usury, and it's against the law...
I don't think 'usury' means what you think it means. At least not in terms of "law" in the US, or generally in the English language.

While this is somewhat silly, and I find their drawn-on "sticker" entertaining, I feel like they are providing a valid service for a very small minority: the un-internet-able minority. Kind of like Rock Band track packs that are sold on disc, even when all content is available as DLC.

The downside is the percentage of idiots that pay for this "service" when they don't need it. It would be better if they were clear that this is only recommended for people without internet access, and in keeping quiet about it, they are preying on idiots.

It'd be an even better value add if they offered the package as an on-going service: pay 30 extra up front, and bring back your box at any time for future updates. If anything, I'd ding them for a potentially useful idea, implemented in the most money-grubbing, a*****e-ish way possible.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
This actually doesn't surprise me... when I bought my laptop, geek squad said that they could go through it and remove the useless files and increase the speed on the computer for "only $60"... Someone I work will said that all they do is take it to the back and turn it on...


New member
Mar 4, 2009
I meaen I guess if you dont have a connection youd want an updated 360 but I wouldnt want to buy what they call a "brand new xbox" for 30 extra dollars that they opened, connected, then threw back in the box


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I bet Gamestop is kicking itself for not thinking of it sooner.

Or is that where BB got the idea, I haven't been masochistic enough to walk into a Gamestop for a couple of years.


And you are?
Sep 10, 2007
It's not actually that bad. For a lot of people, sure, useless, but if you don't have broadband, or you have crazy internet-paranoid parents who refuse to let you have an online account (a friend of mine suffers from this) then it's pretty nice way to get an updated 360.

George Palmer

Halfro Representative
Feb 23, 2009
Not only are they pulling this shit with the xBox, they are doing it with computers too. I went to buy a laptop. The price was $600. I get to the register they ring it up as $670.

"Oh thats what we charged to update the windows OS"

I've been using computers since the late 70's. I can do that myself. I don't need you to do that. I'll take a laptop without the update.

"Oh we've done it for all the laptops. They ALL come with this upgrade service now."

Ok, then forget it. I will buy my laptop somewhere else.

"Oh...umm...let me get a manager... (1 minute passes)...(manager arrives)it seems we've found a laptop that wasnt updated, your in luck!"

No, your out of luck. Im not falling for this bullshit. You just lost a sale. Try being honest with people next time and not over charging them for something that is pretty much automated on the computer.

And I haven't been back since.

As far as I'm concerned they can go fuck themselves in the ass with a big rubber dick.

silicon avatar

New member
Aug 3, 2009
Let me guess, this is one of those deals where you come home open the box and find a bunch of old newspapers.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
George Palmer said:
Not only are they pulling this shit with the xBox, they are doing it with computers too. I went to buy a laptop. The price was $600. I get to the register they ring it up as $670.

"Oh thats what we charged to update the windows OS"

I've been using computers since the late 70's. I can do that myself. I don't need you to do that. I'll take a laptop without the update.

"Oh we've done it for all the laptops. They ALL come with this upgrade service now."

Ok, then forget it. I will buy my laptop somewhere else.

"Oh...umm...let me get a manager... (1 minute passes)...(manager arrives)it seems we've found a laptop that wasnt updated, your in luck!"

No, your out of luck. Im not falling for this bullshit. You just lost a sale. Try being honest with people next time and not over charging them for something that is pretty much automated on the computer.

And I haven't been back since.

As far as I'm concerned they can go fuck themselves in the ass with a big rubber dick.
Hehe I'm surprised they didn't try to stick you with one of their "warrenty" programs that don't last as long as the standard warrenty the console comes with, nor does it cover everything the standard warrenty does.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
that's stupid , when i bought my ps3 slim on sept 30 , at wal-mart they opened the box to match the serial number to the one on the box and have me confirm it , this ticked me off , the reason ... someone touched my ps3 b4 me , i wonder if that's why it has a freezing problem

Captain Pancake

New member
May 20, 2009
That's highly immoral. I can't believe they could get away with something like that.

Although GAME did get away with selling left 4 dead "Game of the year edition", For the retail price of a new game, bearing in mind that the only extras were those offered for free over steam.

The Lost Big Boss

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Geoffrey42 said:
Xvito said:
... It's called usury, and it's against the law...
I don't think 'usury' means what you think it means. At least not in terms of "law" in the US, or generally in the English language.

While this is somewhat silly, and I find their drawn-on "sticker" entertaining, I feel like they are providing a valid service for a very small minority: the un-internet-able minority. Kind of like Rock Band track packs that are sold on disc, even when all content is available as DLC.

The downside is the percentage of idiots that pay for this "service" when they don't need it. It would be better if they were clear that this is only recommended for people without internet access, and in keeping quiet about it, they are preying on idiots.

It'd be an even better value add if they offered the package as an on-going service: pay 30 extra up front, and bring back your box at any time for future updates. If anything, I'd ding them for a potentially useful idea, implemented in the most money-grubbing, a*****e-ish way possible.
Even if you don't get internet you still get the updates from the games.

OT: This is low, really fucking low. I don't think I will be going to BB again. "Scratches BB off of list next to game stop and wall mart"


New member
Dec 20, 2008
You would think they would at least make a sticker to make it seem professional, but apparently Geek Squad is the AOL of consumer PC repair. That's just loverly.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
well... does anyone remember when the N64 took out a new graphics thingy with the donkey kong game?? they were charging (here in MX) 5 bucks to install it

this doesn´t surprices me at all, some people are really this dumb :p


New member
Jan 3, 2008
Best Buy preys on tech-illiterate people like vultures circling a carcass.

A friend of mine needed her laptop fixed and they wanted to charge her in excess of $200. I take a look, spend 20 minutes on it, and it's as good as new; zero cost to me and a case of beer as repayment.

Lesson: Never go to Best Buy for any tech help(don't get me started on what they call "home theatres"), and if you don't want to learn how to fix it yourself; find a friend who works cheap.


New member
May 23, 2008
I never understood why companies, like BB and GameStop, own huge sectors of the video game industry, but they aren't broken up like other monopolies. I also don't understand why BB and GameStop continue to make money, while other real boutiques and chains like GameCrazy, are closing at record numbers across this country. It blows my mind that people know these mega-companies perform these unscrupulous acts, but they are still supported by consumers. Simply amazing!

This is another reason why I will buy my shiny new Ps3slim on Forget these big-box stores that only care about screwing over the customer. I'll just shop online. At least Amazon has good customer service



Alone Disciple

New member
Jun 10, 2008
For shame Best Buy. You were my favorite electronic chain store, but this 'racket' is just the opposite off consumer friendly and looking out for the customer's best interest.

Unfortunatly there are people out there dumb enough to pay for this, so I suppose you will get some money out of it (which of course you are allowed to do in a free market)...but really?

$30 for something that is 'free' for any semi-literate button pusher...for shame. I lost some respect for you today Big Blue...


New member
Aug 22, 2006
dkuch said:
Even if you don't get internet you still get the updates from the games.
I'd forgotten that new games include those updates, so thank you for pointing that out, but... that assumes that people are buying the newest games. Personally, while I have plenty of internets, I don't buy the newest games. I always wait until the price has dropped significantly. People sans internet are probably likely to do the same.

My point stands that it would be a nice thing for you to be able to bring your machine in and get the newest updates, covered based on your original update/one-time-fee. Same goes for games, which get patched, but lacking an internet connection, makes it more difficult to obtain said patches. I'm still dinging them for their approach, but the service itself has benefits.

galaxygamer said:
I never understood why companies, like BB and GameStop, own huge sectors of the video game industry, but they aren't broken up like other monopolies. I also don't understand why BB and GameStop continue to make money, while other real boutiques and chains like GameCrazy, are closing at record numbers across this country. It blows my mind that people know these mega-companies perform these unscrupulous acts, but they are still supported by consumers. Simply amazing!
Maybe because antitrust legislation doesn't apply to organizations which are not monopolies? The very point you make that you can choose between Best Buy, GameStop, and Amazon when purchasing the items in question (not to mention Wal-Mart, Target, FYE, CostCo, and who knows how many other major chains) proves that they are not monopolies, and don't deserve to be broken up.

You seem easy to amaze.

Alone Disciple said:
$30 for something that is 'free' for any semi-literate button pusher...for shame. I lost some respect for you today Big Blue...
I don't know about you... but I pay nearly $40 a month for the privilege of having access to those 'free' updates over the magical internets.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
cleverlymadeup said:
Xvito said:
... It's called usury, and it's against the law...
no it's not usury, usury has to do with money lending and high rates of interest
Really? Where I'm from it's any form of "charging too much"... I think...

Anyway, I blame the dictionary for giving me the right word for the wrong situation.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
This is a crime! There's actually people who are unaware how easy it is to get the update that would actually pay for this and it's not fair.

But, by all rights, Microsoft should ship new Xbox's (especially Elites) with the newest update already installed. But then again, that would be generous and make their customers a little happier and Microsoft simply isn't capable of that.