Best representation of Lucifer


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Princess Rose said:
To answer your question, my favorite version of the Christian Devil is Samael, the Ha-Satan (Angel of Death) of Adonai who offered apples to Eve, screwed over Job, and had sex with Lilith. He's basically the Jewish Devil - if the kabbalah had a proper devil, that is, which it doesn't, since after being a total ass-hat, Samael keeps getting hit-man jobs from Adonai.
If i'm not wrong (and i don't think i am), question went like this :

What is your favorite media representation of Good'ol Satan?
Where's "media" in your answer ?

OT : Viggo did it very well, but i almost sh*t myself when i realized that his role in second part of Prophecy was reprised by one and only Glenn Danzig. :)
My favorite portrayal of Satan ? "Prophecy" part 4 and 5. This version of devil is different from Viggo's. He is almost sympathetic towards us. Well, at least to some of us.

Edit : One thing more. Mads Mikkelsen. His face is that of the Devil himself.

Daniel Laeben-Rosen

New member
Jun 9, 2010
Hm.. Let's see... While I liked Peter Stormare in Constantine, I liked the comic-version a whole helluva lot better.

I think my favourite would have to be John Glover in Brimstone. Or... pretty much any other time John Glover's played a villain that comes across as slightly satan-y. Which is pretty much all of them. But it's John Glover. And he's awesome.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
As he was portrayed in The Tragedy of Man. From... Madách Imre. Some Hungarian guy, who wrote a play only Hungarians know exists. I don't think the play is all that great, but Lucifer is a very interesting character. Not evil, not even malicious... but very rebellious. And he's not some sort of ex-servant of God: God had nothing to do with his creation. He's doubt, the guy that simply never settles, the one that always needs movement, change. Effectively, he's a personification of humanity's driving force, that is the attempt to better our existence always. Really quite fascinating methinks.


New member
Sep 22, 2009

The Devil from Ghost Rider.
It's basically a rehash of the classcal evil gentleman, but I like it.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
My best liked representation of "Satan" would have to be Lucifer in the fluff of White Wolves World of Darkness (Demon: The Fallen specifically), the first Angel of the First House of Creation who led a rebellion against God because of their love for Humanity. (The gist of it is; God wanted humans to develop their own "conscience", the Angels who had poured everything into creating them were forbidden from directly interacting with the humans. Some high Angel from another House had a premonition of a coming disaster and thinking they had to stop it things quickly spiraled out of control).


New member
Jan 7, 2011
I have to support Mike Carey's continuation of the Sandman series Lucifer. he was an amazing character based on free will against deterministic philosophies who had word as his power when all else failed. I've collected up to volume 8 so far.

Mike Richards

New member
Nov 28, 2009
Best one I've ever come across was from Doctor Who, The Impossible Planet. The whole episode is fantastic, but this is one of the scenes where it really shines.


Princess Rose

New member
Jul 10, 2011
JesterRaiin said:
Princess Rose said:
To answer your question, my favorite version of the Christian Devil is Samael, the Ha-Satan (Angel of Death) of Adonai who offered apples to Eve, screwed over Job, and had sex with Lilith. He's basically the Jewish Devil - if the kabbalah had a proper devil, that is, which it doesn't, since after being a total ass-hat, Samael keeps getting hit-man jobs from Adonai.
If i'm not wrong (and i don't think i am), question went like this :

What is your favorite media representation of Good'ol Satan?
Where's "media" in your answer?
I should have thought that was obvious.

My listed favorite version is in the kabbalah.

The kabbalah is a collection of books. Book is a media.

Just because I went with ancient Jewish mysticism rather than modern popular media doesn't make it any less correct.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Choices, choices...

3) Sheriff Lucas Buck of the television series 'American Gothic'.

I'll be honest, I don't know if Lucas is the devil or merely an agent of 'the dark side', simply because I refuse to watch the episodes made after they got rid of the Dr. Matt Crower character. But from the very beginning of the series you are lead to believe very, very bad things happen rather subtly once you provoke the ire of Sheriff Lucas Buck. The character is suave and full of good old Southern charm and arrogance. He plays people with chessmaster precision and at the end of an episode, no one is left unscathed from his presence. The show had some memorable lines ('...Never let your conscience be your guide.') and quality actors that are still working to this day in the industry. If you never heard of the show, don't feel bad; it had a terrible timeslot on CBS back in the mid-90s and about a third of the series' episodes never made it to the airwaves on CBS. The Syfy Channel shows it on occasion, and the collective DVD series is out there for those interested.

2) Lucifer Morningstar of the comic series 'Lucifer'.

It's been well over twenty years since I touched the Bible, and I had not noticed that Satan was only called Lucifer in the New Testament. Thank you, Wikipedia. All in all, the character is complex, thoughtful and downright ruthless. The ends justify the means and the prices paid are always steep. The supporting characters are refreshing in that they are not treated like background noise and filler that our main character is forced to interact with. They all have their own agendas, and are just as interesting as Lucifer himself. I highly recommend buying the collected volumes of this series.

1) The Devil from the Brendan Fraser/Elizabeth Hurley movie 'Bedazzled'.

I'm sure this nomination will get some groans and boos, but, what the hell. It was a fun movie and instead of portraying Satan as a through and through 100 per cent male; we go 180 to the polar opposite to find the Devil is a beautifully charming and cunning woman. 'I am the Devil! Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness! Well, the Princ-ess of Darkness, anyway.'

The Devil: You know, you'd think that meeting the Devil would be interesting enough but no. All people want to know about is Him. Like He's so bloody fascinating!

Elliot Richards: So He's a man?

The Devil: Yeah, most men think they're God, this one just happens to be right.

The Devil in 'Bedazzled' is what you would expect from your worst nightmare; Always there, always eager to throw your conscience and self-control under the bus and make you sell your soul for a Big Mac and a Coke. She's subtle, crafty and can turn words around faster than a seasoned Dungeons and Dragons master.

Truly, the work of the Devil.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
twistedmic said:
For me it's a toss up between the Lucifer in the 2005 Constantine movie.
Video put into spoiler tags just to be safe
As already mentioned by another Escapist I'm in favor of Lu from Constantine


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
sethzard said:
I would either say Andy Hammilton's depiction in old harry's game
Man, I never thought I'd ever encounter someone else who listened to that...

gunmun said:
I forgot what it was called but I saw this movie where it portrayed the devil as a sexy British woman.
That'd be Liz Hurley in Bedazzled... and that's suddenly a very old film...

Leemaster777 said:
Lets see, there's always THIS:

Damn... I was hoping to post him first...

...but then again, there's THIS:

He's less the devil and more just a resident demon, I think... *shrug* still, considering that film was a 'U', quite creepy...


New member
Sep 14, 2008
The7Sins said:
Him in the Powerpuff Girls cartoon is IMO the best fictional representation of Satan.

Ah, yes. I especially loved as how at times Him seemed omnipotent (one episode where he brainwashed entire town into hating the girls), and at others merely playful (where he "kidnapped" Professor, kept threatening that "he'll pay dearly", and it turned out... they made a bet, and the loser would have to pay for Professor's dinner).

He was really scary, for a kid at the very least.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
gunmun said:
I forgot what it was called but I saw this movie where it portrayed the devil as a sexy British woman.
If that doesn't count than the 'Stranger' from Red Dead Redemption.
Dreiko said:
gunmun said:
I forgot what it was called but I saw this movie where it portrayed the devil as a sexy British woman.
If that doesn't count than the 'Stranger' from Red Dead Redemption.
Devil wears prada? o_O
I assume he means [a

Unless, of course, you really consider Meryl Streep sexy.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
al pacino in devils advocate. the movie itself was easily forgettable. al's performance wasn't.

i mean, come on, he is god damned al pacino. how is this even a question >_<


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Marmooset said:
Tim Curry in Legend, a brilliant combination of makeup and charisma in an otherwise middling film (the gobbo was good, too).
Well someone already beat me to it. Tim Curry from Legend is my favorite as well.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
The devil himself, John Glover, from the TV series 'Brimstone'

Ezekiel Stone: You loved her, didn't you?
The Devil: I never loved anyone but God, and that was a long time ago.

The Devil: If it means anything, I'm sorry. Sort of. Well... no, I'm not.

The Devil: Vanilla? Where's the waitress? I only eat Rocky Road.

Ezekiel Stone: You really push a man to the brink.
The Devil: I am the brink.

The Angel: Yours is a divine purpose, Ezekiel.
Ezekiel Stone: [referring to the Devil] He'd freak if he heard that.
The Angel: Good. Let him freak.

[Going through Stone's mail]
The Devil: Junk mail, mostly. One of my lesser triumphs.

The Devil: I have always advocated family values, all the way back to Cain and Abel.

[Stone meets the Devil in an elevator]
Ezekiel Stone: Going up or down?
The Devil: Guess.

Ezekiel Stone: Why don't you try and just enjoy some of the beautiful things in this world? Just one. Try it on for size.
The Devil: Believe me, it won't fit.

[Stone brushes his teeth]
The Devil: Four out of five dentists surveyed agree, tooth decay is no longer a problem... once you're dead.

Ezekiel Stone: You know, I gotta tell you, I'm getting a little tired of breaking into desks and rifling through filing cabinets. I feel like I'm on a rerun of "Magnum P.I."

[after Stone has sent two souls back to hell]
The Devil: Good work, Ezekiel. Two birds with one "Stone."

[Stone tries to convince the Devil to let him have a car]
Ezekiel Stone: It's not New York any more. Nobody wants to walk around here. Plus, the buses suck.
The Devil: Now wait a minute. Fifteen years in Hell, now you're back on Earth and you're complaining. Oh, because you have to walk. You're not going Hollywood on me, are you, Zeke?

[as Stone goes through someone's mailbox]
Ashe: Pardon me for interrupting you here, but that happens to be a federal crime. Is that within your jurisdiction, too?
Ezekiel Stone: I answer to a lower power.

[about roses]
The Devil: Did you know, the thorns were originally my idea?

The Devil: God's universe is not like the American legal system. You do something, you pay for it.

[the Devil and Stone meet in an elevator for a conference]
The Devil: You know, before they invented the elevator, I had to walk all the way from hell.
Ezekiel Stone: Glad to hear it.
The Devil: Second throughts, Ezekiel?
Ezekiel Stone: Can't you find someone else to torture?
The Devil: Millions of them. They can wait. Everyone's in such a rush. I say, stop and smell the burning flesh of sinners.

Ezekiel Stone: What the hell do you know about love?
The Devil: Love, the most delicious emotion of all. Without love you and I would be out of a job.

[Stone defends killing his wife's rapist]
The Devil: Yes, yes, now that's what I like to hear. The indomitable spirit and righteous indignation of the human species. I've heard it a million times defending a billion atrocities, and it's still music to my ears.

Ezekiel Stone: Do you know anything about faith?
The Devil: Faith? I was present at its creation.

The Devil: Thanks to global warming, it gets more and more comfortable for me up here very day.

Ezekiel Stone: Get out of my head.
The Devil: As if you could wrap your brain in barbed wire to keep me out. That is a delightful image, however.

The Devil: You don't have any friends, Ezekial. You're not only really dead, you're really most sincerely dead.
Ezekiel Stone: Isn't that from "The Wizard of Oz"?
The Devil: I HATE that movie.

[From the opening credits]
Ezekiel Stone: I was a cop. When my wife was raped, I caught the guy who did it, and I killed him. Two months later, I died. I went to Hell. A hundred and thirteen of the most vile creatures... escaped.
The Devil: They think they'll beat the Devil. Nobody beats me!
Ezekiel Stone: So how am I supposed to send them back?
The Devil: The eyes: windows to the soul. Destroy the eyes, and the damned get a one-way ticket back home to Hell. But it's not Hell you should be scared of. It's losing your second chance at life on Earth!
Ezekiel Stone: Time to give the Devil his due!

Father Horn: The Devil, he appears to you as a man?
Ezekiel Stone: Yeah. He looks a lot like a kid I used to beat the crap out of in sixth grade... I'm sure that's on purpose.

[the Devil interrupts Stone as he's having breakfast]
Ezekiel Stone: What do you want?
The Devil: Your every waking moment consumed with holding up your end of our bargain.
Ezekiel Stone: Man's gotta eat.
The Devil: A living man, perhaps. But, for you, this would be classified as recreation. Like those idle thoughts of yours replaying that sweet bygone day over and over. As if, you're expecting a different outcome. Some people would call that insane.
Ezekiel Stone: Yeah? What would they call a conversation with the Devil over breakfast?

The Devil: More tears have been shed for answered prayers than for those that go unheard.

Ezekiel Stone: [reading his own headstone] "Ezekiel Stone, Beloved Husband, Detective NYPD, Died Defending The Citizens Of New York. The City, She Weepeth Sore in the Night, Her Tears Are On Her Cheeks."

The Devil: [mocking Ezekiel Stone for buying flowers for Lt. Ash] Will you listen to yourself? Take your head out of Cupid's ass, Ezekiel. You've got more pressing business to take care of.

Ezekiel Stone: [seeing The Devil disguised as a motorcycle cop] Don't you know it's against the law to impersonate a police officer?
The Devil: What do you think you're doing, Ezekiel? You're impersonating a human being.

Ezekiel Stone: You know, you should be grateful. You should be happy. Every week I send one of your sinners back to Hell. You do nothing but complain.
The Devil: Don't get so cocky, detective! You know what over-confidence leads to, don't you? You get bit in the ass