Best representation of Lucifer


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Gotta go with Milton.

The guy gave Satan the name Lucifer. (in the Bible, Lucifer is just a vain, and human, king of Bablyon)

Hard to be a better representation than the person who gave you the name.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Princess Rose said:
JesterRaiin said:
Princess Rose said:
To answer your question, my favorite version of the Christian Devil is Samael, the Ha-Satan (Angel of Death) of Adonai who offered apples to Eve, screwed over Job, and had sex with Lilith. He's basically the Jewish Devil - if the kabbalah had a proper devil, that is, which it doesn't, since after being a total ass-hat, Samael keeps getting hit-man jobs from Adonai.
If i'm not wrong (and i don't think i am), question went like this :

What is your favorite media representation of Good'ol Satan?
Where's "media" in your answer?
I should have thought that was obvious.
My listed favorite version is in the kabbalah.
The kabbalah is a collection of books. Book is a media.
Just because I went with ancient Jewish mysticism rather than modern popular media doesn't make it any less correct.
Sure, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.


New member
Jan 18, 2010

This. This. A thousand times this. So creepy, and yet so innocent. All in a kids film =D


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I like the devil from the Piers Anthony series The Incarnations of Immortality. Once you read the book centered around him he's and incredibly compelling character and my favorite in the whole series. Also the devil in The Pick of Destiny because David Grohl is the fucking man.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
The typical visual we have of him (horns, goat legs, curly hair and tail) was from being equated to the god Pan. It pains me because Pan is one of my favorite gods (I'm Universalist, so I can believe in all of them, so meh). However, my favorite representation of the devil would either be from Neil Gaiman' Sandman series or from The Passion of the Christ.

In Sandman, he looks just like an angel, albeit with small horns and tattered wings. In the portion I read, he basically gave up on the whole evil thing and closed Hell so that he could go hang at the beach. It really gave me the sense that rather than being the epitome of all evil, he was just another one of God's creations that made a mistake.

Alternatively, in The Passion, he is depicted as a vile and gaunt thing, with clawed feet and fangs; essentially everything I thought Voldemort should look like, and not the pansy that the movies made him into. The depiction is a lot more sinister I think, because of how scary it wasn't. It was corruption incarnate, and not a bestial horror monster. Because, let's face it, if the devil is going to try to get at you, he's not going to make himself unpleasing to the eye.


Oct 6, 2009
For the sake of the argument,

She is by far my favorite representation of Satan and is one of those if not is the only video game movie that DOESN'T SUCK.


New member
May 25, 2010

this. what you really didn't expect to get out of this one family guy free did you? somebody had to do it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Alcohol. /Megadeth.

Seriously though, I haven't seen many representations of Lucifer except in bad Korean musicians, Futurama and the Powerpuff Girls.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Leemaster777 said:
...but then again, there's THIS:

Sorry to be a pedantic dick, but that isn't the Devil. That is Chernabog, though I will admit it is almost a distinction without a difference.

OT: I will have to go with The Prophecy. Mostly because fuck... Viggo Mortenson is just awesome in pretty much anything and plays that role to the fucking hilt.

Also, because he's the only serious portrayal I can even remember, outside of whats-his-face in Ghost Rider and he just did fuck all and was generally boring.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Though it's a tad obscure and not particularly iconic, I really enjoyed the Devil's incarnation in the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Still, my all time favourite has to be...

GothmogII said:
Well, though I haven't read his series proper (the comic book series 'Lucifer'), the Morning-Star's appearances in The Sandman were fun, especially since his look and mannerisms were very slighty modelled on David Bowie.
Agreed. I liked his little roles in Sandman.


New member
May 15, 2010
Illesdan said:
Choices, choices...
2) Lucifer Morningstar of the comic series 'Lucifer'.

It's been well over twenty years since I touched the Bible, and I had not noticed that Satan was only called Lucifer in the New Testament. Thank you, Wikipedia. All in all, the character is complex, thoughtful and downright ruthless. The ends justify the means and the prices paid are always steep. The supporting characters are refreshing in that they are not treated like background noise and filler that our main character is forced to interact with. They all have their own agendas, and are just as interesting as Lucifer himself. I highly recommend buying the collected volumes of this series.
Can't say I've seen your other choices mate, but just for this one alone I might want to check them out. I'd add to the description of Lucifer by seeing in my mind it's always sad to see the number of times a chance to do right comes along...and the Morningstar waves to it as it passes.

One other that I'd like to add:

This is a pic from the stage version of the book Master and Margarita. Like Lucifer, the Devil in this is incredibly complex. If you haven't read the book it's definitely worth a look. Basically he shows up with an entourage in 1930's Soviet Moscow, and proceeds to wreak havoc on the informers, the corrupt, and the party fanatics, with a dash of good deeds and a touch of horror thrown in for good measure. If for no other reason, read it for the wisecracking, walking, talking, vodka drinking black Cat who follows Satan around.

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
thiosk said:
What is your favorite media representation of Good'ol Satan?
I gotta admit, I prefer the devil from Little Nicky, as he's the only one I know of that acts like being the devil is just a day job. During his off hours he's actually a nice guy, the kind who you'd want to hang out with. But when he's on the clock he's the Beelzebub that we all know and fear.

Also, he shoves a pineapple up the butt of Hitler, who's dressed as a french maid. The idea of that alone has made me nearly pass out from laughter.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Constantine's devil was pretty awesomely acted. Not a huge fan of the film, but their version of the devil captured the persona of a crazy, good-humored evil dude who loves what he does. He also gave the impression of being a bit passive about humanity; confidant that the world would be his eventually be his no matter what, without him even having to do anything or get worked up. A mixture of class and evil, if you will.

Also, while Supernatural isn't exactly a masterpiece, their version of Satan being an overpowered brat acting out for his dad's attention was pretty interesting- he was even somewhat disgusted by the demons, still holding god in high regard while resenting humanity. The Devil himself wasn't even in the Bible much, so I figure this portrayal actually makes a bit of sense.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
I have to say Ray Wise from Reaper.
He hates humans.
He appears to be very appealing in personality and voice.
He mentions that he did worship God.
He usually exhibits no powers other than inciting humans to be bad and being able to go anywhere at anytime.
He is extremely treacherous.
His is very proud of himself (his biggest weakness is supposed to be his love for his own reflection).

For some strange reason, these qualities are very similar to how the Devil is described in Islam and the producers mentioned in an interview that they scrapped plans for a god character, which is again in conformation with Islam.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
ReservoirAngel said:
Leemaster777 said:
...but then again, there's THIS:

Sorry to be a pedantic dick, but that isn't the Devil. That is Chernabog, though I will admit it is almost a distinction without a difference.

OT: I will have to go with The Prophecy. Mostly because fuck... Viggo Mortenson is just awesome in pretty much anything and plays that role to the fucking hilt.

Also, because he's the only serious portrayal I can even remember, outside of whats-his-face in Ghost Rider and he just did fuck all and was generally boring.
I'm fully aware of that, but as you said, it's a distinction without a difference.

Call it whatever you like, but it's more or less a representation of the Devil.

Catie Caraco

New member
Jun 27, 2011
Marmooset said:
Tim Curry in Legend, a brilliant combination of makeup and charisma in an otherwise middling film (the gobbo was good, too).
This. Plus, Robert Picardo, aka The Emergency Medical Hologram Mark 1 from Star Trek: Voayger was Meg Mucklebones. So.Awesome.

And hey... I love Legend. The Directors Cut is better but has suckier music, imho.

Catie Caraco

New member
Jun 27, 2011
SckizoBoy said:
sethzard said:
I would either say Andy Hammilton's depiction in old harry's game
Man, I never thought I'd ever encounter someone else who listened to that...

gunmun said:
I forgot what it was called but I saw this movie where it portrayed the devil as a sexy British woman.
That'd be Liz Hurley in Bedazzled... and that's suddenly a very old film...

Leemaster777 said:
Lets see, there's always THIS:

Damn... I was hoping to post him first...

...but then again, there's THIS:

He's less the devil and more just a resident demon, I think... *shrug* still, considering that film was a 'U', quite creepy...
Actually, he's an old god. Chernabolg, I think, is his name, I'm going from memory here. Also, AWESOME. That god made an appearance in American Gods. He's from an Eastern Eurpoean country.. can't remember which one.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
So many Twilight Zone episodes to choose from... Too many. EVERY TWILIGHT ZONE SATAN EVER!