Best Videogame Quote (NO Bioshock)


Oct 26, 2008
It's a nice gun, I'll give you that. But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever, unless you were planning to auction it off as a collector's item. And you're forgetting one more very basic thing... you don't have what it takes to kill me.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
Wierdguy said:
"You know me, I always like to savour the last shot before poping the heat-sink. Wait... that metaphore just went somewhere terrible..."

im comander sheperd and this is my favorit post on this forum:)


New member
May 16, 2011
This is a favorite quote
And it also reminds of this picture i found


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Mar 18, 2009
"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble-gum." by Duke Nukem.

Oh wait. []


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May 6, 2011
A few of my favorites

Your entire life has been a mathematical error... a mathematical error I'm about to correct!

Have I lied to you? ... I mean, in this room?

Look at you, soaring through the air like an eagle... piloting a blimp.

If I were you, I'd take a deep breath. And hold it.

I guess it's not built to accomodate people of your generous-nous.


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Dec 8, 2009
"We're not tools of the government, or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in."- Grey Fox Metal Gear Solid


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Apr 29, 2011
redisforever said:
Any one of Reznov's lines in World at War. They make me feel...strong? I don't know. Gary Oldman is awesome.
My name is Victor Reznov AND I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE! /end drama


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Jun 8, 2010
"We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing west so you may watch your world die." - Legate Lanius.

"Peasant scum!" - Yuan Shao.

Jonathon Tingey

New member
Nov 27, 2010
Some of these have already been said, but:

The following are from Baldur's Gate II:

"I *cannot* be caged. I cannot be controlled. Understand this as you die, ever pathetic, ever fools!"

"I do not remember your love... I have tried to. I have tried to recreate it, to spark it anew in my memory. But it is gone... a hollow, dead thing. For years I clung to the memory of it. Then the memory of the memory. And then nothing."

"Once my hunger for power was everything. And now I hunger only for revenge. And... I... WILL... HAVE IT!"

"He is cold through all the planes... none walk where he does, though they see him not..."
-Aphril, a mad wizardess who can see all planes of reality at the same time, on Irenicus

"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

Basically anything by Irenicus or Minsc.

The following are from KotOR II:

"So you will do nothing? Apathy is death. Worse than death, for at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects."
"Apathy is death."
"Apathy is death."
"Apathy IS DEATH!"
-Visions within a sith tomb on Korriban

Vrook: "You were deafened."
Kreia: "At last, you could hear."
Kavar: "You were broken."
Kreia: "You were whole."
Zez-Kai: "You were blinded."
Kreia: "And at last? you saw."
"Step away! She has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance! You will not harm her. You will not harm her ever again. As you would pass judgment on her, I have come to pass judgment on you all. Do you wish to feel the teachings born of the Mandalorian Wars? Of all wars, of all tragedies that scream across the galaxy? Let me show you?you, who have forever seen the galaxy through the Force. See it through the eyes of the Exile"
-Best moment in the entire series

Basically anything from Kreia or HK-47, also check out the cut content.

The following are from Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

"A dead boar may fall into a stream, putrefy, and corrupt the waters. A dead tree may topple and rot, providing life for a million swarming ants."
-the Wood Man

"...Pain. It surges through bone and blood. It tears at your heart in the place where the shard once was. You struggle to raise your head. A hole has been carved into your flesh, just above your heart, and raggedly stitched by an unskilled hand. Runes dance upon the walls, primitive drawings of men and wild beasts; their eyes are fixed upon you, draining the strength from your aching veins. Something stirs inside you, a presence, a hunger. It is bound, angry, and it cannot escape."

Basically, anything the narrator or the Wood Man say. That expansion was *full* of great quotes and dialogue. Obsidian's good at that. :)


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Mar 6, 2008
vrbtny said:
War. War never changes - Fallout 3

In direct contradiction to the post 2 above...
The funniest variant of that was in Tactics. One of the random encounters is with the four horseman. War says "War, War never changes? Fuck them, they don't know me, I can change."
KanHanderan said:
"Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet."-Meet The Sniper
That's actually a pretty old saying that the Sniper is quoting.

"I always suspected Jesus had ties to organized crime." The Chosen One - Fallout 2

"I work for children. Literally. The Admiral is five. Goddamn nepotism." General Knoxx - Borderlands


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May 31, 2011
"I am the baddest Mac Daddy Gangsta in Stillwater! - Said by Random Homie in Saints Row 2


"My girlfriend's got a great ass and I don't care who knows it!" - Also from Random Homie in Saints Row 2


New member
Apr 28, 2010
headshotcatcher said:
LarenzoAOG said:
headshotcatcher said:
LarenzoAOG said:
headshotcatcher said:
"Whats that up there? I saw a picture once.. Is that.. Is that.. The sky!?! I'll be famous sometime, I saw the sky!"

Oh you cute little rascal you!
Fuck the Metro 2033 kid! That was my least favorite part of the game.
Why? It was rather adorable (since Artyom is quite a lot of a dick himself) and it felt really in place. Plus those creepy crawly things that were in those caves didn't really hurt anyway, I only got killed when trying to save myself and him from those explosives (I wanted to explode them with a grenade before snapping the tripwire, but apparently the grenades made the ceiling collapse, while the huge explosion from those explosive traps didn't.. :p)

Anyway it felt really organic and I was glad enough that he was on my back instead of following me around :p
Firstly, how is Artyom a dick, he's undertaking a perilous journey to save everything he's ever known or loved and more. Also while that chapter was a huge turning point in the story, Artyom's transformation from a boy to a man, a point where he no longer needed protection from others and began to help those weaker than himself, but that kid was also fucking annoying.
Ok, /my/ Artyom's a dick :p but yeah I just felt it was a touching part, and eventhough the voice acting on the kid was kinda bad it (like everything else in the game) just felt so organic and right.. Idk either :p
It would have been a really touching psrt for me if the kids voice wasn't so grating.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
LarenzoAOG said:
headshotcatcher said:
LarenzoAOG said:
headshotcatcher said:
LarenzoAOG said:
headshotcatcher said:
"Whats that up there? I saw a picture once.. Is that.. Is that.. The sky!?! I'll be famous sometime, I saw the sky!"

Oh you cute little rascal you!
Fuck the Metro 2033 kid! That was my least favorite part of the game.
Why? It was rather adorable (since Artyom is quite a lot of a dick himself) and it felt really in place. Plus those creepy crawly things that were in those caves didn't really hurt anyway, I only got killed when trying to save myself and him from those explosives (I wanted to explode them with a grenade before snapping the tripwire, but apparently the grenades made the ceiling collapse, while the huge explosion from those explosive traps didn't.. :p)

Anyway it felt really organic and I was glad enough that he was on my back instead of following me around :p
Firstly, how is Artyom a dick, he's undertaking a perilous journey to save everything he's ever known or loved and more. Also while that chapter was a huge turning point in the story, Artyom's transformation from a boy to a man, a point where he no longer needed protection from others and began to help those weaker than himself, but that kid was also fucking annoying.
Ok, /my/ Artyom's a dick :p but yeah I just felt it was a touching part, and eventhough the voice acting on the kid was kinda bad it (like everything else in the game) just felt so organic and right.. Idk either :p
It would have been a really touching psrt for me if the kids voice wasn't so grating.
Fuck you :D
Hah kidding, well, to each his own, I thought it was awesome and very fitting and it made me want to buy the book :D


New member
Apr 28, 2010
headshotcatcher said:
LarenzoAOG said:
headshotcatcher said:
LarenzoAOG said:
headshotcatcher said:
LarenzoAOG said:
headshotcatcher said:
"Whats that up there? I saw a picture once.. Is that.. Is that.. The sky!?! I'll be famous sometime, I saw the sky!"

Oh you cute little rascal you!
Fuck the Metro 2033 kid! That was my least favorite part of the game.
Why? It was rather adorable (since Artyom is quite a lot of a dick himself) and it felt really in place. Plus those creepy crawly things that were in those caves didn't really hurt anyway, I only got killed when trying to save myself and him from those explosives (I wanted to explode them with a grenade before snapping the tripwire, but apparently the grenades made the ceiling collapse, while the huge explosion from those explosive traps didn't.. :p)

Anyway it felt really organic and I was glad enough that he was on my back instead of following me around :p
Firstly, how is Artyom a dick, he's undertaking a perilous journey to save everything he's ever known or loved and more. Also while that chapter was a huge turning point in the story, Artyom's transformation from a boy to a man, a point where he no longer needed protection from others and began to help those weaker than himself, but that kid was also fucking annoying.
Ok, /my/ Artyom's a dick :p but yeah I just felt it was a touching part, and eventhough the voice acting on the kid was kinda bad it (like everything else in the game) just felt so organic and right.. Idk either :p
It would have been a really touching psrt for me if the kids voice wasn't so grating.
Fuck you :D
Hah kidding, well, to each his own, I thought it was awesome and very fitting and it made me want to buy the book :D
Ha, alright then.

mirror's edgy

New member
Sep 30, 2010
FoAmY99 said:
"We're not tools of the government, or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in."- Grey Fox Metal Gear Solid
I still tear up thinking about that one.
But of course, most of the Gman's lines are still solid gold that send chills up your spine. "Prepare for unforeseen consequences" might be my favorite line from... anything I've ever heard.